BIBL 105 Quiz 1,2,3,4

BIBL 105 Quiz 1 Introduction to the Old Testament; Genesis BIBL 105

  1. Explain how the teachings of Genesis chapters 1, 2, and 3 shape your personal worldview. Give at least 3 examples from Genesis 1-3, along with a short explanation of each.
  2. One change after the Flood was that God allowed people to _______.
  3. God was _______ by the sinfulness upon the earth before the Flood.
  4. Abram received the covenant sign of _______ from God.
  5. Which of these came after the Fall of mankind?
  6. The Old Testament narrows down the field so that one Person will ultimately fulfill God’s messianic purpose.
  7. Jesus claimed that He came not to _______ the Law but to _______ it.
  8. The Moabites worshipped the god _______.
  9. The ancient _______ were situated in what is today southern Iraq.
  10. Archaeology from the pre-patriarchal time period reveals that other cultures had creation and flood stories.
  11. The black obelisk of Shalmaneser III depicts which king of Israel bowing down?
  12. Jewish tradition affirms that Old Testament prophecy ceased around 400 BC after the ministry of Malachi.
  13. The Jewish process of transmitting (copying) Scriptures was extremely _______.
  14. The first five books of the Old Testament are known as the Torah or _______.
  15. One important argument against the Documentary Hypothesis is that the Pentateuch itself declares in many places that Moses is the author.
  16. The book of Genesis covers more time than any other biblical book.
  17. Despite Joseph’s wrongful enslavement and imprisonment, he is providentially promoted to _______ of Egypt.
  18. The creation account in Genesis 1-2 presents an absolute creation from nothing, or creation “
  19. The confusion of the languages at Babel resulted in the _______ of the nations.
  20. Noah’s Flood as described in Genesis 6-9 was a _______ flood.
  21. Isaac’s name means “_______.”

BIBL 105 Quiz 2 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Covers Learn materials from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. According to Exodus 4–14, which of these statements is correct?
  2. Why did Moses flee to Midian?
  3. At the beginning of the book of Exodus, the Egyptians ordered that the Hebrew baby boys be
  4. Which of these is NOT one of the ten plagues mentioned in Exodus 7–12?
  5. Which of these is NOT one of the signs God gives Moses to perform for the elders of Israel?
  6. The pharaoh of the late-date view of the Exodus is ________.
  7. God revealed His law at Mount ________.
  8. The presence of God’s ________ is a major feature of the Tabernacle.
  9. God revealed Himself to Moses as ________.
  10. The early-date view of the Exodus interprets the Bible ________.
  11. Which of the following was released into the wilderness on the Day of Atonement?
  12. Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the author of Leviticus.
  13. The animal for burnt offerings and fellowship offerings varied according to one’s
  14. Which words appear numerous times in the book of Leviticus?
  15. The laws in Leviticus were given when the Israelites were in ________.
  16. The punishment for the disbelieving generation included ________.
  17. The false prophet ________ tried to pronounce curses on the nation of Israel in Numbers 22-24.
  18. Name one of the faithful spies.
  19. Aaron and Miriam complained about Moses’ ________.
  20. The book of Numbers records the selection of ________ as the new leader to succeed Moses.
  21. Deuteronomy was written to the second generation of Israelites coming out of the Exodus.
  22. The final chapter of Deuteronomy may have been written by ________.
  23. The final event at the end of Deuteronomy is the ________.
  24. The book of Deuteronomy is never quoted in the New Testament.
  25. The Shema includes the commandment to teach one’s ________ the covenant of God.

BIBL 105 Quiz 3 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz Joshua, Judges, Ruth

Covers Learn materials from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. In the beginning of the book of Joshua, the Israelites miraculously cross the
  2. Samson had a weakness for _______.
  3. One prerequisite to taking the Promised Land in Joshua 5 is that the Israelite men needed to
  4. At the beginning of the book of Joshua, the LORD tells Joshua _______.
  5. The “Former Prophets” in the Hebrew canon include Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and
  6. Minimalist critical scholars tend to ________ the historicity and accuracy of the biblical record.
  7. The “Writings” in the Hebrew canon include Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and
  8. Joshua’s encounter with the “commander of the LORD’s army” in Joshua 5 points to the ________ nature of this person.
  9. The conquest in the book of Joshua is a fulfillment of the land promises given by God to
  10. The book of Joshua ends with the record that Joseph’s ________ were buried in the Promised Land at Shechem.
  11. The conquest seems to have taken place over a period of about ________ years.
  12. The first major section of the book of Joshua describes the ________ of the land of Canaan.
  13. Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the primary author of Joshua.
  14. The term shophet (“Judge”) is closely related to the Hebrew term for ________.
  15. Who was the left-handed judge?
  16. One possible candidate for the authorship of Judges is ________.
  17. What group of sea peoples continually posed a threat during the period of the Judges and in 1-2 Samuel?
  18. The book of Judges tells of Israel’s ________ in maintaining the land they had conquered.
  19. The book of Judges centers around _____ cycles of apostasy, distress, and deliverance.
  20. The book of Ruth highlights God’s faithfulness to His own covenants.
  21. According to _______ marriage, the next of kin was to marry the deceased widow and produce ofspring to carry on the name of the deceased man.
  22. The end of the book of Ruth notes that Ruth is in the genealogy of ________.
  23. The story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of ________.
  24. The tension in the book of Ruth that must be resolved is that Boaz is not the
  25. Boaz takes notice of Ruth’s ________.

BIBL 105 Quiz 4 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz 1 and 2 Samuel; 1 and 2 Kings

Covers Learn materials from Module 4: Week 4.

  1. In 1 Kings 3, Solomon’s one request of God is for _______.
  2. One of the amazing things about Elisha the prophet is his ability to _______.
  3. Before Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire, Elisha asked him for
  4. One of the key takeaways from 1 Samuel 15 is Samuel’s statement to Saul that
  5. In 1 Samuel 13, Saul foolishly _______ instead of waiting for Samuel to arrive.
  6. According to 1 Kings, the central problem with Solomon’s marriages to foreign women was
  7. David is anointed king because he has the right _______.
  8. According to 1 Kings 10, what was considered of little value during Solomon’s kingship?
  9. Saul was “the people’s choice” for a king because of his ________.
  10. Numerous theological themes in 1-2 Samuel support the basic teachings _______ fidelity.
  11. God’s promises to David in the Davidic Covenant were ________.
  12. The birth of Samuel was in answer to the prayer of his mother, ________.
  13. The major enemies in the books of 1-2 Samuel are the ________.
  14. The order of Israel’s first three kings is ________.
  15. David’s confrontation with Goliath in the valley of Elah was known as a
  16. The books of 1-2 Samuel form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the
  17. The prophet ________ confronted David after David sinned with Bathsheba.
  18. Jerusalem was finally destroyed by the Babylonians in ________.
  19. Which of these key events occurs in the books of 1-2 Kings?
  20. The Syrian commander Naaman is healed of his ________ after he seeks help from Elisha the prophet.
  21. The last godly king of the southern kingdom of Judah was ________.
  22. The pinnacle of Solomon’s career came with his construction of the ________.
  23. The books of 1-2 Kings are written from the perspective of the ________.
  24. The two main prophets in 1-2 Kings are ________.
  25. Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the author of 1-2 Kings.
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  1. BIBL 105 Quiz 1 2024
  2. BIBL 105 Quiz 1 2023
  3. BIBL 105 Quiz 2 2023
  4. BIBL 105 Quiz 2 2024
  5. BIBL 105 Quiz 2 2023
  6. BIBL 105 Quiz 3 2023
  7. BIBL 105 Quiz 3 2024
  8. BIBL 105 Quiz 4 2023
  9. BIBL 105 Quiz 4 2024