CEFS 515 Quiz 2

CEFS 515 Quiz 2 Liberty University

  1. It is typically suggested that researchers avoid terms like “prove.” What is true with respect to this statement
  2. A ballroom dancing metaphor can be used to describe the nature of reporting results in terms of the null hypothesis because:
  3. Nonparametric tests are tests that can be used when population parameters are not needed.
  4. A frequency table helps researchers answer how often an event occurs and the frequency at which an event occurs.
  5. Synonyms for the null hypothesis include:
  6. The chi-square (χ2) goodness-of-t test is a nonparametric statistical test used for comparing categorical information against what we would expect based on previous knowledge.
  7. The central limit theorem involves _________.
  8. Chapter 13 in the Knight & Tetrault textbook discusses an example wherein a researcher is comparing the Emotional Intelligence of counseling students to the emotional intelligence of students of other majors. The researchers hypothesize that counseling students will have a higher emotional intelligence than students in other majors. Since this species a direction (scores on the EI assessment for counseling students will be greater than that of other students), the test is one tailed.
  9. Regarding “Statistical Power,” the larger the sample size the greater the probability of
  10. A test that can be used with nominal data is:
  11. The dierence between population means in terms of standard deviations is called the eect size.
  12. If the population mean and standard deviation is known, the researcher should use a
  13. The likelihood of a type one error is measured by _____.
  14. The z test is a parametric statistical test that allows us to test the null hypothesis for a single sample when the population variance is known
  15. A Type II error is represented by “missing the ndings” or failing to reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is actually false.
  16. The alternative hypothesis (researcher’s hypothesis) represents what the researcher is trying to support.
  17. The central limit theorem involves the distribution of sample means approaching normality.
  18. The most robust experiments do not have a risk of error.
  19. One assumption of nonparametric statistics is the underlying distribution does not need to be normal.
  20. Inferential statistics help researchers avoid making overgeneralizations based on one experience.
  21. The Wilcoxon ranked sum test, is a nonparametric test. It is similar to the parametric independent samples t-test. According to Jackson, some of the assumptions of the Wilcoxon ranked sum-test include:
  22. Rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true is a type one error and not a type two.
  23. Inferential statistics allows researchers to make inferences about a _____________ based on a
  24. The Researcher’s hypothesis stating that counseling majors have a higher mean emotional intelligence (EI) than others majors in general, described above in the
  25. A researcher is developing a study to examine the emotional intelligence between counseling majors and all other students. The researcher hypothesizes that the mean emotional intelligence of counseling majors will be greater than the mean emotional intelligence of all other students. This is an example of
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  2. CEFS 515 Quiz 2