GOVT 406 Quiz 1,2,3,4

GOVT 406 Quiz 1,2,3,4

GOVT 406 Quiz 1

GOVT 406 Quiz 2

GOVT 406 Quiz 3

GOVT 406 Quiz 4

GOVT 406 Quiz 1 Introduction to Real Estate Ownership

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. Ann Fleming’s sprinkler system malfunctioned. As a result, the spray damaged her neighbor’s car’s paint. Ann’s neighbor’s best remedy is:
  2. G grants the following, “To A for life and then to the heirs of A.” The heirs of A hold what interest?
  3. The grant, “To my husband for life, then to the Osborn Observatory provided that the observatory has a governing board in place,” creates which future interest?
  4. H leaves a life estate to A “and then to my grandson, Bob.” What interest does Bob hold?
  5. “To A my beloved wife, for so long as she is in good health” is an example of:
  6. Ellie Bernstein has a large oak tree on her property but the roots of the tree have grown into her neighbor’s, Carl Ephron, property. Carl’s septic system is being damaged by the roots. Carl:
  7. To my husband for life, then when my youngest child reaches age 21, to my children in equal shares. What interest do the children hold?
  8. What remedies are available for nuisance?
  9. In, “To my wife for life, then to my children,” the children hold:
  10. Which of the following have not been changed by statute in many states?
  11. “To A on the condition that the easement be maintained and should the easement not be maintained, the property shall go to the Mesa Public School District for use as an athletic field.” A has:
  12. Jane is buying a home and intends to operate her business out of her home. Jane’s real estate agent has advised her to check the zoning laws as well as the rules of the homeowner’s association. Where would Jane find the zoning laws?
  13. Which of the following issues does the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution address?
  14. The column lot:
  15. “To my wife for life, then to my children” (grantor’s will and grantor has died):
  16. “To A for the life of B” creates a life estate in B.
  17. An example of a profit is the right to remove gravel.
  18. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to apply laws equally to all citizens so that they all enjoy the same protections for land ownership.
  19. A permanent structure can be built solely in the air rights in a property.
  20. A column lot is the space between the earth’s surface and an imaginary plane 23′ above the surface.
  21. “To A for ten years” is an example of a life estate.
  22. Air rights and subsurface rights cannot be conveyed independently.
  23. Both the fee simple determinable and the fee simple subject to a condition subsequent are fee simple defeasible estates.
  24. A patron in a store is an invitee.
  25. The right to a view has been protected since the common law developed in England.

GOVT 406 Quiz 2 Interests in Real Property

Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Which of the following is most likely to be considered a fixture in a residential sale?
  2. In a home sale, which of the following is most likely to be treated as a fixture?
  3. The general problem with metes and bounds descriptions is:
  4. Jennie Jamison is purchasing the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 1 of R1W T1S of the Salt Lake Meridian in Washaw County at a cost of $300 per acre. How much will she be paying for the land?
  5. A tenant who is given a right to use a swimming pool in a building located next to his apartment building:
  6. In a question of priority between a secured creditor and a subcontractor, the rule is:
  7. A deed for conveyance of land included the following description: “The L. W. Anacker farm in the town of Stanton.”
  8. Which of the following is not an element required for an easement by prescription?
  9. The property which enjoys the benefit of an easement is:
  10. A license:
  11. The difference between a profit and an easement is:
  12. Which of the following descriptions is an adequate legal description for a valid deed?
  13. What can happen if a lien does not include all the statutorily required information?
  14. Which of the following is a voluntary lien?
  15. In which of the following circumstances will the authority of the contracting party be questionable (for purposes of lien attachment)?
  16. An easement created by prescription does not pass with title to the land.
  17. A license must be in writing to be valid.
  18. An oral easement is a license.
  19. There are 640 acres in a section.
  20. Public property is exempt from liens.
  21. A mechanics’ lien is a statutory lien.
  22. Easements have been used to preserve farmland.
  23. A mechanics’ lien applies only to the improved structure.
  24. An easement by necessity lasts only as long as the necessity exists.
  25. A metes and bounds description requires an immovable starting point.

GOVT 406 Quiz 3 Residential and Commercial Leases

Covers the Textbook material from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. Which of the following is not a required ADA accommodation?
  2. Croc Corner leases a small store located in the Cumberland Shopping Mall. Croc Corner’s owner has noticed a leak from the ceiling just above the entrance to his shop. There is a constant drip that produces either a puddle or a small bucket full of water just outside the Croc Corner door. Croc Corner’s owner has notified the mall leasing agent as well as the limited partnership that owns the mall. “That’s your responsibility, not ours,” is the response of both the agent and owner. Which of the following statements is correct?
  3. Mary Weatherall was a residential tenant in the Yorktown Townhome complex. She fell on the ice and snow accumulated outside her leased apartment and fractured her ankle. Which of the following statements is correct about these circumstances?
  4. Which of the following cannot be used to preserve the mix of a shopping center?
  5. Amy Geiger had a two-year lease on a Manhattan apartment that began on August 1, 2019, and was to run until July 31, 2021 at a rate of $1,200 per month. What is the maximum security deposit the landlord can charge Amy under the URLTA?
  6. Randy Baca resides with her two children in a two-bedroom apartment owned by Lakefront, Inc. The hot water in the apartment is too hot for Randy to touch, and she has complained to Lakefront and the manager. Her six-year old daughter is severely scalded when she tries to draw water for her bath. Which of the following is correct?
  7. Which of the following provisions must be included in a residential lease agreement for that agreement to be valid and enforceable?
  8. Fairfield Centers, Inc. operates malls and shopping centers around the country. One of its tenants, the Shoe Fair, has leased premises in a small Fairfield shopping center in Evansville, Indiana. Shoe Fair has a five-year lease that began in 2019. The terms of the lease have a base rent plus a percentage of profits from Shoe Fair’s sales. Shoe Fair is selling knock-off shoes that carry labels such as Ferragamo and Christian Louboutin shoes. This product line has significantly improved the Shoe Fair’s profits. Members of Fairfield’s executive team have visited the Fairfield Shoe Fair and purchased some of this product line. Which of the following statements is correct?
  9. When does a residential landlord not have a right of access to the tenantâ€TMs premises?
  10. Which of the following is required for constructive eviction in a residential lease?
  11. Ben Young leased a store to operate his pizzeria. During his grand opening, water began leaking from the ceiling into Young’s pizzeria. Ben’s landlord did not respond to his calls or texts about the problem. He had to shut down for two days because the water was dripping onto the food and he feared that the health department would close him down even though he was trying to stop the water drips. Which of the following best describes Ben’s rights as a tenant?
  12. Cheri North has a month-to-month residential tenancy. She pays her rent of $880 on the first day of each month. On January 15, 2021, Cheri received notice from her landlord that her rent would be increasing to $900 per month. When is the first time the landlord can demand the $900 rent from Cheri?
  13. Anchor tenants:
  14. Randy Quince has leased a residential apartment in the Charlton Arms complex. The landlord changes the air filters in the apartment heating and air conditioning units on the first day of each month. On February 1, 2021, Randy is traveling for his job and no one has been at his apartment. Because Randy is traveling, the landlord has been unable to reach Randy. The maintenance company for the landlord is given access to Randy’s apartment to change the filter.
  15. The limit on residential security deposits under URLTA is:
  16. Non-refundable cleaning deposits in residential leases are not permitted under URLTA.
  17. The warranty of habitability applies to property conditions, such as the presence of mold or second-hand smoke, in a residential lease.
  18. Landlords of commercial properties control the hours of operation for common areas.
  19. Under the URLTA, the landlord is required to furnish special notice to the residential tenant if the security deposit is to be retained.
  20. Commercial leases need not be in writing to be enforceable.
  21. Commercial landlords are generally liable for the loss of profits that their construction projects cause to their tenants.
  22. A residential tenant is not released from liability under either a sublease or an assignment.
  23. Rent increases can be incorporated into the original commercial lease.
  24. In an action for dispossession, the residential tenant’s defenses are limited.
  25. The warranty of habitability cannot be eliminated by agreement in a residential lease.

GOVT 406 Quiz 4 Brokers and The Purchase Contract

Covers the Textbook material from Module 5: Week 5.

  1. Which of the following is not an example of a condition precedent?
  2. Which of the following does a broker not need to disclose?
  3. Anna Donner listed her property with ABC Realty. ABC brought Anna two potential buyers,butsherejectedthembecausetheywereoffersbelowthelistingprice. Anna:
  4. Which of the following is not an example of a condition precedent?
  5. Jim Todd is selling his condominium in Vail. He is listing the property with his broker friend, Sam Clemens. Jim and Sam have agreed (in writing) that if Jim finds a buyer, Sam will not take a commission. Jim has also agreed that he will not use other brokers. Jim and Sam have:
  6. Which of the following need not be disclosed by a seller?
  7. A broker:
  8. Patty Heinz was the listing agent for John Donne’s property, an island home. Heinz formed an LLC and purchased the property through the LLC. Donne was not aware of Heinz’s ownership interest.
  9. Rhonda Whelan, a broker, has found a buyer for Melinda Grant’s home. Rhonda is the listing broker for the home. The buyer is qualified to purchase the home and has agreed to pay Melinda’s asking price. Melinda tells Rhonda, “I know it is a good offer, but I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to sell.”
  10. For the doctrine of part performance to apply:
  11. Rachel Finnegan is a broker who specializes in selling small homes. She has a listing for a small home with a list price of $90,000. When a prospective buyer comes through the house, he tells Rachel he is interested but the $90,000 is too high of a price. Suppose that the buyer tells Rachel that he can buy the house for $90,000 if he can get financing. He explains to Rachel that he has bad credit from some “dumb” business transactions. Rachel offers to have her daughter act as a purchaser because her daughter can qualify for financing. Her daughter will then convey the house to the buyer. Rachel:
  12. Which of the following would affect marketable title?
  13. Steve Thompson has made an offer to purchase a home on a short sale from First Third Bank for $120,000. The bank has responded by e-mail indicating that it will consider the offer. At the end of the e-mail is this language: E-mails and the language in e-mails are not considered offers or acceptances for purposes of formation of a contract. First Third Bank is not bound by any e-mail communications regarding the purchase or sale of property. All offers and acceptances must be handled through the bank’s sales office. Later Steve e-mails the bank back and reiterates his offer. A bank
  14. Jane Wyman is a real estate agent who is the listing agent for Tom and Mary Arnold’s home. Jane has a buyer who is interested in purchasing the Arnold house, but the buyer has a spotty credit history. Jane thinks the buyer has turned the corner on past problems and will be a good buyer for the property. Jane does not disclose the buyer’s spotty credit history and Tom and Mary sign a contract for the sale of their home. As the buyer tries to get qualified, Tom and Mary pass up several other offers. Jane:
  15. Seller A has two counteroffers outstanding to Buyer B and Buyer C. B and C both accept the counteroffers.
  16. Electronic (fax) forms of contracts are valid.
  17. Some states mandate broker silence on disclosure of certain information about previous owners of properties.
  18. A broker has a duty to inspect the listed property.
  19. An agency relationship exists between brokers and sellers.
  20. A buyer who is unable to obtain financing consistent with the contract terms is still a ready, willing, and able buyer.
  21. Real estate purchase contracts can have only one condition precedent — that of financing.
  22. Clauses in listing agreements exculpating brokers from liability to the seller are valid.
  23. “I accept provided that the premises will be vacated prior to March 1, 2015,” is a valid acceptance if communicated to the offeror properly.
  24. None of the online listing services involves the use of agents.
  25. Dual agency status requires disclosure to both buyer and seller.
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