COUC 667 Quiz Treatment Planning

COUC 667 Quiz: Treatment Planning

  1. Which one of these is not a Christian counseling integration view noted by Tan?
  2. True or False. The Bible is exhaustive and comprehensive when applying to Christian counseling according to Tan.
  3. True or False. Tan notes when attempting Christian integration with a secular theory (e.g., CBT, DBT, existentialism, feminism), the Christian counselor needs to evaluate the secular theory principles against Scriptural truths before applying.
  4. Which of the following statements are true according to Tan (click all that apply)?
  5. A Christian counselor is working with a client to overcome painful memories via prayer. Tan would consider this approach as
  6. According to Tan, which of the following are types of prayer:
  7. Which one of these theories may be better adapted to implicit integreation according to Tan?
  8. Which of the following would be considered “Christian spiritual disciplines” that a counselor can apply to their life or as an intervention when working with a client (click all that apply)?
  9. Which of the following could be “spiritual” issues in a session (click all that apply)?
  10. When developing a treatment plan which is the first step according to Switzer and Rubin?
  11. Which of the following are outcome measurements (click all that apply)?
  12. Click all of the following which are true about treatment planning according to Switzer and Rubin.
  13. When identifying clinical target areas for treatment planning which of the following are true (click all that apply)?
  14. True or False. According to Switzer and Rubin, treatment planning is not a theory driven process.
  15. Which of the following (click all that apply) are aspects of a treatment (tx) plan according to Switzer and Rubin?
  16. Which one of the following would be an “improvement” goal for treatment planning?
  17. Which one of the following would dene “necessity” goal?
  18. Which of one of the following is true of treatment goals?
  19. When conducting a clinical assessment, for the DSM-5, it is important to gain information for the following (click all that apply).
  20. Switzer and Rubin note which of the following as limitations to the DSM-5
  21. During the introduction stage, clients should be informed of everything EXCEPT which of the following?
  22. Ricardo says that his main problem is his chemistry professor. He says that she makes his life miserable on purpose and if he could only change majors or get a different professor his life would be great. Ricardo could be described as a(n) ___________________ client.
  23. The opening statement of the therapist should consist of:
  24. Therapists practicing from a __________ or __________ perspective tend to reject the concept of personality and believe that behavior is the function of a situation or a person’s cognitions about a situation.
  25. Which of the following is least likely to be required information to evaluate a client’s problem in most situations?
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. COUC 667 Quiz Treatment Planning
  2. COUC 667 Treatment Planning B Quiz
  • Liberty University