CJUS 300 Quiz Cumulative

CJUS 300 Quiz: Cumulative

Module 1: Week 1 — Module 8: Week 8

  1. Increased police teamwork, innovation, and interest are three unintended benets of COMPSTAT.
  2. According to Freakonomics, tougher gun control laws did not contribute to the drop in crime in the early 1990s.
  3. The SARA problem-solving model supports a management by objectives program.
  4. Top-down management depends on an agile organization for mission fulfillment.
  5. Experience has shown that as people’s knowledge of the police function increases, their respect for the police function decreases.
  6. Pro-steering refers to an accountability system for moving projects to completion.
  7. Most police agencies are driven by performance measures that capture only a part of the value they are contributing to their community.
  8. Organizations are social units that have been deliberately constructed to seek specific goals.
  9. The main distinguishing characteristic from one organization to another is its use of “control.”
  10. Stretch cannot occur in a team environment where everyone is totally committed to a rigid set of core values.
  11. Community policing addresses the significant concerns of the community as well as the serious crime problems identified by police.
  12. Police managers tend to request more staff because of a magical thousand-per-officer standard.
  13. Oversight by city councils, courts, and the media is one of the four types of yardsticks used to measure police performance values.
  14. COP and POP target crime control but add a strong commitment to order, maintenance, and prevention by analysis.
  15. According to management by objectives (MBO), feedback is a greater motivator of employees than is empowerment.
  16. A successful MBO program is one that sparks questions as well as provides answers.
  17. In COP programs, officers control crime; citizens are the catalysts.
  18. The symptoms of crime are focused on in POP, while searching for root causes are avoided.
  19. Exceeding the line of 150 staff in a police department can help avoid big downside problems.
  20. Problem-oriented policing emphasizes the value of being able to diagnose the continuing problems underlying repeated incidents reported to the police.
  21. In a bureaucratic organization, the manger is the boss and authority trickles down from there.
  22. Traditional policing targets perpetrators being reformed and released back into the community.
  23. In summary, COP is creating a customer experience that is valued to the point that the community endorses it.
  24. The police and their community require high-quality measures of police performance to determine whether the department is achieving intended results.
  25. When we disperse power, self-control is required.
  26. Seeking first to understand leads people to close off options.
  27. Budgets are considered static because they are inflexible.
  28. Examples of environmental stressors might include a sexual disorder or grief over the loss of a loved one.
  29. Trust is a moral duty.
  30. The two types of proprietary funds are enterprise funds and special revenue funds.
  31. One type of feedback is event-triggered.
  32. According to the text, leadership and team leadership are identical.
  33. The police labor movement grew out of circumstances very different from those that triggered the birth of industrial unions decades earlier.
  34. “Program” and “results-oriented” budgets are the same type.
  35. A committed group is at the beginning stage of feeling the need for shared goals.
  36. A budget is basically an action plan.
  37. Subformal communications do not supply an effective way for subordinates to speak more freely to managers.
  38. Goal setting and change have little in common.
  39. Normal behavioral guidelines are fuzzy in ethical dilemmas.
  40. The integrity of a team leader is a foundational driving force.
  41. Unless prohibited by law, officers rising through the ranks may retain association/union memberships.
  42. Time is an inelastic resource.
  43. “Leaking” budget information to influential citizens before presenting it to elected legislative bodies is recommended, because support for new programs can be gained.
  44. According to the text, blame alone can paralyze teams into inaction.
  45. Study sessions provide citizens with an opportunity to comment on priorities.
  46. Strict use of formal communication channels will increase mutual trust.
  47. While it is recommended for chiefs to be involved in negotiation processes, they should not be involved directly in contract negotiations.
  48. Empowerment means giving away the decision.
  49. What gets measured gets done.
  50. Fast decisions enhance the empowerment of people.
  51. A leader’s job is to mold the worker into their job role.
  52. The budget process is not a political process.
  53. An estimated 36 percent of the working population is not personally invested in their job.
  54. The grievance procedure prohibits management and supervisory employees from discussing problems openly as they occur.
  55. Which of the following is NOT a police value from COP?
  56. Community-oriented policing and problem solving (COPPS) is equal to ________ plus management by objectives.
  57. Whereas the twentieth century concluded with government agencies emphasizing process outputs and correcting weaknesses, the twenty- first century has opened with a push for ________, ________, and
  58. Which essential POP component requires that an agency find tailor- made methods of resolving problems?
  59. Levitt and Dubner in Freakonomics show that economics is a study of
  60. A police department is practicing problem-oriented policing or POP when it
  61. Which is NOT a component of the problem-solving model SARA?
  62. Decisions about police values are best guided by ________ in consultation with
  63. Which of the following is a characteristic of a bottom-up organization?
  64. Which of the following is NOT a practical performance measurable for a police department?
  65. Which of the following is NOT a principled value?
  66. If control is ________ at the top of an organization, then power is distributed in a top-down, bureaucratic, hierarchical fashion.
  67. Which of the following is NOT one of the four cornerstones of a bureaucratic organization?
  68. The technology and techniques for measuring police output are relatively ________ when compared to the normative question of “What do we measure?”
  69. COMPSTAT is a ________ measuring tool.
  70. Which of the following is NOT a term police departments use to criticize community feelings as “evaluative findings”?
  71. Which of the following is the first step of management by objectives?
  72. Which of the following is characteristic of a top-down organization?
  73. Which of the following is NOT one of four types of yardsticks to measure police performance?
  74. COP relies on more ________ involvement whereas POP relies more on ________ problem solving.
  75. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic tasks of POP?
  76. So many police officers per thousand population is a(n) _____ staffing formula unless tied to work output and outcome values.
  77. Which of the following is true of the Rule of 150?
  78. In community policing, the ________ is dependent upon input from both the police and the community.
  79. Which of the following pertains more to “team leadership” than to “traditional management”?
  80. Police agencies that have track records of public support are agencies that are
  81. The “-pathy” in empathy means ________.
  82. Which of the following is NOT a time trap?
  83. Which of the following questions should you ask yourself when faced with a decision that involves ethics?
  84. Which of the following is NOT a reason for team dysfunction?
  85. The growing prevalence and power of police unions should be seen as
  86. What does “above reproach” mean?
  87. According to MacArthur where is God looking for leaders?
  88. What is the final entry-level step in the employment process?
  89. What is a characteristic of the Category B Police Leader?
  90. When a police agency is operating under the pressure of time, it will use ________ channels.
  91. Nehemiah is known for what?
  92. What is “absolutely essential” to good leadership:
  93. The second foundational leadership principle is a leader takes?
  94. Technologies like computers and smartphones are here classified as potential ________ stressors.
  95. Which of the following does NOT describe the Quality of Working Life philosophy of management?
  96. What does John MacArthur refer to as a “peculiarly satanic sin”?
  97. When you delegate, you are for certain always delegating which of the following?
  98. People will not follow their leader if:
  99. Which of the following would be most likely to lead to financial well- being?
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