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THEO 313 Quiz 8

THEO 313 Quiz 8 Second Coming of Christ Eschatological truths provide incentive for holy living, diligent service, and hope for the future. While Christ’s second coming is a definite event…

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THEO 313 Quiz 7

THEO 313 Quiz 7 Christ’s Ascension and Present Work The event of the ascension is an announcement: the annunciation of Christ’s final and perfect glorification and of the inauguration of…

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THEO 313 Quiz 6

THEO 313 Quiz 6 Christ’s Resurrection The minimal facts approach employed by Dr. Habermas establishes Jesus’ resurrection as a historical reality. In the video, Dr. Campbell emphasizes the theological significance…

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THEO 313 Quiz 5

THEO 313 Quiz 5 Christ’s Death One of the key OT passages that serves as the lens for understanding atonement through details of the Day of Atonement is __. One…

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THEO 313 Quiz 4

THEO 313 Quiz 4 Christ’s Human Nature Select the verse from the Gospels that describes how Jesus matured as a human. Matthew (1:22-23) connects Jesus’ birth to the prophecy in…

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THEO 313 Quiz 3

THEO 313 Quiz 3 Divine Nature of Christ Deuteronomy 6:4 affirms monotheism. One way the OT reveals the preexistent Christ is through the appearances of the __ of Yahweh (e….

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THEO 313 Quiz 2

THEO 313 Quiz 2 Person of Christ: Deity Simply stated, “The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that the one true God eternally exists as the Father, the Son, and the…

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THEO 313 Quiz 1

THEO 313 Quiz 1 Introducing the Person and Work of Christ Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1. All four canonical Gospel’s present Jesus Christ’ preexistence, birth, earthly…

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THEO 313 Research Paper

THEO 313 Research Paper Liberty University The student will write a 3,000–3,500-word research paper on an approved topic and in collaboration with the instructor. This assignment must include at least…

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THEO 313 Book Review

THEO 313 Book Review Liberty University In order to complete THEO 313 successfully, the student will write a 1,000–1,200-word book review of Robert M. Bowman Jr., and J. Ed. Komoszewski, Putting…

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THEO 313 Test 3

THEO 313 Test 3 Liberty University According to Drs. Campbell and Habermas, what are the most prominent theories that oppose Jesus’ resurrection? What is your response to contemporary opponents of…

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THEO 313 Test 2

THEO 313 Test 2 Liberty University What is the orthodox description of the doctrine of the Trinity in one to three sentences? One way the OT reveals the preexistent Christ…

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THEO 313 Test 1

THEO 313 Test 1 Liberty University THEO 313 Quiz 1 According to 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus’ __ set the precedent for believer’s resurrection to eternal life? According to Eph 1:19-2:10,…

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