COMS 101 Discussion Board 3

COMS 101 Discussion Board 3 Liberty

This assignment challenges you to report to your classmates via a written Discussion Board Forum post the anticipated topic, general purpose statement, specific purpose statement, and thesis statement for both your Informative Speech and your Persuasive Speech; you are also to identify expert sources that you will consult in your quest to find supportive information for these speeches. The assignment also challenges you to help 3 or more classmates by posting constructive feedback to their reports.

Carefully read the instructions for both speeches. For the thread, begin by presenting the Informative Speech’s items first: the topic, general purpose statement, specific purpose statement, and thesis statement (see pp. 580–583). Then, identify by author name and title 3 expert sources that you will consult in your quest to find supportive information as you prepare this speech. You must also explain why each of these sources qualifies as an expert source.

In the next part of your thread, present the Persuasive Speech’s items: the topic, general purpose statement, specific purpose statement, and thesis statement. Then, identify by name and title 4 expert sources that you will consult in your quest to find supportive information as your prepare this speech. You must also explain why each of these sources qualifies as an expert source.

Note that citing these sources in Discussion Board Forum 3 does not obligate you to use them later in the speech presentation itself. You might find better sources than these as you continue your research and speech preparation during the next several modules/weeks.

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  1. COMS 101 DB3