BIBL 104 Quiz 2
BIBL 104 Quiz 2 The Old Testament Books of History
Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2.
- According to our textbook, most of the biblical judges were deliverers more than
- Nehemiah’s covenant enforcement took the form of excluding foreigners from the assembly, removing Tobiah from the temple, restoring the Levitical tithes, stopping Sabbath breaking, and disciplining those who had intermarried with pagans.
- The end result of the downfall of the southern kingdom was the Assyrian captivity.
- Elijah’s prophetic successor was Elisha.
- While Joshua prepared to attack Jericho he
- The Judge ___________, was a left-handed Benjamite, who assassinated King Eglon with a dagger.
- The reforms of _______________ categorize him as one of Judah’s best kings.
- Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Samson’s disdain for his Nazarite vow.
- In the north, Jeroboam built two sanctuaries (temples or high places) at
- The book of 2 Kings transitions away from the Elijah narratives and into the Elisha narratives.
- Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Barak’s reluctance.
- When the nation of Israel divided the Kingdom to the north was known as
- Whose bones were buried in the Promised Land at Shechem?
- According to our textbook, one reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is that they rejected the ministries of the prophets who sought to enforce the covenant.
- ______________ was a Judge in Israel
- The end result of the downfall of northern kingdom was the Babylonian captivity.
- The book of _____________ shows how the remnant were motivated to “rise up and build” Jerusalem’s walls.
- The main body of the story of the Judges revolves around __________ cycles of apostasy, repentance, and deliverance.
- David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites and moves the Ark of the Covenant there.
- The high point for David is the reception of the Davidic covenant. The covenant’s unconditional nature and conditional blessing set the stage for the rest of 2 Samuel.
- According to our textbook, the story of _____________ is a ray of hope during the period of the Judges.
- The tribe of Dan settled land on the East bank of the Jordan River.
- According to our textbook, one reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is their intermarriage with pagan nations.
- ____________ killed the unsuspecting commander Sisera with a tent peg and a mallet.
- Theologically, the story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of
- The book of _____________ opens the section of the Historical Books in the English Bible.
- Solomon’s ________________ turned him away from wholeheartedly following the Lord.
- Saul’s disobedience of the divine command to abolish the Moabites caused Yahweh to reject him as king.
- How many tribes make up the northern kingdom that rejected the Holy City, the temple, and the Davidic line?
- The tribe of Reuben settled land on the East bank of the Jordan River.
- The rediscovery of the covenant law caused King Josiah to lead the nation of Judah in covenant renewal and reform.
- The book of Judges concludes with a civil war in Israel that almost exterminated the tribe of
- In the ________________ campaign, God miraculously extended the day. This allowed Israel time to rout the enemy.
- 2 Samuel records only the highlights and positive episodes in King David’s reign.
- The second covenant renewal ceremony includes Joshua’s armation: “As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord.”
- When the nation of Israel divided, the Kingdom to the south was known as
- The real key to the success of the Judges was the empowerment of the Spirit of God who enabled them to accomplish great feats.
- The Jewish Feast of ____________ originates in the story of Esther.
- The book of Joshua concludes by recording the second covenant renewal ceremony at Shiloh.
- The book of _____________ shows how God providentially acted so that His people could return to their land and rebuild their temple.
- In order to conquer the land of Canaan ______________ military campaigns were undertaken.
- refused to go and confront the Canaanites unless ____________ came with into the battle.
- In the _______________ campaign, the town of Jericho was captured.
- According to our textbook, the uniqueness of Samson was
- Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Gideon’s foolish vow.
- The beginning chapters of 1 Samuel draw a sharp contrast between Eli and his ungodly sons and the godly prophet Samuel.
- The emphasis on true worship in 1 & 2 Chronicles explains why the word “___________” is found thirty-two times.
- Through ____________, the miraculous healing of leprous Naaman demonstrates Yahweh’s supremacy and grace to all people, even those outside the covenant community.
- Joshua’s miraculous water crossing armed his leadership to the people of Israel.