CRIS 303 Research Paper
CRIS 303 Research Paper Liberty University
The student will build a 1250-2000-word Research Paper that summarizes and discusses acute stress response. Over the duration of the course, the student will build and submit his/her paper in current APA format in 3 parts: creating a title page, purpose statement, outline, and reference document, creating an annotated bibliography, and submitting his/her final paper. The Research Paper will include a reference page with at least 5 outside sources as well as course texts and Scripture. All outside sources must be scholarly in nature and must have been published in the last 5 years. Use of “pop culture” resources such as Psychology Today or websites that cannot be clearly classified as scholarly is not permitted.
Title, Purpose, Outline, and References
The student will compose the title page, write a purpose statement for the paper and include an outline and three references for the paper. The student will have access to interactive tutorial exercises to help him/her master current APA title page formatting.
Annotated Bibliography
The student will compose an annotated bibliography for the Research Paper. The student will compile a list of at least 5 scholarly sources (this number will not include the required texts or Bible) and that would be considered current (published within the last 5 years) in current APA format. Each source citation must be accompanied by a brief paragraph (100–150 words) summarizing what the source is about and the relevant information it brings to your paper. The student will have access to interactive tutorial exercises to help him/her master current APA reference page formatting.
Final Submission
Utilizing information presented in this course, as well as theoretical and practical elements from academic and Christian sources, the student will compile an original Research Paper of 1250-2000 words of body text in current APA formatting. The Research Paper must include a current APA title page, abstract, and reference page and contain a minimum of 5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbooks and Scripture. Course materials and Scripture cannot be relied upon for major sections in the paper, with the exception of the biblical integration section. The body of the paper will summarize and discuss the various symptoms of acute stress reactions, acute stress disorder (as well as the difference between the two), the diagnostic guidelines, and effective treatment strategies. The student will submit this assignment to SafeAssign to check for potential plagiarism and will be granted 1 draft submission to help him/her gauge the validity of his/her work. (MLO: A, B, C, D, H, J, K, L)