JURI 600 Quiz 1,2,3,4

JURI 600 Quiz 1,2,3,4

JURI 600 Quiz 1

JURI 600 Quiz 2

JURI 600 Quiz 3

JURI 600 Quiz 4

JURI 600 Quiz 1 The Evolution of Legal Education

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. In Pierce v. Society of Sisters, what did the Supreme Court hold regarding a state law requiring all children between the ages of 8 and 16 to attend public school?
  2. What principle(s) in the U.S. Constitution reflects the Biblical worldview that man is sinful?
  3. Which of the following is not a basic Biblical assumption at Liberty University?
  4. Before the revolution in law at Harvard, which basic assumption was not held by most American law schools?
  5. How did Christopher Columbus Langdell produce the revolution in teaching the law at Harvard?
  6. The Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments in the U.S. Constitution) most clearly reflects which principle of the nature of man?
  7. The belief in evolution instead of creation and the belief in man instead of God has dominated the teaching of America law since when?
  8. What standard does the Supreme Court use to determine whether the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution has been violated?
  9. The following is an example of inductive reasoning: Murder is immoral. Scott murdered Bob. Scott acted immorally.
  10. Which of the following ideas is not in the Humanist Manifesto?
  11. Which of the following were not results of Langdell’s revolution in the law?
  12. Which of the following believed that God’s law was superior to man’s law?
  13. Identify which of the following ideas are not associated with the revolution of legal education started by Charles William Eliot and Christopher Columbus Langdell?
  14. What is the problem with using inductive reasoning exclusively to study the law?
  15. Which of the following conclusions conflict with Clarence Darrow’s presupposition that man is not responsible for his criminal actions?
  16. The Supreme Court held that capital punishment violated the Eighth Amendment and then, four years later, held that capital punishment did not violate the Eighth Amendment.

JURI 600 Quiz 2 Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God

  1. The President issues an executive order that federal employees may not engage in political activities during work hours. Is this an example of municipal law?
  2. Which of the following is true about Israel’s laws regarding feasts?
  3. Hank Hokie is an American astronaut. Although he is married, he cheats on his spouse with another astronaut while stationed in the International Space Station. There is no law in the Space Station against adultery. Has Hank violated any law?
  4. What is not true about the Noahic Covenant?
  5. What reason(s) did God set apart Israel as a special nation?
  6. Upon which of the following did Blackstone believe all nations must found their laws?
  7. What branch of government must issue municipal law?
  8. What principle of government did Christ affirm when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God, that which is God’s.”?
  9. Which of the following is not true of the common law?
  10. To which of the following terms did Blackstone define as “a rule of action which is prescribed by some superior, and which the inferior is bound to obey.”?
  11. Why is the government not permitted to violate our unalienable rights?
  12. Why, according to William Blackstone, must municipal law be posted or prescribed?
  13. A judge rules that the state’s adultery law is unconstitutional. What is the effect of this ruling?
  14. What principle of government did the U.S. Supreme Court affirm in Clinton v. Jones?
  15. Which of the following did not believe the common law in England was rooted in Christianity?
  16. What is not true about the doctrine of stare decisis?
  17. Which is an appropriate role for judges under a Biblical worldview?
  18. Ronnie Razorback sees his next door neighbor Vickie Volunteer using her new iPhone 6. He really wants to have it for himself and thinks about it constantly for weeks. He finally comes up with a plan to steal it. Has he violated any law at this point?
  19. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations?
  20. What principle of government is not reflected in the Magna Charta?
  21. Which of the following of Israel’s laws are not binding on all nations?
  22. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the “Law of Nature”?
  23. Which of the following is not an example of the Law of Nature’s God?
  24. Which of the following is an example of “municipal law”?
  25. All of Israel’s laws are binding upon all nations.
  26. The Virginia Legislature passes a statute removing theft from its list of crimes. Ronnie Razorback takes Vickie Volunteer’s new iPhone 6. True or False. Ronnie has not done anything illegal.
  27. God provided the Law of Nature’s God in addition to the Law of Nature written on man’s heart because man is inherently sinful.
  28. The Law of Nature’s God is an entirely separate body of law from the Law of Nature?
  29. What is the “Law of Nature” according to William Blackstone?
  30. What is the “Law of Nature’s God”?

JURI 600 Quiz 3 Who is Responsible?

  1. Boy flings lit cigarette into brush. A light breeze fans the flames toward the forest, and a large forest fire results. The boy caused the forest fire.
  2. Driver Vickie Volunteer gives her friend, Ally Alabama a ride to the Tennessee v. Alabama football game. VV wants to get there on time, so she exceeds the speed limit the entire way. Just as she and AA are getting out of the car at the stadium, a bolt of lightning strikes AA. VV caused AA’s injuries.
  3. The strict liability standard requires proof that the allegedly offending party acted negligently.
  4. Citizens are not held responsible for violating ex post facto laws.
  5. According to Hebrew law, if a man digs a pit and an animal falls into the pit and dies, the digger must pay for the dead animal.
  6. The Bible recognizes the Necessity Defense for theft.
  7. Ignorance of the law is never an excuse.
  8. Which of the following, according to Hebrew law, is true about the damage caused by a fire?
  9. Which of the following is a true regulation in Hebrew property law?
  10. Which of the following versions of the Insanity Defense is most difficult for the Defendant to establish?
  11. From a Biblical perspective, which of the following best describes the defect in the concept of Strict Liability?
  12. How did the British court respond to the Defendants’ appeals of their murder convictions in the case of Regina v. Dudley?
  13. According to Hebrew law, which of the following is necessary to impose the death sentence upon an owner of an ox?
  14. Which Insanity Test does the following statement reflect: “The rule . . . is simply that an accused is not criminally responsible if his unlawful act was the product of mental disease or defect.”
  15. According to Hebrew law, which of the following is true if a person allows one of his animals to eat the grain from another person’s field?
  16. Which of the following versions of the Insanity Defense comports most closely with the Biblical view on the nature of man?
  17. Which of the following is not consistent with a secular worldview on fault?
  18. In Buck v. Bell, which of the following were goals of Virginia’s forced sterilization law?
  19. Which of the following is not true about the development of the fault standard?
  20. What is the foundational presupposition of America’s tort system and criminal justice system?
  21. Which of the following did not challenge the idea that man is a moral agent who should be held responsible for his actions?
  22. How did the Court in Commonwealth v. Mochan respond to the Defendant’s argument on appeal that he could not be convicted of harassing a woman by telephone when such an offense was not declared a crime in any state statute?
  23. If a doctor performs a vasectomy on a male patient, and the patient later impregnates his wife, what civil action might the patient file against the doctor?
  24. In Buck v. Bell, which constitutional rights did Carrie Buck contend were violated by Virginia’s forced sterilization law?
  25. Which of the following is not consistent with God’s decision to punish Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden?
  26. What is the basis of the presumption that all citizens know the law?
  27. If a doctor performs a vasectomy on a male patient, and the patient later impregnates his wife, what civil action might the patient file against the doctor?
  28. Which of the following is not consistent with God’s decision to punish Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden?
  29. Is the Necessity Defense available in most jurisdictions in the United States?
  30. In Buck v. Bell, what was the Supreme Court’s holding and rationale regarding Virginia’s forced sterilization law?

JURI 600 Quiz 4 Subdue the Earth

  1. Young Todd the fox lives in a burrow on Mrs. Tweed’s property. She feeds Todd and tames him so that he gets his food from her house and responds to her calls. Todd crosses over into Amos Slade’s property and is shot and killed. Under the rule of Pierson v. Post, does Mrs. Tweed have an action against Slade for taking her property?
  2. Which of the following believed that the foundation for property ownership is in the Bible?
  3. According to the Bible, is private property ownership a civil right granted by the state or an unalienable right granted by God?
  4. What, according to James Kent, is the justification for personal property ownership?
  5. Young Todd the fox lives in a burrow on Mrs. Tweed’s property. In an effort to keep Todd, she builds a fence around her land. But Todd escapes onto Slade’s property and is shot. Under the rule of Pierson v. Post, who owns Todd?
  6. Why does God give property to mankind?
  7. According to the Bible, why would it be impermissible for the Commonwealth of Virginia to abolish all wills?
  8. Which of the following modern taxes would most likely comport with the Bible?
  9. Which of the following believed that God gave common ownership of property to all mankind?
  10. Which of the following did God not do in the Dominion Mandate (Genesis 1:16-28)?
  11. Which of the following was not a benefit of Israel’s system of tithes?
  12. Which of the following is true about the property title God gave to mankind in the Dominion Mandate?
  13. What, according to William Blackstone, is the justification for personal property ownership?
  14. According to the Bible, how did mankind first obtain property?
  15. Which of the following Scriptural references/stories supports the idea of private property ownership?
  16. What is the foundational principle of property law?
  17. Young Todd the fox lives in a burrow on Mrs. Tweed’s property. In an effort to keep Todd, she builds a fence around her land. Amos Slade shoots Todd while he is on Mrs. Tweed’s property. Under the rule of Pierson v. Post, who owns Todd?
  18. Young Todd the fox lives in a burrow on Mrs. Tweed’s property. Todd crosses over into Amos Slade’s property and he shoots and kills him. Under the rule of Pierson v. Post, does Mrs. Tweed have an action against Slade for taking her property?
  19. Which of the following was not a tax in Israel?
  20. According to John Locke, how does man make his original claim to un-owned property?
  21. According to William Blackstone and James Kent, how does man make his original claim to un-owned property?
  22. What, according to John Locke, is the justification for personal property ownership?
  23. Which of the following believed that the right to transfer property is a natural right?
  24. The Commonwealth of Virginia passes a law that abolishes all wills and declares the estate of a deceased person to be the property of the State. Which of the following would view this as a permissible government action?
  25. According to the Bible, man makes his original claim to un-owned property by exercising dominion over it.
  26. James Kent believed that personal property ownership is a natural right.
  27. The Commonwealth of Virginia passes a 30% tax upon the estate of a deceased person. William Blackstone and Joseph Story would view this as a permissible government action.
  28. A duty to God under the Ten Commandments is often a right against other persons and the government.
  29. Explain in one sentence how the Commandment, “Thou shall not steal,” supports the idea of private property ownership.
  30. Explain in one sentence how Jesus’s teaching on giving support the idea of private property ownership?
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  1. JURI 600 Quiz 1 2023
  2. JURI 600 Quiz 1 2024
  3. JURI 600 Quiz 2 2023
  4. JURI 600 Quiz 2 2024
  5. JURI 600 Quiz 3 2023
  6. JURI 600 Quiz 3 2024
  7. JURI 600 Quiz 4 2023