APOL 620 Quiz 1

APOL 620 Quiz 1 Liberty University

APOL 620 Quiz 1 Foundational studies in God, ethics, good, and evil

  1. If the goodness of a state of affairs (a part or slice of, we might say, a possible world) is defeasible, this means that that goodness can be eliminated by the actualization of some other state of affairs.
  2. According to Chisholm, the locus or location of intrinsic value is found in
  3. E. Moore holds that if a concept is undefinable connotatively, this is likely because it is metaphysically simple.
  4. Lewis’s chapter one of the Problem of Pain is devoted to which undertaking?
  5. Theonomy, according to John Feinberg, is where one’s theology precedes one’s
  6. The negation of an intrinsically good state of affairs is an intrinsically evil state of affairs.
  7. According to John Feinberg, no matter which theological position one takes, we will all come out with the same problem of evil to solve.
  8. S. Lewis follows which of the following theologians for Lewis’s definition of omnipotence, or divine power?
  9. There are only three alternatives in the universe, Lewis says: To be God; to be like God and to share His Goodness in creaturely response; what is the third?
  10. If Christian apologists are going to try to define ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ they will likely look to what for inspiration and the best source for doing so?
  11. The following are usually members of which list: pleasure, friendship, love, the exercise of virtue:
  12. The concept of the ‘numinous’ of which Lewis speaks early on in his book is a state best captured by which term?
  13. A prominent theonomist in the history of thought and Christian theology, according to Feinberg, is whom?
  14. John Feinberg ultimately accepts the theonomist position.
  15. Later in the course we will study the evidential argument from evil given by William Rowe. The ethical theory Rowe accepts, according to the material of this section, is that given by which moral theorist?

Set 1

  1. According to John Feinberg, no matter which theological position one takes, we will all come out with the same problem of evil to
  2. The negation of an intrinsically good state of affairs is an intrinsically evil state of
  3. If Christian apologists are going to try to define ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ they will likely look to what for inspiration and the best source for doing so?
  4. S. Lewis follows which of the following theologians for Lewis’s definition of omnipotence, or divine power?
  5. Theonomy, according to John Feinberg, is where one’s theology precedes one’s
  6. There are only three alternatives in the universe, Lewis says: To be God; to be like God and to share His Goodness in creaturely response; what is the third?
  7. The concept of the ‘numinous’ of which Lewis speaks early on in his book is a state best captured by which term?
  8. Later in the course we will study the evidential argument from evil given by William The ethical theory Rowe accepts, according to the material of this section, is that given by which moral theorist?
  9. A prominent theonomist in the history of thought and Christian theology, according to Feinberg, is whom?
  10. John Feinberg ultimately accepts the theonomist
  11. The following are usually members of which list: pleasure, friendship, love, the exercise of virtue:
  12. E. Moore holds that if a concept is undefinable connotatively, this is likely because it is metaphysically simple.
  13. If the goodness of a state of affairs (a part or slice of, we might say, a possible world) is defeasible, this means that that goodness can be eliminated by the actualization of some other state of
  14. According to Chisholm, the locus or location of intrinsic value is found in
  15. Lewis’s chapter one of the Problem of Pain is devoted to which undertaking?

Set 2

  1. A prominent theonomist in the history of thought and Christian theology, according to Feinberg, is whom?
  2. The negation of an intrinsically good state of affairs is an intrinsically evil state of affairs.
  3. S. Lewis follows which of the following theologians for Lewis’s definition of omnipotence, or divine power?
  4. If the goodness of a state of affairs (a part or slice of, we might say, a possible world) is defeasible, this means that that goodness can be eliminated by the actualization of some other state of affairs.
  5. There are only three alternatives in the universe, Lewis says: To be God; to be like God and to share His Goodness in creaturely response; what is the third?
  6. The following are usually members of which list: pleasure, friendship, love, the exercise of virtue:
  7. Later in the course we will study the evidential argument from evil given by William Rowe. The ethical theory Rowe accepts, according to the material of this section, is that given by which moral theorist?
  8. John Feinberg ultimately accepts the theonomist position.
  9. The concept of the ‘numinous’ of which Lewis speaks early on in his book is a state best captured by which term?
  10. According to John Feinberg, no matter which theological position one takes, we will all come out with the same problem of evil to solve.
  11. According to Chisholm, the locus or location of intrinsic value is found in
  12. Theonomy, according to John Feinberg, is where one’s theology precedes one’s
  13. If Christian apologists are going to try to define ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ they will likely look to what for inspiration and the best source for doing so?
  14. E. Moore holds that if a concept is undefinable connotatively, this is likely because it is metaphysically simple.
  15. Lewis’s chapter one of the Problem of Pain is devoted to which undertaking?
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  1. APOL 620 Quiz 1 Set 2
  2. APOL 620 Quiz 1
  3. APOL 620 Quiz 1 Set 3
  4. APOL 620 Quiz 1 2022
  • Liberty University