CJUS 362 Quiz Week 5

CJUS 362 Quiz Week 5

  1. Superglue fuming as a fingerprinting process is an effective on-scene technique primarily because it stabilizes the latent prints on a variety of surfaces.
  2. Broad band blue lights have exactly that a broad pass band, typically 400″s to 500″s , thus they respond to a broader range of substances. This makes them a very useful general crime scene search tool.
  3. In western culture, the earliest record of the study of the patterns on human hands comes from:
  4. Once completely set, Livor Mortis remains constant in the body.
  5. Blood will brightly fluoresce when exposed to Ultra Violet light.
  6. A major factor affecting algor mortis is environmental conditions.
  7. Which type of loop open towards the little finger?
  8. Both blood and gunshot residues absorb IR light very effectively, which means they will darken when exposed to the IR, while other substrates may lighten.
  9. In 1888, Sir Francis Galton, along with Sir E.R. Henry developed the classification system for fingerprints that is still in use today in:
  10. Which of the following fingerprinting techniques are considered to be normal “on-scene” techniques:
  11. Fingerprint collection began in 1856 by:
  12. Multiple Choice. A “blue light” is an effective crime scene tool that provides the following capabilities:
  13. Fluorescent fingerprint powder provides greater contrast between the background and the latent print. It is effective on multi-colored surfaces (e.g. a magazine cover).
  14. An alternate light source (ALS) can be used in the following ways
  15. Identification initially used as a means of filing and retrieving known prints. The basic patterns: arch, loop, and whorl provided the means of making this classification.
  16. The two methods used for casting snow print impressions include sulfur casting, standard dental stone (mix and pour) or dry casting (sifting) of dental stone.
  17. The steps used to locate fingerprint evidence in fire scene evidence include all the following except:
  18. Fingerprinting technique is based on the surface being examined. The four basic surface types include all the following except:
  19. When searching for hairs and fibers it is best to use a variety of bandwidths.
  20. Rigor mortis is a condition observed in the corpse where the muscles stiffen for a period of time.
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  1. CJUS 362 Quiz Week 5