BIOL 102 Quiz 3

BIOL 102 Quiz 3

BIOL 102 Quiz 3 Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. The term append means to ____.
  2. When riding a horse, a jockey squeezes his thighs together to stay on the saddle. This is an example of
  3. Which bone forms the lower sides of cranium and surrounds the ear canal?
  4. What prevents growth plates from calcifying, preserving their ability to grow?
  5. Which skeletal structure is NOT part of the axial skeleton?
  6. Which bone articulates with the coxal bone to form the hip joint?
  7. How many bones are in the fully formed human skeleton?
  8. Decreasing the angle between two bones is ____.
  9. The intervertebral disks are classified as ____.
  10. Which bone of the pectoral girdle fits into the open socket of the scapula?
  11. Which bone helps support the nose?
  12. Which of the following produces muscle tetanus?
  13. What is released into the neuromuscular junction to produce a muscle contraction?
  14. Which protein blocks the interaction sites that produce skeletal muscle contraction?
  15. Which muscle is the largest back muscle?
  16. The basic unit of contraction in a skeletal muscle is ____.
  17. A single contraction of all the muscle fibers in a motor unit is known as
  18. Myotonic muscular dystrophy ____.
  19. Which structure marks the ends of a sarcomere?
  20. What are the five main functions of bone according to our text?
  21. Identify the muscle corresponding to each number (1-6) and briey describe it’s function.
  22. Which bones make up the sole of the foot?
  23. On which bone would you find the most extensive sites for muscle attachments?
  24. The ion required for skeletal muscle contraction is ____.
  25. The state during which muscle cells require more ATP than cellular respiration can provide is known as

Other sets

  1. During the remodeling process, which cells break down the bone matrix?
  2. Each end of a long bone is called ____.
  3. Which part of the upper limbs contains the most bones?
  4. The most common type of joint in the human body is a ____.
  5. The portion of the skeleton that includes bones of the limbs, shoulder and hips is classified as the
  6. Which bone joins the lower end of the humerus to form the elbow joint?
  7. Which bone is found on the “thumb side” of the forearm?
  8. Which bone completely surrounds the foramen magnum?
  9. Joints like the hip and shoulder are classified as ____.
  10. What is found in the channels within the Haversian system?
  11. Which bone helps support the nose?
  12. Which structure reduces friction around tendons?
  13. During a muscle contraction, electrical impulses travel to the interior of the cell through
  14. The force a contracting muscle exerts to move an object is muscle ____.
  15. Which muscles are found in the walls of small blood vessels and airways?
  16. Which muscle assists in pushing movements of the arm?
  17. Which system relies on the contraction of smooth muscle to propel luminal contents?
  18. Which of the following is an inherited disorder in which skeletal muscle fibers break down?
  19. The first metabolic pathway by which ATP is made in an active muscle cell is
  20. Discuss three types of joints according to their structure, not range of motion.
  21. Identify the muscle corresponding to each number (1-6) and briefly describe it’s function.
  22. An elderly woman has a significant loss of bone mass. The most likely diagnosis is
  23. Which bones make up the sole of the foot?
  24. Which muscle extends the leg at the knee?
  25. Rigor mortis occurs when ____.

Other sets

  1. Which bones make up the sole of the foot?
  2. Tear ducts pass between which two bones?
  3. Which bone articulates with the coxal bone to form the hip joint?
  4. What structure connects a muscle to a bone?
  5. Each end of a long bone is called ____.
  6. What prevents growth plates from calcifying, preserving their ability to grow?
  7. Which bone is also known as the “breastbone”?
  8. Which bone joins the lower end of the humerus to form the elbow joint?
  9. Joints like the hip and shoulder are classified as ____.
  10. The axial skeleton contains bones that form the ____.
  11. How many bones are in the fully formed human skeleton?
  12. Which of the following produces muscle tetanus?
  13. Which type of muscle makes up the majority of the body’s muscle tissue?
  14. Together, all muscle types make up what percentage of the body?
  15. Which muscle lifts and braces the shoulder?
  16. Which muscles are found in the walls of small blood vessels and airways?
  17. The first metabolic pathway by which ATP is made in an active muscle cell is ____.
  18. Which cell characteristic is associated with skeletal muscle?
  19. A single contraction of all the muscle fibers in a motor unit is known as ____.
  20. Identify the structure corresponding to each number (1-6) and briefly describe its function.
  21. What are intervertebral disks made of and what is their function?
  22. Which type of injury is treated first with an ice pack and later with a heating pad?
  23. Which bones make up the sole of the foot?
  24. Which molecule causes actin and myosin to detach?
  25. Motor units containing only a few hundred muscle fibers are found where?

Other sets

  1. Which bone helps support the nose?
  2. Which structure reduces friction around tendons?
  3. Which type of injury is treated first with an ice pack and later with a heating pad?
  4. Which of the following is an inherited disorder in which skeletal muscle fibers break down?
  5. Which bone withstands stresses of several tons per square inch?
  6. Which muscle straightens the forearm?
  7. In adults, most blood cells are formed in which type of bones?
  8. Which muscles are found in the walls of small blood vessels and airways?
  9. Joints like the hip and shoulder are classified as .
  10. Which structure marks the ends of a sarcomere?
  11. A 20-year-old man is injured in a motorcycle accident. His ulna was broken and
  12. Together, all muscle types make up what percentage of the body?
  13. Which muscle lifts and braces the shoulder?
  14. A computer programmer complains of pain in his wrist and numbness and tingling of his fingers. He likely suffers from .
  15. During a muscle contraction, electrical impulses travel to the interior of the cell through
  16. Which bone is found on the “thumb side” of the forearm?
  17. Which system relies on the contraction of smooth muscle to propel luminal contents?
  18. The first metabolic pathway by which ATP is made in an active muscle cell is .
  19. Tear ducts pass between which two bones?
  20. What are intervertebral disks made of and what is their function?
  21. Identify the structure corresponding to each number (1-6) and briefly describe its function.
  22. A computer programmer complains of pain in his wrist and numbness and tingling of his fingers. He likely suffers from .
  23. The theory that describes how skeletal muscles contract is the .
  24. Bone performs four of the following functions. Which is the exception?
  25. The thick filaments of skeletal muscle .

Set 2

  1. ​In adults, most blood cells are formed in which type of bones?
  2. Bone tissue is a storage area for ____.​
  3. ​A painful muscle contraction that doesn’t immediately release is a(n) ____.
  4. ​Decreasing the angle between two bones is ____.
  5. ​Which skeletal structure is NOT part of the axial skeleton?
  6. ​A fracture to the cheek would likely damage all of the following bones EXCEPT ____.
  7. ​Which bone articulates with the coxal bone to form the hip joint?
  8. ​What is found in the channels within the Haversian system?
  9. ​The general medical term that describes a muscle disorder is ____.
  10. Joints like the hip and shoulder are classified as ____.​
  11. ​A former basketball player complains of significant right knee pain. After examination, it is determined that he needs a knee replacement. The most likely cause of his issue is ____.
  12. ​Which muscle lifts and braces the shoulder?
  13. ​Which muscle is the antagonist of the quadriceps femoris group?
  14. ​Which structure marks the ends of a sarcomere?
  15. ​Which bone forms the lower sides of cranium and surrounds the ear canal?
  16. ​The axial skeleton contains bones that form the ____.
  17. ​When blood calcium levels fall, ____.
  18. ​In which type of muscle contraction does the load exceed the muscle’s peak capacity?
  19. ​Which bone helps support the nose?
  20. ​The infectious disease that produces spastic paralysis is ____.
  21. Describe the movements (flexion, extension, pronation,e) that occur at the knee, hip, shoulder and elbow joints when going from a seated position with your hands resting on your thigh to a standing position with your hands raised above your head, palms facing to the rear.
  22. ​Rigor mortis occurs when ____.
  23. ​A patient with joint pain was sent to the hospital for lab work. The results showed significant over activity of her immune system. Based on these results, the most likely diagnosis is ____.
  24. ​A former basketball player complains of significant right knee pain. After examination, it is determined that he needs a knee replacement. The most likely cause of his issue is ____.
  25. ​Which bone is NOT part of the pectoral girdle or upper limbs?
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