BIBL 323 Quiz 5
BIBL 323 Quiz 5 Liberty University
BIBL 323 Quiz The Good Shepherd
- What are 2 reasons given (from Kostenberger’s book) as to why John emphasizes the account of the anointing of Jesus (John 12)?
- Discuss the biblical (including Jesus’) perspective on the cause of suffering (from John 9).
- Set Jesus’ good shepherd discourse in it’s Old Testament and contemporary (John 9-10) context, with particular focus on the escalating controversy culminating in the charge of blasphemy.
- How does the raising of Lazarus relate to the rest of the Gospel (chapters 12- 21)?
- How do we know that John ch. 7 begins the last 7 months of Jesus’ life?
Other sets
- Discuss the biblical (including Jesus’) perspective on the cause of suffering (from John 9).
- How do we know that John ch. 7 begins the last 7 months of Jesus’ life?
- How does the raising of Lazarus relate to the rest of the Gospel (chapters 12-21)?
- Set Jesus’ good shepherd discourse in it’s Old Testament and contemporary (John 9-10) context, with particular focus on the escalating controversy culminating in the charge of blasphemy.
- What are 2 reasons given (from Kostenberger’s book) as to why John emphasizes the account of the anointing of Jesus (John 12)?
Set 1
- How does the raising of Lazarus relate to the rest of the Gospel (chapters 12-21)?
- Discuss the biblical (including Jesus’) perspective on the cause of suffering (from John 9).
- Set Jesus’ good shepherd discourse in it’s Old Testament and contemporary (John 9-10) context, with particular focus on the escalating controversy culminating in the charge of blasphemy.
- What are 2 reasons given (from Kostenberger’s book) as to why John emphasizes the account of the anointing of Jesus (John 12)?
- How do we know that John ch. 7 begins the last 7 months of Jesus’ life?
Set 2
- Identify the following as mentioned by Dr. Towns.
Thief and robber
- Match the attitude with the individual(s).
- Ananias prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation.
- Another name for the Feast of Dedication is Hanukkah.
- The Lazarus in John is the same Lazarus as in the Synoptics.
- The work of the shepherd is NOT described as which of the following?
- The anointing in John 12 is the same anointing as the one in Matthew and Mark.
- There are no parables in John.
- Who are the “other sheep” in John 10?
- Jesus had announced that Judas would betray him a year before he actually did.
- Which one is not a characteristic of a disciple of Jesus?
- Riding on a donkey meant that Christ was coming to wage a war.
- Only Peter heard the answer as to who the betrayer was.
- The first washing deals with relationship and the second washing with fellowship.
- The sheepfold normally represents believers.
- Which one is not a benefit of the door in John 10:9?
- On what day was the feast in Bethany?
- What is the key text on security?
- On what day was the triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
- What day was the last Supper eaten?
- Chapter 12 marks the end of Jesus’ public ministry.
- Which one is not listed as a time when the Father spoke?
- Another name for the Feast of Dedications is Booths.
- Jews believed the soul hovered around a body for three days after death but departed finally on the fourth day.
- Peter sat in the place of honor at the table.
- One of the reasons Jesus waited to go to Lazarus was to increase the faith of the disciples.
- At times the sheep were left with an under-shepherd called a porter.
Set 3
- Identify the following as mentioned by Dr. Towns.
Thief and robber
- Match the attitude with the individual(s).
- Peter sat in the place of honor at the table.
- Jews believed the soul hovered around a body for three days after death but departed finally on the fourth day.
- The sheepfold normally represents believers.
- Riding on a donkey meant that Christ was coming to wage a war.
- What is the key text on security?
- There are no parables in John.
- On what day was the feast in Bethany?
- Which one is not a characteristic of a disciple of Jesus?
- The Lazarus in John is the same Lazarus as in the Synoptics.
- Another name for the Feast of Dedications is Booths.
- Which one is not listed as a time when the Father spoke?
- Every time Mary is mentioned in the Gospels, she is busy working.
- The work of the shepherd is NOT described as which of the following?
- Which one is not a benefit of the door in John 10:9?
- One of the reasons Jesus waited to go to Lazarus was to increase the faith of the disciples.
- The anointing in John 12 is the same anointing as the one in Matthew and Mark.
- “Hosanna” is probably a cry for deliverance from sin.
- Jesus had announced that Judas would betray him a year before he actually did.
- Only Peter heard the answer as to who the betrayer was.
- On what day was the triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
- The handing of the sop to Judas was seen as an act of honor.
- Another name for the Feast of Dedication is Hanukkah.
- What day was the last Supper eaten?
- Who are the “other sheep” in John 10?
- John 11 and 12 refer to the fourth Passover in John.