BIOL 102 Quiz 6

BIOL 102 Quiz 6

BIOL 102 Quiz 6 Digestive and Urinary Systems 

  1. The saliva component that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates is ____.
  2. What is found within a small intestinal villus?
  3. The small fat droplets surrounded by bile salts are known as ____.
  4. Humans have the least number of which class of teeth?
  5. Which saliva component keeps the mouth pH between 6.5-11.5?
  6. Which molecule, a product of hemoglobin metabolism, does the liver excrete through bile?
  7. Which of the following secretions is NOT found in the duodenum?
  8. Which of the following secretions is NOT a digestive enzyme?
  9. Which layer of the digestive tract contains blood and lymph vessels?
  10. Food energy is measured in ____.
  11. Which structure has both endocrine and exocrine functions?
  12. The combination of villi and microvilli provides the small intestine with ____.
  13. Which hormone stimulates pancreatic and gallbladder secretions?
  14. Most of the nutrient digestion and absorption takes place in the ____.
  15. A decrease in which hormone might cause an overproduction of stomach acids?
  16. Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex?
  17. The kidneys perform all of the following functions EXCEPT ____.
  18. Fluid filtered from glomerular capillaries immediately flows into the ____.
  19. Which of the following is considered “insensible” water loss?
  20. Which metabolic waste product is so toxic it must be converted into other forms before the kidney can excrete it?
  21. The majority of tubular reabsorption takes place in the ____.
  22. Which of the following is NOT a malabsorption disorder?
  23. In the final phases of digestion, ____.
  24. Which substance is never secreted?
  25. When the blood becomes acidic, the kidneys ____.

Other sets

  1. Which structure has both endocrine and exocrine functions?
  2. The term used to describe partially digested food in the stomach is ____.
  3. Which layer of the digestive tract contains blood and lymph vessels?
  4. What is found within a small intestinal villus?
  5. Which portion of the stomach is connected to the duodenum?
  6. Which organ can manufacture most of the fats the body needs from other nutrient sources?
  7. The region of the large intestine that stores feces is the ____.
  8. A plant compound that may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer is classified as a(n) ____.
  9. Humans have the least number of which class of teeth?
  10. Which of the following is NOT a pancreatic secretion?
  11. Which of the following is an inflammatory disorder that affects the eyes, skin, liver and intestines?
  12. Which layer of the digestive tract is in direct contact with digested food?
  13. A decrease in which hormone might cause an overproduction of stomach acids?
  14. The region of the large intestine that shows immune system functions is the ____.
  15. Night blindness and skin problems are due to a deficiency of ____.
  16. Of all the ways the fluid is removed from the body, the one which is most regulated is ____.
  17. Urine moves from the kidney to the urinary bladder through the ____.
  18. The most common metabolic waste product is ____.
  19. Fluid filtered from glomerular capillaries immediately flows into the ____.
  20. Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex?
  21. Tubular secretion takes place in the ____.
  22. The large intestines perform all of the following functions EXCEPT ____.
  23. Bacteria that cause tooth decay can lead to ____.
  24. After being filtered blood leaves the glomerular capillaries through the ____.
  25. Which substance is reabsorbed in the descending limb of the loop of Henle?

Set 1

  1. The liver converts the waste product ammonia to a much less toxic molecule of .
  2. Urine moves from the kidney to the urinary bladder through the .
  3. The contractions within the small intestines that aid in digestion and absorption are known as
  4. Which layer of the digestive tract is in direct contact with digested food?
  5. In response to a high fat content in chyme, the duodenum releases .
  6. The body gains fluids by four of the following means. Which one is the exception?
  7. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the .
  8. A decrease in which hormone might cause an overproduction of stomach acids?
  9. Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex?
  10. The saliva component that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates is .
  11. Bile is stored and released by the .
  12. A deficiency of which B vitamin in pregnant woman can cause birth defects?
  13. The combination of villi and microvilli provides the small intestine with .
  14. Which layer of the digestive tract gives rise to sphincters?
  15. The first portion of the small intestines is the .
  16. In which portion of the nephron do hormones control water and salt reabsorption?
  17. The term used to describe partially digested food in the stomach is .
  18. Which metabolic waste product is so toxic it must be converted into other forms before
  19. Which of the following is considered “insensible” water loss?
  20. Which of the following is an early warning sign of colorectal cancer?
  21. Urinary tract infections .
  22. During swallowing, which event prevents food from entering the trachea?
  23. Four of the following are found in the fluid in the fluid at the end of the proximal tubules. Which one would NOT be found?
  24. The only organ that can permanently rid the body of excess H+ is the .
  25. Stomach emptying is controlled by moving down the stomach wall.

Set 2

  1. The kidney’s central urine collecting cavity is known as the ____.​
  2. The kidneys perform all of the following functions EXCEPT ____.​
  3. The contractions within the small intestines that aid in digestion and absorption are known as ____.​
  4. Bile salts surround the end-products of fat digestion to form ____.​
  5. Which of the following secretions is NOT found in the duodenum?
  6. On a daily basis what percentage of the water the kidneys filter is excreted in urine?​
  7. Food energy is measured in ____.​
  8. The procedure lithotripsy is used to treat ____.​
  9. A decrease in which hormone might cause an overproduction of stomach acids?​
  10. Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex?​
  11. Fluid filtered from glomerular capillaries immediately flows into the ____.​
  12. The body loses fluids by four of the following means. Which is the exception?​
  13. The stomach secretion that aids in vitamin B12absorption is ____.​
  14. Urinary tract infections ____.​
  15. Which pancreatic secretion works in conjunction with bile?​
  16. Which hormone is synthesized by and acts on the stomach?​
  17. The combination of villi and microvilli provides the small intestine with ____.​
  18. Which accessory digestive organ secretes both enzymes and hormones?​
  19. The lipids that cannot be synthesized by the liver are classified as ____.​
  20. In which portion of the nephron do hormones control water and salt reabsorption?​
  21. The term used to describe partially digested food in the stomach is ____.​
  22. The only organ that can permanently rid the body of excess H+is the ____.​
  23. Which mineral may contribute to high blood pressure?​
  24. Which of the following is NOT an end-product of digestion?​
  25. During the urination reflex, voluntary control is directed at the ____.​
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  1. BIOL 102 Quiz 6 2019
  2. BIOL 102 Quiz 6 2021
  3. BIOL 102 Quiz 6 2024
  • Liberty University