CJUS 321 Exam 1

CJUS 321 Exam 1 Liberty University

  1. Kent vs.United States aided in establishing due process rights for juvenile offenders.
  2. Allegations of staff sexual misconduct accounted for _____ of all allegations of sexual violence reported in juvenile state, local, and privately owned facilities during 2005 and 2006
  3. Integrated approaches and models to juvenile corrections tend to be more effective
  4. Large juvenile facilities have proven effective in the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.
  5. The treatment of juvenile offenders rests on a continuum that is bounded by rehabilitation on one side and punishment on the other.
  6. A high percentage of youth in juvenile facilities have histories of gang involvement.
  7. According to the deprivation model being housed in highly secure custodial environments results in a decrease in assaultive behavior.
  8. The more coercive the institutional conditions the greater the incidences of victimization within those institutions.
  9. A culture of violence includes the development of an aggressive staff culture.
  10. Conformity is an important adjustment strategy which fosters prosocial attitudes.
  11. Approximately _____ of all youth‐on‐youth allegations of sexual violence were substantiated
  12. The new generation design is the secondary model of new construction of juvenile facilities.
  13. The new generation approach is based on common sense principles and the normalization treatment model
  14. The major assumption of the deprivation model is that:
  15. Probation is the second most popular sanction in juvenile court .
  16. PbS collects information about different dimensions of safety in juvenile detention and long‐term facilities.
  17. Group homes are most commonly characterized by:
  18. BJS stands for Bureau of Justice Statistics.
  19. Ranches and forestry camps are for repeat, violent juvenile offenders.
  20. It is important to understand the demographic related characteristics of the juvenile correctional population but not the offense related characteristics.
  21. There is connection between a history of drug use and a history of violence in institutional violence.
  22. The problem of gangs in juvenile corrections is fairly the same from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
  23. California and Ohio have large juvenile correctional facilities that are effective and as a result avoid outside scrutiny.
  24. Juveniles adjudicated to lengthy terms of incarceration are often sent to state operated facilities.
  25. Reform schools are also known as training schools in some jurisdictions.
  26. The first juvenile court was established in Cook County, Chicago in 1899.
  27. Cottage style reformatories operate according to principles of the family plan.
  28. The types of interventions used to respond to youth crime vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
  29. Boot camps are more hostile and dangerous than training schools.
  30. National level data has been very helpful in studying violence within juvenile facilities.
  31. JJDPA stands for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act
  32. A concern with data is inconsistent reporting practices and a lack of accuracy.
  33. The overrepresentation of minorities in juvenile correctional facilities is due to:
  34. Passage of the Social Security Act of 1935 encouraged the development of local child welfare services.
  35. Homicides are frequent events in a juvenile population.
  36. Local jails that hold juveniles are technically considered juvenile correctional facilities.
  37. There are two characteristics that influence interventions that juvenile correctional facilities will adopt. These are the percentage of residents with mental health problems and substance abuse problems.
  38. Many training schools resemble adult prisons.
  39. The public is generally more optimistic about the reform of juvenile offenders.
  40. Gangs are the third leading cause facing the security and safety of residents in youth corrections.
  41. The presence of rival gang members tends to control eruptions of violence in juvenile facilities.
  42. Attitudes toward crime and punishment in the United States are often less punitive than in other wealthy nations.
  43. A comprehensive, community‐based model is an effective strategy for treating and rehabilitating juvenile offenders.
  44. Juveniles adhere to an inmate code of conduct.
  45. There are more girls in juvenile corrections than boys.
  46. The importation model challenges the deprivation’s model assumption
  47. According to the importation model, the prior history of the juvenile has a significant effect on behavior while confined
  48. Withdrawal is a productive adjustment strategy.
  49. There is a significant lack of research focused on violence in juvenile correctional institutions.
  50. The child saves movement in New York was organized by a group of feminist reformers.
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