CRST 290 Quizzes 1,2,3,4

CRST 290 Quiz 1 Building from a Foundation

  1. Which of the following was one of the post-Fall limitations to human observation?
  2. When we start with God as Creator, and that the creation has indeed been created, then we will encourage higher ethics among scientists.
  3. Peter Lombard had a clear literal view of Genesis 1.
  4. Which Early Church “school” of Biblical interpretation favored an allegorical understanding of Genesis 1?
  5. It seems clear that the Bible’s claims have __________ authority compared to observations made by man.
  6. Scientists and others often enter into disciplines without considering the philosophical foundations and views within the discipline
  7. The early Reformation saw a strong resurgence of a literal understanding of Genesis.
  8. Venerable Beade explicitly rejected a primarily allegorical interpretation of Genesis.
  9. When we start with God as Creator, and that the creation has indeed been created, then this will increase our knowledge of the world, but make synthesis of different branches of knowledge more dicult.
  10. A statement that is considered true before beginning study of some topic is called a(n):
  11. Science primarily developed in which location?
  12. There are no known Early Church authors who believed that the Earth was older than 10,000 years.
  13. According to the “Who believes what?” video, which of the following pairs of origins positions are most dissimilar?
  14. Wise argues that human observation had inherent limitations, even before the Fall.
  15. A creation perspective recognizes that God:
  16. According to the “Who believes what?” video, old-Earth creation holds that the Earth is billions of years old and God has used evolution to produce life on the planet.
  17. Which group is excluded from the “Nature is Designed” bin in the “Who believes what?” video?
  18. Which of the following is NOT one of the arguments used by Dr. Wise that all people have a common knowledge of God:
  19. True or False: The Bible provides truth in theological and spiritual areas, but not in scientific and historical areas.
  20. According to the “Who believes what?” video, which of the following pairs of origins positions are most similar?
  21. Taking a face-value reading of the genealogies of Adam through Noah in Genesis, people lived:
  22. When God created us, He created us with the ability to construct our own wrong ideas and beliefs.
  23. A “historico-grammatical” interpretation of scripture takes the meaning of the text as plainly understood, given context, language, and author intent.
  24. What did Venerable Beade believe about Genesis 2?
  25. The main stream of understanding Genesis 1 favored allegorical interpretations of much of Genesis 1 and 2.

CRST 290 Quiz 2 Maker of Heaven and Earth

  1. God provided His own witness to the timing of creation. This means that he is not guilty of:
  2. A straightforward reading of the Bible indicates that creation took place about ________ years ago.
  3. How many days in Genesis 1 discuss the creation of the heavens and its contents (planets, stars, etc.). Exclude Earth from this count.
  4. Which of the following is an example of a miracle that included creating something that looked older than it really was:
  5. To exist, a universe such as ours requires a creator that is:
  6. The use of jussives indicate what kind of statements by God?
  7. One of the great advantages of observational sciences involves:
  8. Creationist D. Russell Humphreys successfully predicted that be magnetic reversals could be “frozen” within what types of rocks?
  9. In a discussion of the creation of the sun, it was mentioned that light from the sun’s surface takes __________ to reach Earth.
  10. Physical constants, like the value for the force of gravity or the strength of atomic forces, can fluctuate significantly. This shows that the universe is ne-tuned for life.
  11. On which day were the heavenly bodies (the sun, moon, stars, and planets) created?
  12. Which passage from the Ten Commandments points to creation in six days as we experience days?
  13. Some radioactive dating methods, like K/Ar (potassium-argon) assume that when lavas first solidify, there is ______ argon. It appears that there is _________ argon when they solidify.
  14. Some appearance of age in creation is reasonable and expected. For example, the shells of sea animals like clams and snails would look like they lived in them their whole life.
  15. The multiverse hypothesis assumes that the different laws of chemistry and physics will allow life to exist in each universe.
  16. Which of the following is NOT one of the features of water that make it possible for life to exist?
  17. Which of the following is evidence that the days of Genesis 1 should be recognized as 24-hour days?
  18. Which passage of scripture reminds us that God has shown Himself and His attributes to all people?
  19. Which time period has no connection to the movement of Earth through space, or of other heavenly bodies with respect to earth?
  20. Historical sciences are most similar to:
  21. Earth is the only planet that has which material necessary for life in great abundance?
  22. Peter writes in II Peter that Jesus’ return and final judgement will really happen because of which past event:
  23. Which of the following is an example of a miracle that included creating something that looked older than it really was:
  24. According to measurements, how long would it take to get the oceans to their present saltiness if they started with no salt? The answer is much less than the age of the planet accepted by most geologists.
  25. According to Dr. Wise, a face-value examination of the creation suggestion that it is millions or billions of years old

CRST 290 Quiz 3 Meaning of Genesis 1-9

  1. A condition where someone holds two contradictory views at the same time is called:
  2. Which view holds Genesis 1 speaks of 24 hour days but also arms evolutionary practices?
  3. According to the Hebrew scholar in Is Genesis History?, which other genealogies in the Bible depended on Genesis for their recording of names?
  4. Who is the host of the film Is Genesis History?
  5. The discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bone indicates that:
  6. Which view is concerned with the origins of the biblical texts?
  7. Which expert in Is Genesis History? ran a dinosaur dig in Wyoming?
  8. Robert Carter used which group of animals to show the combination of similarity and differences of parts of the different animals’ bodies?
  9. sedimentation at a dinosaur dig site.
  10. Biblical scholars developed which view of scripture in the mid- 1800s that saw the Bible as compilation or sources with numerous errors in it?
  11. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Robert Carter said that animals were created in such a way that they can adapt to their surroundings.
  12. Which expert in Is Genesis History? described the complexity of DNA in four dimensions?
  13. Jose de Acosta was a missionary and naturalist who served in which South American country?
  14. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Steven Austin pointed out that the Tower of Babel was likely located in the ancient city of Ur.
  15. Ross discussed a pattern in the fossil record that was very unexpected from an old-Earth paradigm. Which of the following was it?
  16. In discussing marriage and divorce with the Pharisees in Matthew 19, Jesus discusses which biblical couple?
  17. According to creation-based scientific studies, Neanderthals appear to be humans (descendants of Adam and Eve).
  18. According to the astronomy expert in Is Genesis History?, one way that distant starlight could reach Earth is by:
  19. Which literary term refers to the comparison of Noah to Adam?
  20. Which philosopher grouped interactions between science and religion into four categories (conflict, independence, dialogue, and synthesis)?
  21. Faced with animals in South America never seen by Europeans, Jose de Acosta reasoned that these animals migrated to South America from Noah’s ark after the Flood.
  22. Which view believes factual errors exist in the Bible?
  23. The “Adoremus” sections of The Quest were inspired by Dr. Wood listening to a Latin version of which Christmas hymn?
  24. Noah’s Flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights.
  25. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that Noah is compared to Adam?

Set 2

  1. What was the fourth dimension of DNA organization?
  2. Jose de Acosta was a missionary and naturalist who served in which South American country?
  3. When looking at the sediments in the Grand Canyon and those nearby, it appears that:
  4. The “Adoremus” sections of The Quest were inspired by Dr. Wood listening to a Latin version of which Christmas hymn?
  5. Which expert in Is Genesis History? introduced the ideas of “epochs” of Earth History (the Creation Epoch, the Edenian Epoch, the Antediluvian Epoch, etc.)
  6. Kevin Anderson discovered and described original soft tissue from which type of fossil?
  7. Noah’s Flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights.
  8. In which Epoch of Earth history did the Ice Age occur?
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that Noah is compared to Adam?
  10. Which literary term refers to the comparison of Noah to Adam?
  11. In discussing marriage and divorce with the Pharisees in Matthew 19, Jesus discusses which biblical couple?
  12. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Steven Austin pointed out that the Tower of Babel was likely located in the ancient city of Ur.
  13. According to creation-based scientific studies, Australopithecus afarensis appears to be human (descendants of Adam and Eve).
  14. Which view holds Genesis 1 speaks of 24 hour days but also affirms evolutionary practices?
  15. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. George Grant argued that removing the early passages of Genesis from history will damage social structures such as the family.
  16. According to creation-based scientific studies, Neanderthals appear to be humans (descendants of Adam and Eve).
  17. The discovery of which new fossil hominid led Dr. Wood to re-evaluate his study on human origins?
  18. Creationists refer to groups of animals, plants, or other organisms that appear related to each other as
  19. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Danny Faulkner noted that the Biblical record of creation in Genesis matched the Big Bang history proposed by most astronomers.
  20. Biblical scholars developed which view of scripture in the mid-1800s that saw the Bible as compilation or sources with numerous errors in it?
  21. Wood describes a “quest” as:
  22. Which of the following pairs is the set of paradigms compared in Is Genesis History?
  23. Which expert in Is Genesis History? described the complexity of DNA in four dimensions?
  24. Which view believes factual errors exist in the Bible?
  25. Which expert in Is Genesis History? talked about how the Hebrew language pointed to “yom” being a 24-hour day?

CRST 290 Quiz Creation and Biology

  1. Distinct metabolisms seen among bacteria may be used to identify groups that were separately created from each other.
  2. Hans Madueme’s “dogmatic creationism” position states that there are good reasons to think young-Earth creation is true, even if current young-Earth models are incorrect.
  3. Which term refers to a group of organisms that are known to be continuous with each other?
  4. What is the Hebrew word that is translated as “man”?
  5. Language and culture were given to _________, not ___________.
  6. The Bible tells us that which of the following are given the “Image of God”?
  7. The concept that sin has had some effect our ability to think is referred to as the “___________” effects of sin.
  8. Which New Testament passage links the Fall to bringing pain and death into the entire world (a “cosmic Fall”)?
  9. In non-bacterial life forms (plants, animals, fungi), DNA is found in the cell nucleus.
  10. Which of the following is NOT a component of natural selection?
  11. Which scientist coined the term “baramin” (“created kind”)?
  12. Which of the following was NOT one of the questions about young- Earth creation addressed by Hans Madueme in his video lecture?
  13. Which scientist and Jesuit priest believed that God created groups of life separate from others and allowed for limited evolution within those groups?
  14. At which points in creation history would God’s original designs in organisms likely seen changes?
  15. It appears that the term “Image of God” includes both spiritual as well as physical similarity between God and man.
  16. The Gaia Hypothesis tells us that :
  17. The command to care and steward the creation was:
  18. Unlike larger organisms, single-cell organisms do not need to identify energy sources and chemicals from the environment around them.
  19. “_________________” naturalism is the term that describes an approach to that, as a practical purpose, requires supernatural explanations to be excluded from our scientific explanations.
  20. Plants were created on which day of creation?
  21. It appears that nature is built so that there is:
  22. The Anthropic Principle tells us that :
  23. Han Madueme argued in his video that humans evolved from ape- like ancestors, and that at some point in this process God gave humans a soul.
  24. Which term refers to a group of organisms that are known to be discontinuous with each other?
  25. Which term refers to structures or features in an organism that appear to be not well-designed?

Set 2

  1. The name for God used in Genesis 2 when God creates man in His image is:
  2. According Hans Madueme’s presentation, animal death is not connected to Adam’s fall.
  3. Which of the following is NOT one of the language-type characteristics of DNA?
  4. Which of the following is NOT a component of natural selection?
  5. A cellular machine that has a large number of parts, each one necessary in order to perform the machine’s function, is called “_______________ complex.”
  6. The command to care and steward the creation was:
  7. It appears that the term “Image of God” includes both spiritual as well as physical similarity between God and man.
  8. What is the Hebrew word that is translated as “man”?
  9. The Gaia Hypothesis tells us that :
  10. Frank Marsh coined the term baramin to describe a created “kind”.
  11. Which scientist coined the term “baramin” (“created kind”)?
  12. The idea that a developing organism follows a path similar to its supposed evolutionary history is called:
  13. The different “extreme” environments that some bacteria live in include which of the following?
  14. The DNA molecule is made up of letter-like units called:
  15. Language and culture were given to _________, not ___________.
  16. Biologists often separate species on the basis of whether the individuals in them mate with each other.
  17. Han Madueme argued in his video that humans evolved from ape-like ancestors, and that at some point in this process God gave humans a soul.
  18. Biologists often study organisms as if they were designed for efficiency and perfection.
  19. Three from the following (M. Ross video “What Darwin Got Right”)
  20. “Recapitulation” is the study of similar structures in similar positions among organisms that may or may not have very different functions.
  21. The concept that sin has had some effect our ability to think is referred to as the “___________” effects of sin.
  22. Kurt Wise coined the term baramin to describe a created “kind”.
  23. Of the following, what would be the best evidence that two organisms belong to the same baramin?
  24. While DNA is a fantastically complex structure, the cellular machinery that copies, edits, and fixes is are surprisingly simple
  25. The virus is the smallest unit of life.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. CRST 290 Quiz Building
  2. CRST 290 Quiz Creation
  3. CRST 290 Quiz 4 Creation
  4. CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis
  5. CRST 290 Quiz 2 2023
  6. CRST 290 Quiz Maker of Heaven
  7. CRST 290 Quiz 4 2022