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CRST 290 Quizzes 5,6,7

CRST 290 Quiz 5 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz 5 Adam and Man”kind” In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life…

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CRST 290 Quizzes 1,2,3,4

CRST 290 Quiz 1 Building from a Foundation Which of the following was one of the post-Fall limitations to human observation? When we start with God as Creator, and that…

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CRST 290 Quiz Creation

CRST 290 Quiz Creation and Biology Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4. Distinct metabolisms seen among bacteria may be used to identify groups that were separately created…

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CRST 290 Quiz Adam

CRST 290 Quiz: Adam and Man”kind” Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose…

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CRST 290 Quiz Maker of Heaven and Earth

CRST 290 Quiz Maker of Heaven and Earth Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2. God provided His own witness to the timing of creation. This means that…

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CRST 290 Quiz Building from a Foundation

CRST 290 Quiz Building from a Foundation Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1. Which of the following was one of the post-Fall limitations to human observation? When…

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CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis

CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis 1-9 Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1. A condition where someone holds two contradictory views at the same time is called:…

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CRST 290 Quiz Geology

CRST 290 Quiz Geology and Physical Geography Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. Prior to the Flood, the world’s oceans were likely: Using radioactive isotopes to date…

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CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood

CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7. A large number of meteors struck the Moon during Noah’s Flood. Young-Earth creationists believe that speciation…

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CRST 290 Discussion 1,2,3

Includes 3 discussion boards Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will submit a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. Each thread must be at…

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CRST 290 Essay Exam

As you consider the arguments and evidence presented in this course, what do you believe is the strongest theological argument in favor of young-Earth creation? What is the strongest scientific…

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CRST 290 Research Paper

CRST 290 Research Paper Liberty The student will write a research-based paper that will focus on one of the views on Genesis 1 chosen in the research topic selection. The…

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CRST 290 Final Exam

CRST 290 Final Exam Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz: Final Exam Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 – Module 8: Week 8. A “historico-grammatical” interpretation of scripture…

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CRST 290 Quiz 7

CRST 290 Quiz 7 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood Module 7: Week 7 Catastrophic plate tectonics argues that the ultimate source of water for Noah’s Flood was the…

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CRST 290 Quiz 6

CRST 290 Quiz 6 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz Geology and Physical Geography Module 6: Week 6 Mound-shaped structures composed of alternating layers of bacteria and sediment are called: Which…

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CRST 290 Quiz 5

CRST 290 Quiz 5 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz Adam and Man”kind” Module 5: Week 5 In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man…

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CRST 290 Quiz 4

CRST 290 Quiz 4 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz 4 Creation and Biology Module 4: Week 4 The name for God used in Genesis 2 when God creates man in…

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CRST 290 Quiz 3

CRST 290 Quiz 3 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz 3 Meaning of Genesis 1-9 What was the fourth dimension of DNA organization? Jose de Acosta was a missionary and naturalist who…

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CRST 290 Quiz 2

CRST 290 Quiz 2 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz 2 Maker of Heaven and Earth Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2. God provided His own witness to…

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CRST 290 Quiz 1

CRST 290 Quiz 1 Liberty University CRST 290 Quiz Building from a Foundation According to the “Who believes what?” video, old-Earth creation holds that the Earth is billions of years…

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