CJUS 620 Quiz 6

CJUS 620 Quiz 6 Liberty University

CJUS 620 Quiz: Correctional Psychology

  1. What stage is marked by an intense immobilizing fear?
  2. What stage is marked by acting-out behaviors such as aggression, violence, and crime?
  3. What type of abuse results from the prison’s policies and lack of adequate funding?
  4. This aspect of control is the person’s perceived ability to make things happen as planned is called what?
  5. All of the following are examples of community corrections EXCEPT:
  6. With regard to healthcare, which of the following is NOT one of the basic rights guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court?
  7. The MMPI would be considered which of the following types of test?
  8. Currently there are how many prison inmates aged 55 or older in the U.S.?
  9. A nationwide effort begun in the 1950s to move the severely mentally ill out of state institutions and into community-based rehab programs was referred to as what?
  10. According to CBT, all the following are characteristics of distorted thinking EXCEPT:
  11. Discuss the differences between “retribution theory” and “utilitarian theory” in corrections.
  12. Discuss Hayes’ (2005) guidelines for preventing suicide among correctional inmates.


  1. Which riot was blamed on overcrowding and racial tensions?
  2. All of the following are examples of community corrections EXCEPT:
  3. Unseem & Kimball’s Model argues that there are two factors needed to explain the causes of a prison riot: inclination to riot and what else?
  4. Difficulties becoming autonomous and showing a chronic state of helplessness is what?
  5. What stage is marked by acting-out behaviors such as aggression, violence, and crime?
  6. With regard to healthcare, which of the following is NOT one of the basic rights guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court?
  7. Which of the following disorders involves a persistent pattern of maladaptive behavior by a child in which social norms and rules are violated?
  8. How long does a typical cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program run?
  9. The landmark legal case that defined an inmate’s rights regarding psychiatric care was which of the following?
  10. According to your book, what percentage of jail suicides are committed by Caucasians?
  11. Discuss the major symptoms of post-incarceration syndrome (PICS).
  12. Discuss Hayes’ (2005) guidelines for preventing suicide among correctional inmates.

Other set

  1. A tendency to resort to violence with minimal provocation is indicative of which level of Prisonization?
  2. Theory of punishment that focuses on deterrence is called what?
  3. All of the following are examples of community corrections EXCEPT:
  4. Theory of punishment that promotes the idea of “an eye for an eye” is called what?
  5. This aspect of control is the person’s perceived ability to make things happen as planned is called what?
  6. Which of the following statements is true about reintegrating elderly inmates back into the community?
  7. A nationwide effort begun in the 1950s to move the severely mentally ill out of state institutions and into community-based rehab programs was referred to as what?
  8. Which of the following measures is used to complete a risk assessment?
  9. A woman’s pathway into the correctional system typically involves all the following EXCEPT:
  10. Current estimates place the number of youth incarcerated on a daily basis at which of the following?
  11. Discuss the phenomenon of “deindividuation” and how it relates to the prison riot.
  12. Discuss the constitutionally guaranteed rights a prison inmate enjoys with regard to healthcare.
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  1. CJUS 620 Quiz 6
  2. CJUS 620 Quiz 6 2022
  3. CJUS 620 Quiz 6 2022 Correctional
  • Liberty University