HIST 491 Quiz 1,2,3,4

HIST 491 Quiz 1

  1. According to Lukacs, people cannot identify with mythical gods because
  2. To John Lukacs, good historical inquiry deals most directly with
  3. According to John Lukacs, good historical writing is most specifically a consequence of
  4. The Latin word for “intelligence” means
  5. According to Lukacs, in historical writing, there is no absolute relationship between reputation and achievement.
  6. According to Lukacs, the only real thing is
  7. According to Lukacs, the growing cultural “desire for the real” is best illustrated by
  8. John Lukacs believes that a major hindrance to good history is the lack of
  9. He said, history “is the lie commonly agreed upon.”
  10. Which historian said the following “every new historian, not content with giving new answers to old questions, must revise the questions themselves.”
  11. Fea quotes Karl Marx, who said that human action is always held in check by “the circumstances directly encountered, given, and transmitted form the past.” This quotation was given to illustrate a slight contradistinction to the idea that history is
  12. According to Fea, which of the following is not given as an appropriate use of history?
  13. According to Fea, democracy and consumerism are directly linked to the American value of
  14. Pilgrim William Bradford believed that the following was evil:
  15. Historian Charles Beard argued in 1913 that the American Founders were motivated by
  16. Eugene Genovese famously protested an anti-Vietnam War resolution in the American Historical Association citing that such resolutions would
  17. John Fea believes that the best historians
  18. According to Fea, the past is equally usable no matter the topic.
  19. According to Fea’s interpretation of Nathan Hatch’s Democratization of American Christianity, which of the following was not a trend in the early nineteenth-century expressions of evangelicalism?
  20. According to John Fea, empathy in historical study should humble the historian for which of the following reasons?
  21. According to Fea, universal or national narratives in history tend to bore students.
  22. With which term would you most associate historian Leopold von Ranke?
  23. According to Fea, historians do not tend to like this term because it, as another historian notes, is sometimes an attempt to “domesticate the past” so it can be enlisted “for present causes.”
  24. According to Fea, students of history tend to search out people like them.
  25. According to the American Historical Association (AHA), what is the most popular historical topic of research?
  26. What historiographic category does Howard Zinn best fit?
  27. A historical narrative that glorifies the present would be called
  28. Sam Wineburg calls our natural inclination to find a useful past our
  29. According to Fea, this historic school of thought generally argued that “timeless” truths of a distant past could not be applicable to the present or future because of the vast changes in historical context form one age to the other.
  30. Harvard historian Albert Bushnell Hart was accused of treason and pro-British propaganda for saying
  31. From almost the beginning of time, historical teaching and writing has been an official academic profession.
  32. This historian wanted to establish and vindicate Christian orthodoxy, so he wrote with passion and partisanship.
  33. This Greek historian wrote about the Peloponnesian War.
  34. In the 18th century the German seminar method of history emphasized
  35. Which of the following is considered the “Father of History”?
  36. Herbert Butterfield said that this element of Whig history in particular created a “gigantic optical illusion.”
  37. Herbert Butterfield viewed history as primarily a study of continuity over time.
  38. Which of the following best describes Herbert Butterfield’s view of the Protestant Reformation in relation to liberty?
  39. Which of the following is not a sign of “Whig” history according to Herbert Butterfield?
  40. Which of the following best describes Herbert Butterfield’s view of history?
  41. At its most basic, history is about
  42. According to Samuel Smith, history is principally a vehicle to accomplish political ends.
  43. Who said, “…I am thankful to God incarnate, Jesus Christ, whose entrance into history gives it meaning beyond the reach of empirical investigation.”
  44. Which of the following is true about history?
  45. Which of the following is the best definition of history according to Samuel Smith?
  46. Who said, “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.”
  47. According to Clyde Wilson, Herbert Butterfield believed that so called moral judgments in history were actually
  48. According to Clyde Wilson, Whig history is more about presentism than about the past.
  49. According to Clyde Wilson, Herbert Butterfield reminds us that man is not
  50. According to Clyde Wilson, who is a good example of a historian that did not fall into a Whig interpretation of history.
  51. John Fea designates history as “usable” and as a “foreign country.” What does he mean by these designations? How are these designations different, and why are they important in the study of history? (Note: you may wish to address the idea of whether or not history that is a “foreign country” can also be “usable.”)

HIST 491 Quiz 2

  1. In practice, Rome ran its far-flung empire primarily through loyal local elites.
  2. According to the video, the emperior Titus played what role (AD 71) in sowing the seeds of Rome’s eventual downfall?
  3. According to the video, the more complex a civilization is, the
  4. Augustine believed that all civilizations of the world were doomed to fail in the end.
  5. According to the video, Augustine’s work City of God has little relevance to the overall direction of western civilization, especially in the modern era.
  6. According to the video, what was Augustine’s purpose in writing City of God?
  7. This Roman emperor created the Tetrarchy, or rule of four.
  8. This Roman emperor had his mother killed.
  9. Augustine believed that the Christian should, though a pilgrim, take advantage of the peace and security that civilization offered, but should never mistake it for anything substantial or enduring.
  10. According to the video, the Roman empire in general saw most religions
  11. According to Dr. David Snead, secondary sources play little or no role in a primary source research project.
  12. One way to begin using a primary source document is to
  13. David Snead’s book, given as an example of excellent primary source research, is about
  14. According to Dr. Snead, a student should pursue a research project based on solely on personal interest.
  15. Which of the following topics has Andrew Roberts not published a book on?
  16. According to Andrew Roberts, what is his general ratio of time for research and time for writing?
  17. According to Andrew Roberts, he found president George W. Bush to be
  18. According to Andrew Roberts, a historian should pay some attention to the reviews of his or her books.
  19. Andrew Roberts does not generally read his own books once they are published.
  20. Augustine viewed sin as analogous to…
  21. According to Augustine’s readings of the Platonists, he learned that the soul…
  22. What did the inscription on Augustine’s hospitable dinner-table forbid?
  23. Regarding education, Augustine strives for a middle road between what two things?
  24. What is the title of the extant book that Augustine wrote to assist in revealing the obscurities of the Bible?
  25. The verdict of the church on the controversy about grace in Augustine’s time was to reject Pelagianism but not to fully endorse Augustine’s predestinarianism.
  26. Who was a well-known intellectual critic of Christianity during Augustine’s ministry?
  27. In common with the Greek Fathers, the Pelagians base the election of God on…
  28. Augustine distinguished himself from his contemporaries by believing Rome would fall like its predecessor Babylon.
  29. In the ninth book of Confessions, the turning of what “in a single moment, and yet is a moment in a long movement over many years” puzzles Augustine?
  30. Augustine expected hermits and monks to memorize substantial portions of the Bible, if not the whole Bible.
  31. How does Augustine close Confessions?
  32. Fill in the blanks from Augustine’s quote: “Man can say nothing of what he is unable to _______, but he can ______ what he is unable to say.”
  33. The Berber peasants of Numidia became known as the Agonistici, or ….
  34. What is the name of the book that Augustine wrote as a memorial to his son Adeodatus after he passed in 388?
  35. What personally written maxim does Augustine exemplify in his autobiography Confessions?
  36. In his writing On True Religion, Augustine suggests that we grasp the Trinity…
  37. What is the focal point in Manichaeism (the society to which Augustine committed himself to at one point)?
  38. Augustine considers education to be the process in which the educator draws “out what the pupil’s mind already possesses within him.”
  39. Augustine’s reading of Cicero encouraged him towards a hedonistic lifestyle.
  40. To what biblical text did Augustine turn to at random that caused him to feel “a light of serenity” flood his heart?
  41. The formula ‘one substance in three persons’ was first proposed by who?
  42. According to Chadwick, what martyr was mentioned as an example as someone who was celebrated in the Church to keep the church members from celebrating pagan traditions?
  43. Augustine held that the transmission of original sin was through…
  44. What two things does Augustine compare a man “under the sway of passion”?
  45. Where did Augustine serve as Bishop?
  46. Which of the following best describe a key purpose behind Augustine’s work City of God?
  47. According to Roger Schultz, Augustine believed that
  48. According to Roger Schultz, what outline on the purpose of rhetoric (i.e., formal speaking) did Augustine adopt from Cicero?
  49. According to Roger Schultz, Augustine seems to have adopted his progression of linear history in part from what passage of Scripture?

HIST 491 Quiz 3

  1. Psychologists Justin Kruger and David Dunning argue that most people are
  2. John Fea believes that providentialism is an unhelpful category in the interpretation of the past.
  3. John Fea often prays a written prayer that helps him keep a proper frame of mind in his historical research. Who is this prayer by?
  4. Fea suggests that instead of looking at Alan Taylor’s approach to colonial history as a left wing attempt at political correctness, one might appreciate it as an expression (even if unwittingly) of
  5. According to Fea, the requirement to set aside moral condemnation and see the past as a foreign country is an example that
  6. G. Collingwood believed that inherent in providence (i.e., a providential view of history) was the reality that
  7. John Fea believes in the biblical doctrine of God’s providence.
  8. John Fea discussed hearing Annette Gordon-Reed lecture on Thomas Jefferson. Which of the following best represents his assessment of her presentation?
  9. John Fea suggests the possibility of a useful providential history, but says that it should be presented in terms like
  10. Walter A. McDougall believes that history is the best discipline to teach
  11. John Fea believes that history, if approached rightly, requires us to empathize with, even love, someone as evil as Hitler.
  12. According to Fea and other Christian historians, what approach to the discipline of history demonstrates most clearly that God has actually revealed himself in history.
  13. What does George Marsden say is the most historically provable of all Christian teachings?
  14. Which of the following would fall into the category of a providential historian?
  15. Providentialist historian Steven Keillor argues in his work This Rebellious House that America was founded as a Christian nation and will ultimately be blessed because of that.
  16. This historian particularly uses the biblical teaching of God’s judgments as a means of interpreting history.
  17. The work entitled The Divine Dramatist: George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism is a classic case of providentialist history.
  18. According to John Fea, what conundrum did Susan Fletcher, historian for the Navigators, face?
  19. Fea tells a story about a Christian student who was also an outspoken liberal activist and wrote a senior thesis paper on Jerry Falwell. What was the main lesson Fea seeks to make from this story?
  20. One of the flaws Fea believes exists in relation to the work The Light and the Glory is that
  21. Theologian Charles Matthews specifically argues that the doctrine of God’s providence teaches us that history
  22. John Fea interprets Philip Gleason as suggesting that if the historian engages in moral judgments, he should be careful to see his subject as a morally
  23. John Fea believes that a major problem hindering America from having a stronger civil society is
  24. John Fea believes that the study of history cannot actually benefit a Christian’s spiritual life since history is not theology.
  25. Fea believes the America has educated it people well in key areas except
  26. John Fea believes that history should be studied
  27. Mark Sidwell believes that the Reformation is a good topic for discerning providential actions in European history
  28. What example does Mark Sidwell give as “a starting point for discerning God’s providence in history”?
  29. According to Mark Sidwell, the Christian historian must start with history to discern the providence of God.
  30. According to Mark Sidwell, the Christian historian should always be able to not only recognize God’s providence, but also be able to explain it.
  31. According to Tim Stafford, this historian taught at Johns Hopkins and was a pastor of a Nazarene church in Boston. He is considered one of the early outspoken Christian historians in modern America.
  32. According to Tim Stafford, what organization, founded in 1967, had a dual purpose of Christian fellowship and career clarification.
  33. According to Tim Stafford, George Marsden believes that a Christian approach to history is just as deserving of a “niche in the academy” as any other approach, such as feminist history, etc.
  34. According to Tim Stafford, in the mid-70s two things emerged that caused the American mainstream to notice conservative Christianity.
  35. Timothy Smith is known for his 1957 work titled
  36. According to Tim Stafford, this historian, more than any other, nurtured a new generation of Christian historians.
  37. According to Tim Stafford, this religious historian publically criticized Harry Stout’s depiction of George Whitefield.
  38. Samuel Smith believes that all historians are biased.
  39. Samuel Smith believes that Providentialist history is a sub-set of
  40. Samuel Smith believes that the _____________ of history is where the excitement of research lies.
  41. Which of the following is not one of the nine principles of a biblical or Christian world view of history as listed by the Liberty University History Department.
  42. According to Samuel Smith, what Reformer said that Christians should view the world through the lens of Scripture?
  43. He said, “I’m a mere historian, I simply look at evidence, conceptualize it, and write it up. The province of the historian . . . is not intrinsically to write of the ways of God. . . . I am not going to distinguish between the action of God and the action of man. . . .”
  44. Samuel Smith believes that John Fea seeks an overall balance, but would do well to give as much attention to the problems of leftist historians who are just as agenda driven as those on the other side of the spectrum.
  45. According to Samuel Smith, since Eusebius, in his work titled Ecclesiastical History, is driven as an apologist, his history must be dismissed.
  46. According to Samuel Smith, this historian is a leading authority on American Pentecostalism.
  47. According to Samuel Smith’s lecture, who wrote the book Luke the Historian in the Light of Research?
  48. According to Clyde Wilson, in the 1960s intellectual circles allowed for more disagreement that today.
  49. According to Clyde Wilson, which of the following was a “forgotten conservative” in American history?
  50. If you are going to be an effective conservative scholar in secular academia, you must, Clyde Wilson advises

HIST 491 Quiz 4

  1. Liberty University has a Master’s program in history.
  2. Is it possible to teach in an on-line college with just a Master’s degree?
  3. According to Dr. Monica Hardin, chair of the Liberty University on-line history department, very few schools other than Liberty University offer on-line teaching positions.
  4. Liberty University has chairs for both its residential and its on-line history programs.
  5. Residential Master’s students who work in Liberty University’s on-line classes are called
  6. Someone who works toward the publication of academic manuscripts (i.e., a university press book written by a historian) would be considered a
  7. As mandated in the 1966National Historic Preservation Act, each_______ is required to maintain an office to act as a mediator between federal and local historic preservation agencies.
  8. Which of the following is not a job that Constance Schultz lists as a typical job in a museum?
  9. According to Constance Schultz, the comprehensive university places the highest priority for faculty advancement on
  10. According to Constance Schultz, what is the best way(s) to eventually get a job in a museum?
  11. According to Constance Schultz, at the federal level, the ________________ is the flagship organization for cultural resource management (CRM).
  12. According to Constance Schultz, the success of a museum exhibit lives and dies with
  13. According to Constance Schultz, the teaching duties and collegial relationships in smaller private or denominational schools are
  14. Some archivists work for businesses.
  15. According to Constance Schultz, historical associations are good resources for promulgating job opportunities.
  16. How would you differentiate Constance Schultz’s approach to history related careers from that of John Fea?
  17. According to Constance Schultz, graduate universities, courses that focus on graduate and research classes are designed as
  18. According to Constance Schultz, it is possible to land a job in editing with an undergraduate degree.
  19. According to Constance Schultz, it is far more important to know the specific local history of the area you are applying for than to know how to do local history.
  20. The Foreign Relations of the United States series is produced by the
  21. According to Constance Schultz, there has been an increasing demand for historians able to teach courses in
  22. According to Constance Schultz, private companies and individuals sometimes need the skills of professional historians, and will hire short-term contractors to complete a project.
  23. Constance Schultz believes that this national collegiate historical honor society is a good first membership in a historical society.
  24. Which of the following is not one of the broad category positions in the Archivist field as listed by Constance Schultz?
  25. A documentary editing job would most likely go to the person who had
  26. John Fea relates Bill’s assessment that in business, someone with a history background can turn “facts” into
  27. According to John Fea, Medical schools want history majors.
  28. John Fea points out that his student Tara landed a job at a children’s hospital in the Republic of Malawi
  29. What percentage of American Christians attend an evangelical Christian college?
  30. According to John Fea, most history majors go into
  31. John Fea believes that history department cultures must change so that the model students go into non-history or non-academic fields.
  32. He wrote the book Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?
  33. John Fea relates Bill’s specific assessment that history majors are especially valuable for businesses because they
  34. Katherine Brooks, author of You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career told John Fea a story about a young man who sought a job in sales at the Hershey Corporation. In part he landed the job because
  35. He wrote The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind.
  36. Samuel Smith believes that Augustine fits well into Jerry Falwell’s categorization as
  37. According to Samuel Smith, history teaches you to think ______________.
  38. According to Samuel Smith, history is not the interpretation of the past, it is simply,
  39. Samuel Smith tells the story of a young lady who found a career in
  40. __________________ as a result of a talk he gave in a residential class.
  41. Samuel Smith emphasized knowing Christian historians because they are normally better than secular historians.
  42. Michele Worley believes that history’s ability to develop a wide range of skills is limited and thus requires history students to narrow their focus on only a few occupations, but in the end, believes this is an advantage since the history student has the opportunity to specialize on these specialized careers.
  43. The Liberty University Career Center offers a full array of services to on-line students.
  44. Which of the following are not mentioned by Michele Worley as steps the student can take on his own to enhance possibilities in the job market.
  45. Which of the following are services offered by the Liberty University Career Center?
  46. Which of the following does Michele Worley say were history majors?
  47. According to Troy Kickler, why is public history important?
  48. Which of the following is a digital media public history occupation?
  49. Clyde Wilson became interested in editing the Papers of John C. Calhoun through
  50. Clyde Wilson does not believe that a historian needs to be involved in cognate fields such as science and philosophy.
  51. Clyde Wilson believes that this practice will give you a powerful sense of history that no other exercise will do.
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  1. HIST 491 Quiz 1
  2. HIST 491 Quiz 2
  3. HIST 491 Quiz 3
  4. HIST 491 Quiz 4