CJUS 362 Quiz Week 4

CJUS 362 Quiz Week 4

  1. Any observation made at the crime scene and recorded in notes could be of significance at a later date.
  2. Running commentary on the audio track of the video photography by the crime scene investigators is a standard and functional crime scene practice.
  3. Triangulation on a baseline is primarily used as an interior scene mapping method.
  4. The major problems associated to crime scene photography include:
  5. The baseline mapping method is effective when presented with an exterior scene with few landmarks.
  6. The essential elements of the crime scene sketch include:
  7. A photograph might create an identification problem by taking two close-up photographs of similar objects but with no photo placard or evidence identification marker.
  8. Crime scene technicians must retain crime scene notes even after the crime scene report is completed because they are a contemporaneous record of the crime scene effort and are often more detailed than the synopsized crime scene report.
  9. The function of an evidence establishing shot is to frame the evidence with a scale of reference.
  10. Notes by the crime scene technician become unnecessary when good photographs and sketches are completed as a part of the scene processing.
  11. Lacking a strobe light for the video camera, the use of a flashlight will suffice and allow the crime scene investigator to functionally video dark areas in the scene.
  12. The crime scene report should not include which of the following
  13. Although the rough sketch created at the crime scene it not intended to be a work of art, it is expected to reflect the layout and orientation of the scene
  14. Crime scene notes must be retained even after creating the crime scene report.
  15. The five essential elements of the crime scene sketch include all the following except:
  16. The two variations in creating a sketch that will effectively allow the crime scene technician to document evidence on vertical objects include ______________ and
  17. The use of photo placards in a second series of overall photographs can significantly reduce the problems associated with creating evidence establishing photographs.
  18. Baseline mapping most effective for exterior scenes in which there are no evident landmarks.
  19. It is important to document investigative efforts that fail to produce evidence because it thwarts defense counsel from making wild and unsubstantiated claims about evidence that was “missed” by the crime scene technician.
  20. The function of a photo log is to keep a record of what photographs were taken and why.
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  1. CJUS 362 Quiz Week 4