CCOU 202 Final Quiz

CCOU 202 Quiz Final

Covers the Textbook material from Module 5: Week 5 — Module 8: Week 8.

  1. Therapists who earnestly believe that therapy is either value-free or that they can easily minimize the influence of values in therapy
  2. According to the American Psychological Association, over the last several decades child mental health problems have
  3. Woody (1999) called “the cornerstone of ”
  4. If a client presents with a behavioral disorder and frequently displays behaviors that violate a counselor’s Christian ethics, it is the counselor’s responsibility to make sure that he/she still gives objective, competent service to the client.
  5. Government-sponsored institutions such as state hospitals, public schools, and the military
  6. Roberts and Dyer (2004) say that it is important to remember than even while parents can have access to their child’s records, there are situations in which the therapist can limit what information is released to the
  7. According to the author’s perspective, it is not the responsibility of the therapist to keep up to date with changes in research and practice of couple therapy.
  8. This ethical principle is one that seeks to do the right thing regardless of costs and
  9. According to the text, in the past, many therapists have lacked sensitivity and respect for clients’ religious beliefs. The author states that a potential reason for this is that psychologists tend to be less religious than the U.S.
  10. The ethical decision-making model addressed in the text includes
  11. Which is not a necessary step when counseling clients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?
  12. The author’s view on self-disclosure is that it is too risky and unethical for therapists, therefore, therapists should never self-disclose under any
  13. According to the author, couples’ therapists should remain neutral and not presuppose that successful therapy should restore a more positive relationship. For example, it would be best for a therapist to say, “Therapy will determine whether you should continue your relationship or if breaking up is more ”
  14. The aim of every therapist is to be helpful to those they serve and to avoid hurting those in their care. The aim to serve is called , While the avoidance of causing harm to clients is called
  15. Confidentiality may be broken if
  16. Which of the following is not a basic theme that are considered the focus of a traditional Christian marriage ethic?
  17. In a few cases where the client’s and therapist’s value perspectives differ markedly and the therapist sees no way of collaborating with the client or the client with the therapist, it is recommended to then refer the client to another (pg 246)
  18. According to Jost and Jost (2009), there are at least discussed in the
  19. One significant issue in working with youth has to do with specifying who is the client.
  20. Therapists bear primary responsibility for records and other information about a child client because the child cannot decide independently.
  21. Minors are usually not afforded full confidentiality, partly because
  22. Historical Christian tradition has almost unilaterally assumed that men are led by women in the marriage relationship with inherent
  23. Therapists should be aware that the ethical codes of one’s profession may be in conflict with state or federal laws regarding record keeping. Which of the following normally take first priority according to the text?
  24. Which of the following is the first step in the ethical decision-making model?
  25. Which of the following is the ethical principle that emphasizes the formation of moral character and the relational influence of the professional over and above moral decisions and duties?
  26. Studies show that perceptions of a client’s “controllability” over their iliness influences clinicians’ willingness to For Christian counselors, it is important to try to approach situations objectively. If biases are present and unable to be overcome, counselors may need to refer clients to another clinician.
  27. Which of the following best describes Psychological First Aid (PFA)?
  28. The APA ethics code does not have specific statements about competence in the provision of services during
  29. According to the text, a debriefing model includes a single session to
  30. Christian therapists may draw from at least three sources for help in ethical decision making. Which of the following is not one of these sources mentioned in the text?
  31. If the ethical problem a therapist is dealing with triggers an emotional reaction, it is important for the therapist to
  32. According to the text, a covenantal ethic is characterized by the priority of marriage in
  33. Tan (1996) speaks of implicit and explicit approaches to Implicit intervention can be described as the open use of selected spiritual resources in therapy.
  34. Responding to the statement, “Is PFA therapy or counseling?” professionals would agree most with which of the following?
  35. Mental health codes emphasize that therapists should recognize the boundaries of their competence based on which of the following?
  36. When a Christian professional decides to travel to another cultural setting to offer aid and support after a crisis, it is important to remember that first aid
  37. There are three key issues in couples’ therapy that relate to the principle of Which of the following is not one of these mentioned in the text?
  38. Which of the following is an essential element of a training curriculum regarding spiritual issues in therapy is
  39. What are three broad goals of counseling a patient with a chronic iliness?
  40. Regarding divorce and therapy, Christian therapists should
  41. Which of the following was not identified in the text as a way to deal with client value concerns?
  42. Informed consent is usually provided through some combination of printed information or disclosure, a written agreement signed by the client, and verbal discussion properly documented by the therapist.
  43. According to the text, older children and adolescents are not able to give informed consent for his or her own treatment without the parent’s
  44. When counseling clients with chronic health conditions, professionals should use similar models as the ones used for patients with simple emotional problems.
  45. Which of the following cases would require mandated reporting?
  46. According to the text, good informed consents provide the client information about
  47. The APA urges therapists to gain competency in understanding and evaluating spiritual issues in If therapists are unable to do so, which of the following best describes what is expected?
  48. Thompson and Rudolph (1996) point out that the law generally supports parents who forbid counseling of their minor children, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  49. Recent research has shown that many previous presuppositions regarding schizophrenia are untrue. There is more of a genetic component than what was previously
  50. Consultation may actually be considered at any point in the decision-making process.
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