RLGN 489 Ministry Strategy
RLGN 489 Ministry Strategy Assignment You will begin developing a plan for conducting a live ministry event. This could take the form of a workshop, seminar, community event, Sunday school class, lecture…
RLGN 489 Ministry Strategy Assignment You will begin developing a plan for conducting a live ministry event. This could take the form of a workshop, seminar, community event, Sunday school class, lecture…
RLGN 489 Ministry Promotion Assignment You will develop a promotional and evaluation plan for developing ministry events. This will allow you to incorporate various components of course development from prior…
RLGN 489 Theological Terms Assignment This assignment allows for the development of a biblical theology and rationale for ministry through defining key theological terms. Students will construct a biblical theology…
RLGN 489 Leadership Development Assignment The second part of this portfolio will include a leadership development plan. The student will develop a guide that constructs a biblical foundation of leadership,…
RLGN 489 Biblical Theology Assignment This assignment allows for the development of a biblical theology and rationale for ministry through the application of key theological terms. Students will construct a…
RLGN 489 Exam 1 Liberty University Whiney defines Spiritual Disciplines as those practices found in Scripture that promote spiritual growth among believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of…
RLGN 489 Exam 2 Liberty University Which of the following is one of the four points of intersection that Chester uses to share the Gospel? The term that Chester uses…
RLGN 489 Exam 3 Liberty University Values-driven leaders typically embrace humanistic and existentialistic worldviews. Which of the following is not one of the four fundamental paradigms of leadership? Spirit-oriented churches…
RLGN 489 Local Ministry Strategy Liberty You will develop a 1,400–2,000-word paper introducing and explaining a strategy for a ministry event in a local community. This strategy must address the…
RLGN 489 Book Review Liberty Select 1 of the required textbooks for this course to write your Book Review on, and read all of the chapters. Then, address the following…
RLGN 489 Theological Position Paper Liberty Draft You will write a draft theological analysis of your personal educational assumptions that include the following 5 areas: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology, and Ministry…