GOVT 220 Test 1

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GOVT 220 Quiz World View 1

GOVT 220 Test 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Variants of direct democracy include programs of citizen participation and
  2. Representative democracy is sometimes disapprovingly referred to as the _________ theory of democracy.
  3. Safety requirements for automobiles are an example of client politics.
  4. One distinctive feature of many European democracies is that very few offices are
  5. The pluralist view of power focuses on
  6. Karl Marx argued that governments were dominated by business owners, who he called the “__________”, until a revolution replaced them with rule by laborers, who he called the “__________”.
  7. How did Aristotle define democracy?
  8. Marx argued that governments were basically dominated by business owners.
  9. The financial position of the state and national governments under the Articles of Confederation could be best described as
  10. Who defined democracy as “The democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals [that is, leaders] acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote”?
  11. The creedal passion view recognizes that
  12. A modern example of direct democracy would be
  13. Who argued that American democracy is dominated by a small “power elite”?
  14. In the Greek city-state, only property holders were allowed to be citizens.
  15. The Framers’ concerns about direct democracy are well illustrated by the fact that the Constitution
  16. Karl Marx is associated with the view that elites reflect a(n)
  17. The text notes a tendency for issues that once were _________ to become __________ when they become objects of governmental action.
  18. The Great Compromise reconciled the interests of the small and large states over representation.
  19. The power of Congress to declare an act of the Supreme Court as unconstitutional is called judicial review.
  20. One of the basic liberties sought by the colonists through independence from Great Britain was
  21. Under the Articles of Confederation, delegates to the national legislature were
  22. The nature of the amendment process has probably kept the amendments added to the U.S. Constitution
  23. Each state would have had an equal number of votes in the legislature under the ________ Plan.
  24. The Great Compromise finally allocated representation on the basis of
  25. The colonists saw “higher law” as something that was discoverable in nature.
  26. To put down Shays’s Rebellion, the governor of Massachusetts
  27. Madison dramatized his perspective in a Federalist paper by observing that “if men were _________, no government would be necessary.”
  28. The British constitution was a single written document that was a model for the colonists.
  29. Alexander Hamilton was a strong supporter of the government set up by the Articles of Confederation.
  30. Equality was a goal of the ________ Revolution.
  31. A group with a distinct political interest is called a faction.
  32. Rhode Island refused to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention.
  33. Which delegate was known worldwide as a famous scientist at the time of the convention?
  34. Which is a procedure that enables voters to reject a measure adopted by the legislature?
  35. In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maryland could not tax a bank chartered by the national government.
  36. The interstate commerce that the federal government can regulate is now interpreted to include
  37. In McCulloch v. Maryland,
  38. __________ is a political system in which the national government shares power with local governments.
  39. Thomas Jefferson generally thought the powers of the federal government should be narrowly construed and strictly limited.
  40. Just what sort of commerce Congress could regulate between the states was not spelled out in the U.S. Constitution because
  41. The concept of dual federalism grew out of a debate on the issue of the commerce clause.
  42. Until the 1960s, the majority of federal grants-in-aid served national purposes.
  43. Which of the following countries does NOT have a federal system of government?
  44. Over the last half-century, state and local government spending has declined significantly.
  45. An initiative allows voters to place legislative measures directly on the ballot by getting enough signatures.
  46. The police power is generally recognized as a state power.
  47. An important outcome of Marshall’s ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) was to
  48. Under their police powers, states can enact and enforce all of the following EXCEPT
  49. A federal republic derives its powers from
  50. In the United States, programs such as the interstate highway system and services to the unemployed are most accurately considered

Other sets

  1. The prime minister can rule as long as he or she
  2. Who predicted ratification of the Constitution would result in the creation of an ever-growing government that would greatly increase taxes?
  3. There is a sense of rivalry between the president and Congress even when they are from the same party.
  4. All of the following are characteristics of most people holding public office except
  5. In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to the president and Congress.
  6. In Germany, research and teaching are “free” but subject to
  7. Which of the following statements regarding circumstances in the late 1700s is incorrect?
  8. In a direct democracy,
  9. The belief that government is run by self-seeking politicians and dominated by special interest groups is, according to the text,
  10. In addition to the power of judicial review, courts can wield influence by
  11. Democracies always feature presidential systems.
  12. The New England town meeting is an example of representative democracy.
  13. The text suggests that decisions about public policy usually
  14. In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to
  15. Public trust and confidence in the federal government has declined sharply since the
  16. Winston Churchill observed that democracy is
  17. Most Americans have confidence in what the federal government does.
  18. Which constitutional amendment took 202 years to ratify?
  19. The Framers faced major challenges in trying to produce a constitution that was strong enough to unite the country without threatening liberty.
  20. The goal of the American Revolution was
  21. Which of the following statements regarding the signing of the Constitution is incorrect?
  22. Two Treatises of Government argued that __________ was a critical element in the formation of government.
  23. Which president was physically disabled without most Americans even knowing?
  24. The Great Compromise allocated representation on the basis of
  25. There have been thousands of proposed constitutional amendments.
  26. George Washington was the presiding officer at the Constitutional Convention.
  27. Only one constitutional amendment has been ratified in the conventions of three-fourths of the states —the __________Amendment.
  28. Habeas corpus cannot be suspended.
  29. Double jeopardy is forbidden in the
  30. The Constitution failed to outlaw slavery because
  31. The Articles of Confederation went into effect in
  32. Which of the following is true of the Massachusetts constitution?
  33. For most Americans, the Revolution was about
  34. Members of Congress can raise a procedural point of order if an unfunded mandate
  35. Jefferson generally held that the powers of the federal government should be narrowly construed and strictly limited.
  36. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled the individual mandate of “Obamacare” was not a tax.
  37. The Supreme Court case that established national supremacy was
  38. The text suggests that the fears of the Antifederalists regarding expansion of the power of the national government have proved to be unfounded.
  39. Nullification first appeared in the discourse of American politics when a federal law attempted to regulate
  40. The decision in McCulloch v. Maryland rested largely on the premise that the government
  41. The Civil War led to enlargement of the powers of the national government.
  42. In the 1960s and 1970s federal grants to states were increasingly based on
  43. The Civil War led to expansion of the power of the
  44. John C. Calhoun was the first to develop the theory of nullification.
  45. The first federal grants to the states began
  46. Federalism discourages the average citizen from becoming involved in political activity.
  47. The Framers intended federalism to be a device whereby personal liberty would be protected.
  48. The text suggests that the relationship between federal funds and the growth rate of regions is
  49. The people have made it clear that police and schools should be
  50. There are over __________ elected officials in this county.

Other sets

  1. The framers of our constitution called a representative democracy a republic.
  2. A government whose decisions people will obey because they think the government has the right to make them is considered
  3. Hardly any policy becomes law without adjustments to the needs of the states.
  4. The prime minister can rule as long as he or she
  5. In a parliamentary system, power is decentralized.
  6. In 1935, most Americans paid no federal income tax.
  7. In the late 1700s the federal government was broke and sinking deeper into debt.
  8. Today, the average income tax rate for American families is over __________ percent.
  9. The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was
  10. When citizens vote on major issues that are put on the ballot, this is an example of a(n)
  11. A government is only legitimate if its citizens obey all its laws.
  12. It is possible to be critical of government and yet passionately defend its principles.
  13. Who predicted ratification of the Constitution would result in the creation of an ever‐growing government that would greatly increase taxes?
  14. Winston Churchill observed that democracy is
  15. The United States is a(n)
  16. Debates over government finances have generally been debates about
  17. If a society has become pluralist, power and resources have been distributed widely.
  18. The Constitution contained no bill of rights because, among other things,
  19. Who, notably, said, “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing”?
  20. Under the Articles of Confederation, there was
  21. The U.S. Constitution is the world’s oldest written national constitution.
  22. The Framers of the Constitution believed that two types of majorities were essential on important questions; they are majorities of
  23. The Virginia Plan was authored by
  24. By the end of the Convention, one state was represented by a single delegate—the other delegates having left the Convention; that state was
  25. The Articles of Confederation granted the federal government the rights to levy taxes and regulate commerce.
  26. The text notes a recent Supreme Court case involving ________ received extensive and intense media coverage before and after the Court’s decision.
  27. Cruel and unusual punishment is forbidden in the
  28. Generally, the Antifederalists felt that the government created by the Constitution was
  29. The Framers of the Constitution intended to create a
  30. Which of the following statements regarding the Constitutional Convention is incorrect?
  31. An ex post facto law makes an act a crime that was not a crime at the time that is was committed.
  32. The Virginia Plan called for
  33. For most Americans, the Revolution was about
  34. The Constitution has been amended __________ times in more than 225 years.
  35. There are over __________ elected officials in this county.
  36. In McCulloch v. Maryland the Supreme Court concluded that chartering a bank was within the powers of Congress.
  37. President Clinton signed into law the Real ID Act, in effect creating a national identity card.
  38. The decision in McCulloch v. Maryland rested largely on the premise that the government
  39. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled the individual mandate of “Obamacare” was not a tax.
  40. The Constitution was ratified in
  41. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled the most controversial aspect of Obamacare withstood constitutional scrutiny as a _________ as opposed to a “penalty.”
  42. The text suggests that the fears of the Antifederalists regarding expansion of the power of the national government have proved to be unfounded.
  43. The Constitution clearly allocated power to the national and state governments.
  44. Sovereignty is
  45. Hamilton’s view of the new government generally was rejected by
  46. The Framers were clear about how the federal system was supposed to work.
  47. Federal grants to the states began in the early 1900s.
  48. Early in our Nation’s history, land grants were employed to support the building of
  49. The federal government shifted toward block grants because local governments complained that
  50. Congress has played a major part in preserving federalism by
  1. Freedom of speech is strongly protected under the __________ Amendment.
  2. Pluralism asserts that political resources are
  3. The New England town meeting is an example of representative democracy.
  4. In a parliamentary system, all power is invested in the national
  5. Adjusted for inflation, the size of the federal budget is much smaller than it was in 1960.
  6. All of the following are characteristics of most people holding public office except
  7. One notable feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom is that it
  8. The text suggests that decisions about public policy usually
  9. A government’s legitimacy is based on its
  10. James Madison was the chief architect of the Constitution.
  11. In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to the president and Congress.
  12. One notable feature of parliamentary government is that
  13. The goal of the American Revolution was
  14. Double jeopardy is forbidden in the
  15. A strong central government existed under the Articles of Confederation.
  16. All of the delegates from the State of __________ left the Convention, with the exception of Alexander Hamilton.
  17. The experience of Pennsylvania’s constitution demonstrated that
  18. According to Madison, it was best for the government to be at some distance from the people because
  19. The Philadelphia convention attracted a total of __________ delegates.
  20. The stated purpose for the delegates’ assembly in Philadelphia in 1787 was to
  21. Each state had one vote in Congress under the Articles of Confederation.
  22. The Constitutional Convention can be described as
  23. George Washington was the presiding officer at the Constitutional Convention.
  24. In 1995 the Court appeared to reverse field, limiting the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in a case involving a ban on
  25. Most nations do not have local units of government.
  26. State officials complained because Obamacare required that the states
  27. For the Framers, federalism was a device to
  28. Today, federal systems are found in
  29. Since the adoption of the Constitution, the most persistent source of political conflict has been between
  30. John C. Calhoun was the first to develop the theory of nullification.
  31. Congress began slowing the number of grants‐in‐aid programs during the 1960s owing to the cost of the Vietnam War.
  32. The most controversial aspect of Obamacare was the
  33. The term intergovernmental lobby refers to lobbying activities by
  34. In theory, block grants were supposed to give states and cities considerable freedom in deciding how to spend money.
  35. A federal republic derives its powers directly from
  36. The states funded most of the interstate highway program.
  37. The Supreme Court, in McCulloch v. Maryland, decided that
  38. Distributional formulas have created
  39. Democracies always feature presidential systems.
  40. The authors suggest politics exists in
  41. In a parliamentary system, the prime minister is chosen by the
  42. Which of the following statements regarding circumstances in the late 1700s is incorrect?
  43. The chief executive in a parliamentary system is usually called
  44. In addition to the power of judicial review, courts can wield influence by
  45. The text notes that, in the mid‐1930s, the vast majority of Americans
  46. There is a sense of rivalry between the president and Congress even when they are from the same party.
  47. In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to
  48. The text suggests that politics is inevitable.
  49. State and local governments play an important role in American politics.
  50. The Great Compromise allocated representation on the basis of
  51. Only one constitutional amendment has been ratified in the conventions of three‐ fourths of the states—the __________Amendment.
  52. James Madison believed that government could be kept in check by allowing the self‐interest of one person to check the self‐interest of another.
  53. A conspicuous number of delegates at the Constitutional Convention were
  54. Whatever the merit of his work, Locke did not think the will of the majority was relevant in matters related to government.
  55. James Madison argued that
  56. Two Treatises of Government argued that __________ was a critical element in the formation of government.
  57. In drafting the Declaration, Jefferson originally added an item that addressed the issue of __________ but Congress decided to drop it from the document.
  58. Which of the following statements regarding the signing of the Constitution is incorrect?
  59. Habeas corpus cannot be suspended.
  60. Which constitutional amendment took 202 years to ratify?
  61. Shays’s Rebellion was interpreted by political leaders at the time as proving that
  62. Most mandates concern civil rights and environmental protection.
  63. Most state and local officials welcomed the 1973 federal law that forbade discrimination against disabled people in any program receiving federal aid.
  64. It is not uncommon for the director of the census to be roundly denounced by big‐ city mayors.
  65. Although the central government has acquired more power over the years, the states have managed to maintain a large role in governing through
  66. The doctrine of dual federalism grew out of a debate on the subject of
  67. The first federal grants to the states began
  68. The Supreme Court case that established national supremacy was
  69. Federal laws requiring states and cities to take certain actions whether or not they receive federal aid are called
  70. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
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