CEFS 601 Exam 1

CEFS 601 Exam 1 Liberty University

  1. Combrinck-Graham suggests that three generational family development frequently alternates between:
  2. “A disturbed mother produces disturbed children.” This statement is offered by the authors as an example of:
  3. Families interact in repetitive behavioral sequences. This is known as:
  4. Today, working wives:
  5. Metarules are:
  6. The term “suprasystem” refers to:
  7. A central idea in a process-based approach (vs. linear approach) is
  8. Stepfamilies typically:
  9. Family therapist Virginia Satir helped families
  10. Family narratives:
  11. Negative and positive feedback loops are:
  12. Strategists view psychiatric symptoms in a family member as
  13. Karpel emphasizes:
  14. Which of the following is NOT a factor in gaining a comprehensive understanding of a family’s development and current functioning of clients families?
  15. For most families, engagement with larger systems are
  16. Reinsertion into a system of the results of past performances is called:
  17. Gender, power, and control issues are involved in:
  18. The family therapist who joins a family and engages in a dialogue rather than observing from outside is probably an advocate of:
  19. The more open a family, the more
  20. The view that there are multiple versions of reality, or narratives, within a family comes from the:
  21. A family will have a number or coexisting subsystems. According to the text, which subsystem is executive and basic in a family?
  22. What Carter and McGoldrick refer to as “launching children and moving on” is called what by Gerson?
  23. According to Gilligan, women are more apt than men to:
  24. Family loyalty, unity, honor, and obligation are especially important in:
  25. The “identified patient” is the person in the family who:
  26. Adopting a family psychology framework permits one to
  27. A common impact of migration on families is/are:
  28. A family’s metarules refers to
  29. Closed systems tend to become disorganized and go into disorder. This is known as:
  30. One goal of gender-sensitive family therapy is to:
  31. The family life-cycle approach focuses upon the family’s:
  32. Gender-sensitive family therapy emphasizes:
  33. Women are especially vulnerable if divorced later in life because of:
  34. Coontz views marriage as a
  35. Systems theory:
  36. Dyads and triads normally refer to:
  37. A general cultural sensitivity to families characterizes (best answer):
  38. Family stage markers are events in a family’s life that:
  39. As children grow up and leave home, the family’s developmental task involves:
  40. Hare-Mustin contend that, as opposed to men, a woman’s greater reliance on relationships can be explained as a need to please others when one lacks:
  41. Anthropologist Bateson has defined _________________ as “a difference that makes a difference.”
  42. The major transition to be achieved before launching children involves:
  43. In the case presented by the authors of a Latino family seeking counseling, the presenting problem involved:
  44. Reciprocal determinism refers to
  45. Men’s studies draw attention to the socialization of men toward:
  46. Families coping with an adolescent frequently must deal with:
  47. Most divorced persons:
  48. Which group of family therapists is most apt to study family transitions?
  49. Which of the following has not been identified by Walsh as a key process in family resiliency?
  50. Advocates of a new epistemology, such as Dell, view the therapist’s role as helping the family:
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