BIBL 105 Quiz 5,6,7,8

BIBL 105 Quiz 5 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Covers Learn materials from Module 5: Week 5.

  1. Second Chronicles records that Solomon was the ________ man that ever lived.
  2. The books of 1-2 Chronicles focus more on things that would be of interest to the ________ community.
  3. One major theme of Chronicles is the importance of true worship, as seen in the repetition of the word “________” throughout the book.
  4. The books of 1-2 Chronicles focus on both the northern kingdom (Israel) and the southern kingdom (Judah).
  5. First Chronicles begins with a genealogy that goes all the way back to ________.
  6. The recipients of 1-2 Chronicles were living under ________ domination and were without a Davidic king.
  7. The book of Ezra describes the ________ of the Hebrew people after the Babylonian exile.
  8. Ezra led the people through moral reformation and ________ renewal.
  9. The second return under Ezra helped to rebuild the people ________.
  10. The second temple was renovated and expanded by King ________ in the intertestamental era.
  11. In many ways, the book of Ezra describes the ________ of God.
  12. The book of Nehemiah describes the Jewish ________ from the Babylonian Exile.
  13. Nehemiah’s chief concern was that the city of Jerusalem was ________.
  14. Nehemiah led the Jewish people to finish the building project in just ________ days.
  15. Nehemiah’s leadership led to national ________.
  16. Nehemiah petitioned King ________ to allow him to return to Jerusalem.
  17. Nehemiah led the Israelites to rebuild the Jerusalem ________.
  18. The name of the Persian king in the book of Esther is Ahasuerus (Hebrew), or ________ (Greek).
  19. The book of Esther was likely written to Jews living ________ the land of Israel.
  20. Mordecai is distressed because Haman wants to ________ the Jews.
  21. At the end of the book of Esther, ______ is executed on his own gallows.
  22. The name of the queen who was deposed by the Persian king was ________.
  23. One striking feature of the book of Esther is that the name of ________ does not appear in the book.
  24. Second Chronicles appears to have been written/compiled after the Exile because the nal chapter mentions the

BIBL 105 Quiz 6

BIBL 105 Quiz 6 Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Covers Learn materials from Module 6: Week 6.

  1. Psalm 1 shows the direct relationship between _______ and God’s blessing.
  2. The five books of Hebrew poetry include Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, and ________.
  3. The most common feature of Hebrew poetry is _______.
  4. The second line of a ________ parallel completes the thought of the first line.
  5. ________ parallelism expresses a contrast between the first line and the second line.
  6. The book of Job deals with the question of human ________.
  7. The book of Job ends with the ________ of Job.
  8. _______ offers the final response to Job’s suffering.
  9. The book of Job appears to occur during the time of the ________.
  10. The psalms of ascent may have been sung when the people were making a pilgrimage to ________.
  11. The book of Psalms contains ________ psalms that can be divided into ________ sections.
  12. ________ psalms focus on the Davidic king.
  13. ________ teach the value of living a godly life.
  14. The book of Proverbs has a ________ view of wealth and poverty.
  15. It is important to remember that the book of Proverbs teaches ________ truths for living.
  16. The primary author of the book of Proverbs is ________.
  17. The wisdom in the book of Proverbs is meant to be memorized but not necessarily applied.
  18. The concluding advice from the author of Ecclesiastes is ________.
  19. What is the Hebrew title of the book of Ecclesiastes translated as “Teacher” or “Preacher”?
  20. The book of Ecclesiastes speaks to the postmodern world in concluding that life without God is ________.
  21. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon’s frustrations concern life “under ________.”
  22. The Song of Songs tells of the love between the Shulammite girl and King ________.
  23. Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the author of Song of Songs.
  24. The last chapter of Song of Songs states, “Love is as strong as ________.”
  25. The Song of Songs teaches that love and romance in marriage come from ________.

BIBL 105 Quiz 7 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz 7 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

Covers Learn materials from Module 7: Week 7.

  1. According to Jeremiah 1, God’s calling on Jeremiah’s life began _______.
  2. The central question from God in Isaiah 6 is _______.
  3. In Isaiah 1, the prophet compares the people of Judah to _______.
  4. Lamentations 3:22-23 states that God’s compassions are new every _______.
  5. Biblical prophecies are often disconnected from the prophet’s historical context.
  6. Biblical prophets exclusively predicted future events.
  7. One of the most significant prophecies in Jeremiah’s writings is the _________.
  8. The full picture of prophecy is that it encompasses both a forthtelling of God’s messages and a foretelling of God’s actions.
  9. Isaiah pictures the future kingdom of Israel centered in _______.
  10. The naming of ________ the Persian is a factor in dating the book of Isaiah.
  11. Isaiah was a (an) ________ century BC prophet.
  12. The _______ Songs point to the Messiah in the book of Isaiah.
  13. Toward the end of the book, Jeremiah prophesies judgment on _______.
  14. Jeremiah had to contend with many false _______ in his own ministry.
  15. Jeremiah predicts that the Babylonian captivity would last _______ years.
  16. Jeremiah is popularly known as the “_______ prophet.”
  17. Chapters 1–4 of Lamentations are _______ poems in the Hebrew language.
  18. The Book of Ezekiel is structured around ______ of the glory of the LORD.
  19. Ezekiel utilized symbolic, often strange, actions to illustrate his prophecies to Israel.
  20. Ezekiel had a vision of an end-time invasion of Israel called the vision of ______.
  21. Ezekiel’s ____ died as a prophetic sign to the exiles of the impending fall of Jerusalem.
  22. Daniel predicts the rise and fall of 4 ______ empires.
  23. The Kingdom of God is the final form of world government in the book of Daniel.
  24. God’s ______ is a major theme in Daniel.
  25. Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a _______ for refusing to bow to the golden statue.

BIBL 105 Quiz 8 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz 8 Minor Prophets

  1. What have you learned in this course about the Old Testament that you didn’t know prior to taking BIBL 105 and how has that information specifically affected your worldview or life?
  2. The Minor Prophets are called “minor” because they are less important than the “major” prophets.
  3. The Minor Prophets predict the fall of both Samaria in the north and Jerusalem in the south.
  4. God tells Hosea to give symbolic names to his three _____ that predict destruction on Israel.
  5. God commanded Hosea to marry an _____ wife as a picture to the nation of Israel.
  6. Joel predicts the coming invasion of an army of _____.
  7. Amos prophesied to the northern kingdom during a time of economic prosperity but also moral decline.
  8. Obadiah is the _______ book in the Old Testament.
  9. Jonah was sent by the LORD to preach against the Assyrian city of _____.
  10. When the city of Nineveh repented, Jonah was filled with _____.
  11. One major problem addressed in the book of Micah is social _____.
  12. The ancient Assyrians as portrayed in the book of Nahum were known for their extreme
  13. Habakkuk 1 predicts that God will raise up the _____ to punish the nation of Judah.
  14. The central message of the prophet Zephaniah is that the _______ is near.
  15. In the book of Haggai, the LORD tells Zerubbabel, the Davidic ruler, “I will make you like my
  16. Zechariah’s prophesies many things concerning Israel’s future _______.
  17. Zechariah 14 predicts that the LORD Himself will set His feet upon and will split _____ when He returns.
  18. According to Malachi 4, the LORD will send _____ the prophet before the great and dreadful Day of the LORD.
  19. The big idea of the Old Testament is that it is all about _______.
  20. The last verse of the Old Testament ends with _____.
  21. The message to the city of Jerusalem in Zephaniah 3 includes the statement that the LORD is _____ to save.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. BIBL 105 Quiz 5 2023 Set 2
  2. BIBL 105 Quiz 5 2023
  3. BIBL 105 Quiz 6 Job Psalms
  4. BIBL 105 Quiz 6 2023 Set 2
  5. BIBL 105 Quiz 7 2024
  6. BIBL 105 Quiz 7 Isaiah Jeremiah
  7. BIBL 105 Quiz 8 Minor Prophets