PHIL 201 Quiz 5,6,7,8

PHIL 201 Quiz 5,6,7,8 Liberty

PHIL 201 Quiz 5

PHIL 201 Quiz 6

PHIL 201 Quiz 7

PHIL 201 Quiz 8

PHIL 201 Quiz: Reality, Freedom and Personhood

Module 5: Week 5

  1. Which of the following is not true of materialism:
  2. David Hume argued that humans are a composite of a material body and an immaterial soul.
  3. Which theory of perception endorses the claim that when we perceive an object we are directly aware of a mind-independent object?
  4. As a Christian, it doesn’t matter what one thinks about the nature of reality.
  5. Which of the following sub-disciplines of philosophy studies the nature and structure of reality?
  6. One worry associated with Christian versions of idealism is that it is panentheistic.
  7. (T/F) According to the fictionalists about abstract objects, “2+2=4” is meaningful, but not literally true.
  8. According to Berkeleyan Idealism:
  9. The Indispensibility Argument is an argument in favor of which of the following views?
  10. Agent causation in a plausible “extra factor” added to the account of libertarian freedom in order to make sense of how actions can be free and non-arbitrary.
  11. Frankfurt-style counter-examples, if true, show that:
  12. The open theist endorses all but which one of the following claims?
  13. The soft determinist thinks there is freedom yet we are determined.
  14. Which of the following is not a necessary condition for libertarian freedom, as discussed in the chapter?
  15. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism is true, is unsure whether determinism is true or false, yet either way, denies the reality of genuine freedom?
  16. According to physical determinism, the future is fixed
  17. Two plausible conditions for genuine freedom are:
  18. Functionalism defines minds as those entities capable of:
  19. This view suggests that the best way to handle mental properties and mental states is simply to deny them altogether.
  20. Plato and Descartes are two famous defenders of what view in the philosophy of mind?
  21. If minds are only “entities that facilitate rational processes and process intelligent functions” then computers could be considered minds.
  22. This view is most common among Christian materialists.
  23. According to L. R. Baker, what are the two distinct qualities of humans which nonperson animals do not possess?
  24. Hylomorphism is sometimes regarded as a version of dualism and sometimes regarded as a version of materialism.
  25. John Locke adopted the view of persons known as “psychological continuity” which is the view that:

PHIL 201 Quiz: Faith, Reason and Science

Module 6: Week 6

  1. Dialogical views of faith and reason see the two as dialogue partners, primarily because both Scripture and creation are forms of revelation that originate from God.
  2. Which Christian philosopher below, is NOT listed by the authors as one who pushes back on evidentialism?
  3. The authors understand the concept of “faith” to be a kind of blind leap based on optimism and positive thinking.
  4. Which figure is NOT listed as someone who holds to a “faith seeking understanding” view of faith and reason?
  5. The “Warfare Thesis” is so named because:
  6. Which church fathers are known for starting the debate over reason’s/philosophy’s role in faith and theology?
  7. Which is one of the concerns about adopting pragmatism, given by the authors?
  8. Which of the following is NOT a reason for viewing the relationship of faith and reason as a dialogue?
  9. Evidentialism is an example of an internalist approach to justification.
  10. Fideism comes from the Latin word des, which translates to “blind leap” in English.
  11. The view of faith and reason the authors call “Reason as Magistrate” is characteristic of what time period in western history?
  12. The authors push back on the “Warfare Thesis” with all of the points below EXCEPT?
  13. A “theodicy” is:
  14. Citing Gillespie, the authors note that William Paley’s design argument was effectively defeated by which figure?
  15. Fine-Tuning arguments contend that evolution must be false because the bible says God created the world in 6 days.
  16. The Intelligent Design movement challenges the explanatory sufficiency of:
  17. Natural theology continues to be of great importance in the area of religious epistemology.
  18. The authors note that since Hume is right – arguments from analogy never render complete certainty – they are unhelpful to apologists and should be avoided in favor of other arguments.
  19. Natural Revelation and Natural Theology refer to the same concept; one is the philosophical term and the other is theological, but they refer to the same thing.
  20. The authors note 3 distinct affirmations by Paul in Romans 1:18-21. Which is NOT one?
  21. The “Weak-Analogy” objection says that design arguments rest on a bad analogy because nature is not analogous to:
  22. The authors note that in John Calvin’s Institutes, Calvin says that all men innately have:
  23. The authors quote Polkinghorne who argues that Natural theology’s collapse was due to what kind of discovery?
  24. The “Problem of Evil” objection by Hume, according to the authors, gives responding apologists what kind of opportunity:
  25. Which medieval philosopher-theologian argued that reason and philosophy should be used as a subservient partners or servants to theology?

PHIL 201 Quiz 7 God and Evil

Module 7 Week 7

  1. According to sociologists, we now live in:
  2. If successful, as a result of the Moral Argument, we learn there is a:
  3. David Hume thought the teleological argument was successful in showing that the Christian God exists.
  4. Which argument for God is Anselm of Canterbury most-known for?
  5. The “multiverse hypothesis” is a prominent objection to the moral argument.
  6. Humans by nature worship that which is considered ultimate.
  7. According to the Kalam Cosmological Argument:
  8. William Paley’s famous “Watch maker” argument is an example of which kind of argument for God?
  9. According to William Lane Craig, the expansion of the universe provides evidence for the eternality of the universe.
  10. If successful, as a result of the teleological argument we learn that there is a:
  11. According to the philosopher Stephen Evans, the evidence for God is:
  12. If successful, as a result of the Cosmological Argument, we learn there is a
  13. If successful, the Kalam Cosmological Argument rules out:
  14. There is only one version of the problem of evil.
  15. God can do the logically impossible.
  16. As a response to the evidential problem of evil, if one argues “here is God’s reason for permitting evil,” they are providing:
  17. The logical problem of evil attempts to show which of the following?
  18. According to Richard Gale, evil is an “ought not to be, an Oh No!”
  19. Sometimes “noseeum” inference are good inference, sometimes they are not.
  20. According to the evidential problem of evil, probably, pointless evil exists.
  21. Which version of freedom does Plantinga’s Free-Will Defense utilize?
  22. As a response to the evidential problem of evil, if one argues “there is a morally sufficient reason for God’s permitting evil, we just can’t know it in all cases,” they are providing what the textbook calls:
  23. To claim “there is nothing God can’t do” is problematic, according to our reading on evil, for what reason?
  24. The evidential problem of evil attempts to show which of the following?
  25. Which of the following thinkers famously advanced the “soul- making” theodicy:

PHIL 201 Quiz Ethical Foundations and Norms

Module 8: Week 8

  1. Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8.
  2. Just because an individual (or group of individuals) believe something is the case, that doesn’t mean it is the case.
  3. According to emotivism, “murder is wrong” is understood to mean:
  4. Objectivist metaethical theories are:
  5. Which branch of ethics attempts to answer moral questions and settle issues about what to do and who to be is:
  6. A key intuition we hold is that we owe obligations to persons, not things, and this provides reason to think theism explains, whereas Platonic atheism does not, the reality of objective moral duties.
  7. If you believe that moral facts are mind-independent then you think they are:
  8. According to simple subjectivism, whatever an individual believes to be true is true (for that person).
  9. According to cognitivism:
  10. Subjectivist metaethical theories are:
  11. If you believe that moral facts are mind-dependent then you think they are:
  12. The branch of ethics that explores answer to the question, “What grounds moral facts?” is
  13. Which branch of ethics asks nonmoral questions about morality?
  14. The Enlightenment philosopher was one of the leading voices for deontological ethics.
  15. Teleological ethical theories are primarily concerned with commands to do right, and to avoid wrong-doing.
  16. The authors note that because Utilitarianism broadens its concern to all people or an entire community, it is an improvement on Egoism.
  17. Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy rested on the assumption that there is a “universal rationality” shared by all people everywhere.
  18. Deontological theories are primarily concerned with:
  19. Alasdair MacIntyre founded which modern ethical approach?
  20. The authors use the quote by Ayn Rand, man “must live for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to other nor sacrificing other to himself” to describe which ethical theory?
  21. Egoism necessarily entails the ideas that one should not help his neighbor and that one should do whatever he/she wants to do.
  22. John Stuart Mill, a pioneer of Utilitarian ethics, sought to find an objective morality through an ontological basis of morality.
  23. MacIntyre argues that ethics should be about constructing a unified approach to morality that applies to all people everywhere.
  24. Which distinction is made among Divine Command Theorists?
  25. The authors describe the ancient concept of “eudaimonia” (what Aristotle believed to be the end/purpose of every man) as:
  26. Which medieval philosopher-theologian argued that reason and philosophy should be used as a subservient partners or servants to theology?
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  2. PHIL 201 Quiz 8 2022
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  6. PHIL 201 Quiz 8 2023
  7. PHIL 201 Quiz 7 2023
  8. PHIL 201 Quiz 6 2023