CJUS 362 Midterm

CJUS 362 Quiz Midterm

  1. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) help control scene integrity with regard to any police supervisors on scene and reminds supervisors that the crime scene is a dangerous place and forces them to reconsider if they truly need to enter.
  2. Field notes are a contemporaneous record of the crime scene investigators actions.
  3. A photograph might create a confusion problem by taking a photo of an area unaltered, then moving an object and creating a second photo from the same position showing the scene in the altered state.
  4. People are always shedding cells. Therefore DNA can be recovered from:
  5. The purpose of an evidence establishing photograph is to depict an item of evidence framed in such as way as to include evident landmarks from the scene.
  6. The activity of searching the scene is accomplished in several stages. Initial searches are visual, while later searches are physical.
  7. The use of photo placards in a second series of overall photographs can significantly reduce the problems associated with creating evidence establishing photographs.
  8. Rynearson and Chisum identified five ways in which context manifests itself in the crime scene, which include all the following except,
  9. The crime scene investigator serves his community and has only one master, the truth.
  10. The first to arrive at a crime scene are usually:
  11. Manydyesandotherhairtreatmentswillfluoresceunderacertaincolor(wavelength)oflight. Ina fluorescencemicroscope,abeamoflightofacertainwavelengthisused. Ifthesamplecontains particularchemicals,itwillabsorbsomeofthelightandthenreemitlightofadifferentwavelength. This is called:
  12. Every action taken in the crime scene alters or disturbs the scene in some fashion. It is impossible to process the scene without altering it.
  13. Name a method of separating molecules, such as DNA, based on their size.
  14. Ninety-five percent of DNA is non-coding. What term describes non-coding DNA that acts as genetic “on-an-off” switches?
  15. Multiple Choice. During initial observations, the crime scene technician accomplishes an initial scan of the scene, this includes:
  16. It is important to document investigative efforts that fail to produce evidence because it thwarts defense counsel from making wild and unsubstantiated claims about evidence that was “missed” by the crime scene technician.
  17. In using rectangular coordinates, two measurements are made from the item of evidence at right angles to surrounding walls.
  18. During the approach to the scene the initial responding officer must consider a variety of threats including: man-made hazards, natural hazards and possible on-scene suspects.
  19. The underlying method of both Polar Coordinates and Total Station systems is based on land surveying techniques.
  20. The five basic patterns used to search a crime scene include all the following, except:
  21. To calculate the percentage of people who have a particular allele, population studies are conducted to collect data.
  22. The terms grid, linear, quadrant, zone, and spiral are typically used to describe datum points.
  23. There are generally three debriefings that occur during a crime scene processing. The first is the initial debriefing by the first responding officer to the crime scene team.
  24. The central core of a hair fiber is called the ______
  25. Hair proceeds through __________three________ stages as it develops.
  26. What material is used to isolate and cut DNA?____________________________________________.
  27. Notes and crime scene reports share some common characteristics, these include
  28. Although the rough sketch created at the crime scene it not intended to be a work of art, it is expected to reflect the layout and orientation of the scene
  29. The forensic linkage triangle consists of the suspect(s), victim(s) and scene(s). Physical evidence serves to connect or show a link between any two of these components.
  30. Forensic analysis of a pistol casing includes evaluating:
  31. Personal Protective Equipment includes eye protection, inhalation protection, liquid contact protection.
  32. Three critical mistakes that occur when using video cameras in the crime scene include all the following except:
  33. Evidence that (if authentic) supports an alleged fact of a case is called direct evidence.
  34. The six basic processes accomplished during crime scene processing include the following, except:
  35. According to the text, physical evidence will never lie. It can be misinterpreted, misunderstood, but unlike testimonial evidence it is real and tangible.
  36. Zone search is most useful in confined spaces – such as vehicle.
  37. A first recheck is a visual search, in which items are not moved or altered.
  38. The inner most perimeter which defines the true crime scene is the only perimeter that must have an entry control log
  39. The 95 percent of noncoding DNA is involved in:
  40. Prior to placing a corpse in a body bag, some of the documentation efforts the technician should consider are all the following, except:
  41. The two primary goals of concern to the initial responding officer when reacting to any critical incident are to bring the site under control and coordinate available resources.
  42. Specialists at a crime scene include:
  43. The three general attributes that all crime scene reports and narrative descriptions should share are that they should be detailed, accurate and complicated.
  44. The sequence of order in crime scene processing considers that each action leads to some form of scene alteration. Non-intrusive techniques are accomplished first, followed by more intrusive techniques.
  45. It is the responsibility of the crime scene technician to collect the evidence without altering the crime scene.
  46. The documentation efforts from the various teams working separate areas must all fit together without creating contradictions or confusion.
  47. There are five basic objectives the initial officer uses to achieve site control and resource coordination at a crime scene include all of the following, except:
  48. The crime scene investigation team is made up of:
  49. Controlling the scene and everyone in it requires cordoning off a section of the immediate scene and having witnesses wait there.
  50. It is appropriate to slow or stop EMS from entering a crime scene in cases involving certain death (e.g. decomposed bodies, decapitated).
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