HIEU 425 Quiz 8 Napoleonic Overreach

HIEU 425 Quiz 8 Napoleonic Overreach and Collapse: Russia to Waterloo

  1. Results of the Napoleon’s invasion of Russia included all of the following EXCEPT:
  2. The British army under the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at Waterloo single-handedly.
  3. In preparing to invade Russia, Napoleon:
  4. Which of the following changes wrought by the Revolution remained despite the restoration of the Bourbons?
  5. During Hundred Days, Napoleon’s strategy against coming Allied offensive was:
  6. The march of the Grand Army through the Russian summer encountered few difficulties with weather and provisions.
  7. In Chapter 9 of Popkin’s book, evaluating the Revolution’s legacy, which of the following was NOT part of the postrevolutionary settlement?
  8. In “The Russian Campaign as Seen by an Ordinary Soldier,” Sergeant Bourgogne described:
  9. However one views the French Revolution and Napoleon, the period was undoubtedly a turning point in Western history and left a complex legacy.
  10. How did the nineteenth-century French political analyst Alexis de Tocqueville view the French Revolution?
  11. The famous Russian retreat before Napoleon’s invasion weakened the Grand Army by forcing him to drop of units to guard his supply and communication lines.
  12. In order to achieve both legitimacy and an heir, Napoleon married:
  13. All of the following was true of Napoleon’s situation in early 1813 after the Russian disaster EXCEPT:
  14. As the years passed, Napoleon retained the ability to adapt to changing situations and maintained a strong grasp on reality.
  15. In his later years, Napoleon’s strategic errors included:
  16. How did Thomas Jefferson view the French Revolution is his letter from 1793?
  17. In the 1813 campaign, Napoleon insisted on taking the offensive, despite having inferior numbers.
  18. Over the years, historians views of the French Revolution have remained relatively unchanged.
  19. The selection, “A Popular English Broadside” (1821), celebrated Napoleon’s death in exile, removing him as a threat to England forever.
  20. As Napoleon prepared to defend France in 1814, there was little enthusiasm in the country for continuing the war.
  21. Napoleon’s self-created legend included all of the following EXCEPT:
  22. At the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was in superb physical and mental condition and conducted the battle brilliantly, only losing to vastly superior numbers.
  23. Which was the main result of the Battle of Leipzig in October 1813?
  24. Upon his restoration to his brother’s throne, Louis XVIII attempted to restore the old absolute monarchy.
  25. The English liberal political scientist John Stuart Mill rmly supported the democratic aspects of the French Revolution.
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  1. HIEU 425 Quiz 8 Napoleonic Overreach