EDSP 323 Quiz Additional Disabilities

EDSP 323 Quiz Additional Disabilities

Covers the Textbook material from Module 5: Week 5 – Module 6: Week 6.

  1. Children who are blind tend to ask inappropriate or off- the-topic questions in order to
  2. In what percentage of children with autism do symptoms arise in toddlerhood rather than in infancy?
  3. School achievement of students who are deaf tends to lag behind those with normal hearing because students who are deaf
  4. The guided process that an adult or peer uses as a way of doing for the student what the student cannot yet do alone is called
  5. Students who have both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss are referred to as having
  6. Which of the following groups has the highest incidence, according to the American Printing House for the Blind?
  7. Early onset of visual impairment can affect the development of bonding because
  8. Which statement about the cognitive functioning of deaf people is correct?
  9. Instruction in the use of low vision touches on three areas. Which of the following is NOT one of those three areas?
  10. Interruptions in the Yow of speaking are referred to as
  11. When a speech-language pathologist provides in- classroom services, his or her major functions are to work with the classroom teacher to make necessary modifications and to
  12. A term used to describe a hearing loss so severe that a child experiences difficulty in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification, is
  13. Approximately 40 – 55% of children with autism also have
  14. Echolalia
  15. Which of the following is NOT an important purpose of early intervention for infants and toddlers with visual impairment?
  16. The primary disability for a prelingual child who is deaf or becomes deaf is the inability to
  17. Echolalia refers to the
  18. Which statement about children who are deaf or hard of hearing is NOT correct?
  19. Students with autism and moderate to severe cognitive disabilities will
  20. The definition of legal blindness is
  21. The form-and-structure component of language that is governed by rules is
  22. Functional vision is
  23. An intervention that has been found to be useful in teaching reciprocal speech to children with autism is
  24. The condition associated with babies who receive excessive oxygen after birth is called
  25. Which statement about educational definitions of blindness is correct?
  26. The Snellen Chart measures
  27. Visual acuity of 20/200 means that a person sees at
  28. The English language uses approximately how many phonemes?
  29. Which of the following statements about sensorineural hearing loss is NOT true?
  30. Most children with autism would tend to become extremely upset by
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  1. EDSP 323 Quiz Additional Disabilities