EDUC 750 Quiz 4,5,6

EDUC 750 Quiz Qualitative Research

Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5.

  1. In which situation would the potential for reactive effects be the greatest?
  2. All of the following aspects were features of the Trackton and Roadville study except:
  3. Qualitative researchers in education often focus on the _____ of educational activities.
  4. Shirley Brice Heath’s research focus was:
  5. In order to gather data, Heath became a (n) ____ in the setting of her study.
  6. Which of the following activities is NOT performed in qualitative research?
  7. What did Kai Erikson purport about covert participation?
  8. A description that provides a sense of what it is like to experience a setting being studied from the standpoint of the individuals in that setting is referred to as a(n)_____ description.
  9. Covert participation lessens the potential for reactive effects.
  10. A good researcher takes comprehensive notes while engaging in the field.
  11. In participant observation, educational processes are studied in a laboratory.
  12. The point when new interviews seem to yield little additional information is referred to as the saturation point.
  13. Emic focus represents the setting with the _____ terms, whereas etic focus represents a setting with the _____ terms.
  14. Photovoice would most likely be used with which of the below subjects?
  15. Which type of qualitative data analysis refers to issues such as how the researcher interacted with subjects, the problems encountered in the study, and the resolution (or not) of these problems?
  16. A researcher who tries to construct her own interpretation of what the text means is reading the text:
  17. Ethnographic educational research is similar to traditional _____ field research.
  18. Qualitative text may be transposed into quantitative data through the process of:
  19. Which statement would NOT be included in an accurate description of ethnomethodology?
  20. Which statement is true about good qualitative data analysis?
  21. When does qualitative data analysis begin?
  22. Examining relationships allows a researcher to validate conclusions.
  23. Conversation analysis focuses on the stories that people are telling.
  24. A matrix facilitates the coding and categorization process of data.
  25. Morrill et al. (2000) classified narrative analysis stories along two different types and seven different dimensions.

EDUC 750 Quiz Action Research, Mixed Methods, and Evaluation Research

Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6.

  1. Analysis of the extent to which a program actually works is called:
  2. Evaluation research is best understood in relation to:
  3. Which approach to evaluation research assumes a test of a simple input/output model?
  4. Which of the following is NOT a type of program evaluation?
  5. The direct product of a program’s service delivery process is referred to as program:
  6. Black box theory answers the question “How does the program get results?”
  7. A summative evaluation is synonymous with impact evaluation.
  8. Evaluation research is typically conducted to appease stakeholders.
  9. When would the generalizability of a historical method likely be enhanced?
  10. A standardized measure that captures the association between the independent and dependent variable across multiple studies is called the:
  11. Odom et al. (2006) adopted a mixed methods approach in order to study:
  12. Fink (1998) outlined seven criteria for evaluating:
  13. What was O’Toole et al.’s (1999) conclusion about teacher reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect?
  14. Odom et al.’s (2006) observational data were transformed into quantitative data using the _____ procedure.
  15. The three dimensions of validity must be considered as an integrated whole.
  16. Intermethod mixing involves two or more methods.
  17. Who sponsored Howard Banford’s research project?
  18. Joseph Kelly’s research question involved students’ use of:
  19. According to the authors, which one of the following is a challenge confronting many teacher researchers?
  20. Teacher research is typically disseminated at what level?
  21. Action Research refers to research activities that use a _____ model to investigate and attempt to make change in an organization.
  22. In order to collect student work samples for research purposes, teacher researchers must:
  23. Most teachers do not support an inquiry stance.
  24. The cyclical process is the essence of teacher research.
  25. The use of multiple data sources is an

EDUC 750 Quiz Survey and Single Subject Design

Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7.

  1. “Do you participate in the school’s Parent Teacher Association and athletic organization?” would be considered a _____question.
  2. The most important question of a survey is:
  3. Which type of survey administration is NOT completed by the respondents themselves?
  4. Which one of the following guidelines will help an interviewer maintain balance in an in-person interview?
  5. A series of questions that concern a common theme and have the same response choices are called _____ questions.
  6. Which technique for improving survey questions involves having individuals think aloud as they answer the questions?
  7. Which three qualities best describe survey research?
  8. When is the potential for context effect the greatest?
  9. The frequent use of cell phones has increased the popularity of phone surveys.
  10. One way to ensure that possibly relevant questions are asked is to use questions suggested by prior research, theory, experience, or experts (including participants) who are knowledgeable about the setting under investigation.
  11. One way a researcher can ensure that relevant questions are asked in a survey is to investigate questions suggested by prior researchers.
  12. When designing a questionnaire, the research objective is the basis for deciding what to include or exclude.
  13. In a study examining a third grader’s feelings of self-esteem in the classroom, the child’s level of self esteem would likely be measured by:
  14. In visual analysis, the amount or magnitude of the target variable is referred to as the:
  15. In monitoring using single-subject design, when do the target and intervention emerge?
  16. As long as threats to internal validity are controlled, an A-B design is analogous to:
  17. Which type of design implements a series of A-B designs at the same time for at least three cases?
  18. The baseline phase is signified by the letter(s)____; whereas the treatment phase is signified by the letter(s)_____.
  19. Which principle is NOT involved in determining practical significance?
  20. In the Hume and Odom (2007) study, what was the name of the intervention teachers instituted to help Scott?
  21. What occurs when scores are either increasing or decreasing during the baseline phase?
  22. Rate, magnitude, and level are three concepts involved in visual analysis.
  23. In a single-subject design, the focus of the intervention is the independent variable.
  24. Establishing a pattern in single-subject design requires four measurements.
  25. Historically, single-subject designs have been underutilized by school-based practitioners and educational researchers.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. EDUC 750 Quiz Qualitative 2
  2. EDUC 750 Quiz Qualitative
  3. EDUC 750 Action Research Mixed Methods 2023
  4. EDUC 750 Action Research Mixed Methods 2023
  5. EDUC 750 Quiz Survey