HSMF 601 Quiz 3

HSMF 601 Quiz 3

  1. Haley and Madanes, were interested in motives behind family problems: Haley mainly in the desire to control others and Madanes in the desire to love and be
  2. The strategic technique of providing a new label for a family’s description of behavior, in order to make it more amenable to therapeutic change; for example, describing someone as “lonely” rather than “depressed.”
  3. A method of interviewing developed by the Milan associates in which questions are asked to highlight differences among family members, is known as:
  4. Relabeling a family’s description of behavior to make it more amenable to therapeutic change is called:
  5. Bowenians view _______ levels of anxiety and ______ self-focus as the primary mechanism of change.
  6. A technique used by the Milan group that engages clients in a series of actions that ran counter to or exaggerated rigid family rules and myths..
  7. A primary goal of communications family therapy is to:
  8. are schematic representations of the extended family, showing connections and relationship dynamics.
  9. According to Bowen, the underlying factor in the genesis of psychological problems is __________, passed down from one generation to the next.
  10. According to Bowen, ___________ is the capacity to think and reflect, to not respond automatically to emotional pressures.
  11. Bowen originally used the term ___________ to describe fusion in families.
  12. Action and insight are the primary vehicles of change in family therapy. The __________ school emphasizes behavioral change and eschews insight as a medium for change.
  13. develop when two people regularly involve third parties in their conflicts with each other?
  14. Basic change in the structure and functioning of a system is known in general systems theory as:
  15. The current form of Haley/Madanes therapy is called __________, and still involves giving directives based on therapist hypotheses, though shifting the focus away from the power elements of family hierarchy.
  16. The strategic and systemic therapies were most directly influenced by the ideas of:
  17. From a Bowenian perspective, optimal development in the family occurs when all members are relatively differentiated, anxiety is low, and parents
  18. The development and use of “pretend techniques,” paradoxical interventions in which family members are asked to pretend to engage in symptomatic behavior, is associated with which strategic/systemic therapist?
  19. is a prominent technique in Bowenian therapy designed to clarify emotional processes involved in altering key triangles. The technique is used in order to help family members become aware of systems processes and recognize their own roles in them–it was first developed for use with emotional pursuers and distancers.
  20. Murray Bowen developed his ideas about family therapy while at the NIMH, studying __________ families. Based on his observations of these families’ intense clinging interdependence, he concluded that a lack of differentiation was responsible for all family pathology.
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  1. HSMF 601 Quiz 3