CHHI 302 Paper 2
Liberty CHHI 302 Paper 2 Answers
Paper 2 will focus on American Church History.
Paper Requirements:
- Write a 5-page (at least 1500 words) research paper (using 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins on all sides).
- Use 5 scholarly sources. Your textbook does not count. You may use scholarly websites, but also use at least 2 scholarly articles and/or books. You can find scholarly articles through the Liberty University Library (which you used in the research exercise). If you need help finding scholarly books, you can use Be careful to choose scholarly sources; do not use Wikipedia or blogs. If you are uncertain if a source is scholarly, feel free to send an email with the source information to your instructor; he will let you know.
- Use current Turabian footnote style and place your bibliography as the last page.
- If you find a website to use but aren’t sure if it is scholarly in nature, email your instructor and he will let you know.
- Upload your paper to the proper Discussion Board Forum at the same time you submit your paper to SafeAssign. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.
Choose 1 of the following to write on:
- The First Great Awakening: This will cover the beginning of Evangelicalism. Be sure to include discussions of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. In addition, include other aspects you feel are important from your study.
- The Second Great Awakening: This will cover the increase in emotions in worship services, camp meetings (starting with the Cane Ridge Revival), and the rise of Baptists and Methodists. Be sure to include Charles Finney. In addition, include other aspects you feel are important from your study (Note: in 1776 Baptists and Methodists made up 19.4% of Christians in America; in 1850 they comprised 54.7%*).
- The Rise of Fundamentalism (late 1800s and early 1900s): This will cover the Christian reaction to Darwinism and other scientific theories, the rise of higher criticism of the Bible, the Social Gospel, The Fundamentals (a 12-volume set of essays), and the Scopes Trial and its ramifications. In addition, include other aspects you feel are important from your study.
*Mark Noll, A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1992), 153.