CJUS 324 Final

CJUS 324 Final

  1. The monitoring and support of juveniles who have been released from custody or supervision by the juvenile courts are called
  2. The term for the methods of treatment and counseling used to reform juvenile offenders so that they will return to society in a constructive, rather than a destructive way, is
  3. A sanction by which an offender pays the victim for the harm done due to the offense is called
  4. Typically, the only person(s) in a county or state with knowledge of the wide range of programs available are
  5. Which of the following is true of the Carroll R. Minor Reception and Diagnostic Center in Virginia?
  6. Which of the following is most likely to be a purpose of shock probation?
  7. A facility designed for short-term, secure confinement of a juvenile prior to court disposition or execution of a court order is called a
  8. A hearing held after a juvenile has been adjudicated to determine what sanction should be imposed on the juvenile is called a
  9. The _____ states that categorizing a youth sexually deviant or diagnosing a paraphilia may lead to a self-fulfilling behavior where the youth conforms to the designation.
  10. The primary responsibility of a referee is to _____.
  11. _____, created an innovative program designed to deal with curfew violators.
  12. Which of the following groups is most likely to believe that juveniles should receive more lenient treatment than adults for violent crimes?
  13. According to Cheryl Maxson and Malcolm Klein, a type of gang that is a relatively new gang with fewer than 50 members around the same age and no defined territory is called a
  14. School violence in the United States peaked in 1993 and has been _____ ever since.
  15. Most of the research done in the 1960s focused on _____ and adult crime.
  16. A range of sanctions that are designed to take the place of traditional ones such as probation or incarceration is called
  17. A relatively unique correctional strategy that involves exposing juveniles to a brief commitment to an institutional facility and then releasing them on probation is called
  18. Which of the following states has the jurisdictional age limit of 20 years for juvenile offenders?
  19. Identify a true statement about the drug subculture.
  20. Juvenile correctional facilities emphasize _____.
  21. Confining a juvenile to their home when they are not at school or under treatment is called
  22. The court authority granted by law to hear a case is called _____.
  23. The first juvenile court was established in _____.
  24. Instruments used to determine the most appropriate placement for an adjudicated juvenile are called
  25. Parental responsibility statutes have been passed in _____.
  26. A response to gangs that involves efforts to mobilize the community to deal with gangs is called
  27. What punishment did Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden received for their crimes?
  28. According to the model published by The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, which of the following principles should correctional education adopt?
  29. According to the respondents of the National Youth Gang Survey, _____ of youth gangs were involved in the street sale of drugs and _____ were involved in drug distribution for the specific purpose of generating profits for the gang.
  30. A facility that operates in an atmosphere more like a year-round summer camp with cottages, a school, and vocational programs is called a
  31. Which of the following statements is true of the recent trends in juvenile placement?
  32. Which of the following is an argument against the abolition of the juvenile justice system?
  33. Secure facilities responsible for orienting a juvenile to the expectations of the correctional system in that particular state are called
  34. A temporary facility where juveniles are awaiting either transfer to another facility or release into the community is called a
  35. The process through which a juvenile court relinquishes jurisdiction over a juvenile offender and the case is processed in adult court is called
  36. Which of the following is true of drug courts?
  37. A type of legislative waiver that mandates that all offenses a juvenile commits after having been waived to adult court and convicted will also be handled in adult court is called
  38. Which of the following is the principle behind the Balanced and Restorative Justice Model?
  39. conducted an analysis of low birth weight and its relationship to early-onset offending of minority youth in Philadelphia and found that individuals who were born at low birth weight and were from a low socioeconomic status were more likely to have an early onset of delinquent behavior.
  40. The term parens patriae roughly translates as _____.
  41. A national survey of juvenile probation officers revealed that they thought their optimal caseload was _____ juveniles, while their actual caseload was _____ juveniles.
  42. A response to gangs that includes counseling and other direct attempts to change the values of youth in order to make gang involvement less likely is called
  43. There are _____ drug courts in the operational and planning phases for juveniles in the United States.
  44. The three main government agencies that encompass the juvenile justice system include all of the following except:
  45. Several guidelines and research studies have suggested a finite list of variables that influence a juvenile’s disposition. In this context, which of the following variables takes into account the juvenile’s attitude during proceedings?
  46. _____ are an example of a strategy that is aimed at reducing child prostitution.
  47. Several guidelines and research studies have suggested a finite list of variables that influence a juvenile’s disposition. In this context, which of the following variables takes into account the number and type of victims in the offense committed by the juvenile?
  48. Which of the following is true of rampage killings?
  49. A type of waiver to adult court that occurs when there is concurrent jurisdiction between juvenile and adult courts and the prosecutor has the option of filing charges against the juvenile offender in either court is called _
  50. Questionnaires distributed to victims of crime where they report their financial losses, mental and physical injuries, and the impact of the crime on their lives are called


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  1. CJUS 324 Final
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