CRST 290 Quiz Geology
CRST 290 Quiz Geology and Physical Geography
Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6.
- Prior to the Flood, the world’s oceans were likely:
- Using radioactive isotopes to date rocks is a form of ___________ time dating.
- The Book of Genesis tells us that the Edenian Epoch lasted 40 years.
- Carbon-14 decays by half at what rate?
- When did carnivory (animals eating other animals) likely get introduced to the world?
- Which rule in geology tells us that layered rocks were first deposited as wide, at sheets?
- The destruction of the floating forest biome during the Flood can explain:
- Carbon-14 leaves your body through:
- Scientists compare the amount of ________________ with the amount of ____________ to construct a carbon date.
- Which types of rocks are formed by the settling of sand, silt, or mud, which then harden to layers of stone?
- Carbon-14 has been found in which geological materials that are supposedly “too old” for carbon-14 to be there?
- In the Book of Ezekial, God’s curse on the king of __________, appears to extend further to apply to Satan
- Dinosaur fossils are most often found with what types of plants?
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics was introduced at the Fall.
- It appears that the greatest difference in the Edeneian Earth may have been the absence of geological evil.
- On which day of Creation Week were dinosaurs created?
- The lifespans of people during the Antediluvian Epoch is best attributed to:
- The mention of “waters above the heavens” in Psalm 148 means that:
- Geologists are able to directly date fossils and determine its numerical age (such as 68 million years or 150 million years).
- What rose up to water the Earth in the beginning of Genesis 2?
- Which of the following is NOT one of the parameters needed to overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
- The Edenian Epoch was marked by the absence of natural evil.
- When did God tell Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the Earth”?
- Carbon dating of fossils have shown that the fossils are much younger than assumed by old-Earth geologists.
- Which child of Adam and Eve was born during the Edenian epoch?