CRIS 607 Quiz 2 Trauma, Addiction
CRIS 607 Quiz 2: Trauma, Addiction, and Suicide
- Which of the following was not given as a sign of suicide crisis?
- Trauma Reactions are the way the mind and body tells a person that there is ___________________ inside, according to Dr. Laaser.
- Which of the following is not a function of the prefrontal cortex, as mentioned in the video? Correct!
- According to Dr. Laaser, intimacy problems in a marriage are the result of addiction.
- According to Dr. Ellers, it is acceptable for a caregiver to ask a person “ Have you been thinking of hurting or killing yourself?”
- According to Dr. Ellers, there is a common myth that people who intend to commit suicide do not _____________ about their intentions.
- Which of the following is an example of effective intervention?
- According to Dr. Ellers, there are only a select few life events that can trigger suicide, and counselors need to be aware of each of these.
- If a suicidal person expresses confidence in a specific caregiver, the helper should remain the only person helping, according to Dr. Ellers.
- The addiction cycle begins with ________________________.
- Which of the following is true, according to Dr. Ellers?
- According to Dr. Ellers, emotional crisis that usually precedes suicide is usually not treatable.
- is an ability to literally leave the body and be mentally and spiritually distant, absent, or gone.
- Laaser discussed the circle pattern in the video, which refers to neurochemistry of the brain in a person who has PTSD.
- Trauma shame is the feeling that old behavior is safer than new behavior.
- Addiction must be assessed from a __________________ perspective, according to Dr. Laaser.
- According to Dr. Laaser, stopping an addiction is only the beginning of the healing journey.
- Which of the following encompasses the first criteria for addiction?
- Unrelenting low mood, sleep problems, making a plan, and giving away prized possessions are all ________________ of suicide.
- According to Dr. Ellers, a time limited occurrence that signals immediate danger that suicide may be imminent is known as a