PACO 501 Quizzes

PACO 501 Quiz 1 Bible and God

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1 – Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Which of the following is NOT included in noteworthy confessional statements from church history?
  2. Which of the following represents an argument used by Erickson to support the Bible’s own witness to its divine origin?
  3. According to Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy,
  4. Fill in the blank: According to Lambert, counseling is primarily a(n) __________________ discipline.
  5. Based on Erickson’s definitions, match the following:
  6. True or False: An embrace of the sufficiency of Scripture for Biblical counseling requires someone to reject the presence of other resources of knowledge outside the Bible.
  7. The possibility of evil was a necessary accompaniment of God’s good plan to make people fully human, and some experienced evils, though disturbing on a short-term basis, may, in the long term, work a much larger good.
  8. For which of the following reasons have Christian counselors denied the sufficiency of Scripture for their work?
  9. According to Erickson’s definitions, match the following:
  10. Identify the characteristic of Scripture which means that the Bible contains all that we need to know God’s will and live a life pleasing to Him.
  11. In which of the following areas do Biblical and Christian counselors agree?
  12. Match each term with its best definition:
  13. According to Erickson’s organization of attributes, match the following:
  14. Which of the following is commonly associated with the levels-of-explanation approach?
  15. To determine whether the material sufficiency of Scripture extends to a given topic in a particular sense, we must understand which of the following two things?
  16. Which of the following correctly identifies the categories of sufficiency?
  17. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of systematic theology as it relates to counseling?
  18. Fill in the blank: Lambert defines counseling as a __________________ where one party seeks assistance from someone they believe can help.
  19. True or False: Successful counseling requires formal expertise on the part of the counselor.
  20. Identify the term which is best defined as, “what the Bible teaches us today about any given topic.”
  21. Identify which of the following terms is best illustrated in the following statement: “Scripture contains everything essential for its own interpretation.”
  22. According to Erickson’s understanding, match the appropriate description or example with each attribute.
  23. The providence of God by way of preservation includes ____________ His creation in existence, ____________His creation against harm and destruction, and ______________ for the needs of the element or members of the creation.
  24. Which of the following does NOT describe God’s good angels:
  25. True or False: According to Lambert, God gave us a Bible that is sufficient for counseling and does not need to be supplemented by the findings of common grace.

PACO 501 Quiz 2 Christ and Holy Spirit

  1. True or False: Erickson argues that although Jesus did not make any direct claims, such as saying: “I am God,” He nevertheless made claims that would be inappropriate if it were not true that He is God.
  2. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit sealing believers?
  3. Which of the following best describes the role of the Holy Spirit in the gifting of believers?
  4. True or False: According to Erickson, Jesus was free from human depravity, yet He still had a human nature and personality.
  5. True or False: When believers seek counseling help because they feel ineffective and unfruitful in serving the body of Christ, one of the primary goals of Biblical counseling is to assist them in finding a different local church in which to exercise their talents.
  6. What is meant by the “two natures” of Jesus?
  7. Which of the following does not characterize the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life?
  8. Fill in the blank: Jesus provided our salvation by earning our righteousness, paying sin’s penalty, rising from the grave, and
  9. True or False: God is insufficient in Himself with no needs outside of Himself.
  10. Which term defines God as always present everywhere with the fullness of who He is?
  11. Which of the following serves as an evidence of Jesus’ divinity?
  12. Identify the term which refers to the kinds of things that get discussed in the process of counseling; also, only God has the right to establish it.
  13. Which of the following attributes of God most closely means that what God knows and what He says are always true?
  14. True or False: Jesus is always praying for His people and empowers a life of obedience.
  15. John 16:8-11 provides a crucial passage regarding which of the following works of the Holy Spirit?
  16. Which key passage best portrays the incarnation of Jesus?
  17. Which attribute of God is defined by the fact that God always understands what is best?
  18. Which of the following is uncharacteristic of God’s self-sufficiency?
  19. Erickson concluded that these 2 explicit passages provided the basis for the virgin birth of Jesus Christ:
  20. “God’s freedom from any limitation to be God” defines which of the following terms?
  21. According to Scripture, which of the following describes the care God has for His people?
  22. True or False: Our ability to understand something is not the standard that renders it true.
  23. Regarding the concept of God’s infinity, which of the following characteristics is untrue?
  24. Based on Erickson’s text, match the following Deity of the Holy Spirit Regenerating work of the Holy Spirit Omniscience of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit is Eternal
  25. True or False: Millard Erickson argues that since Jesus experienced temptation, He must also have had a sin nature.

PACO 501 Quiz 3 Humanity, Sin and Salvation

1. Erickson noted that the Bible uses many terms to denote sin, including those that emphasize causes of sin and predisposing factors that give rise to sin. Which of the following is not included in this group?
2. Using Erickson’s text, match each of the following with its best definition or description.
3. Which of the following is the chief way mankind represents God in relation to the world?
4. Paul’s teachings in which of the following passages indicate that sin exists and all of humanity knows that it exists?
5. Using Erickson’s text, match each of the following with its best definition or description.
6. Fill in the blank: “The Biblical response to the personal sin of the counselee is repentance, and the Biblical response when a counselee is sinned against is
7. Fill in the blank: _______________ means that every aspect of our human existence has been touched by sin.
8. The fact that human beings consist of two aspects is most closely associated with which of the following terms?
9. Fill in the blank: The primary benefit of suffering stated in the Bible is that it ___________.
10. Indicators that counselees are not forgiving those who have offended them include all of the following, except which one?
11. Fill in the blank: The view that human beings are a body, soul, and spirit is called ___________.
12. True or False: The Bible teaches that the fall of the human race into sin destroyed the divine image of God which had been previously bestowed to mankind.
13. Human beings manifest the image of God, uniquely representing Him in the world, in which of the following ways?
14. Using Erickson’s text, match the following examples with their respective definitions or descriptions.
15. Which of the following statements is false?
16. Regarding Biblical teaching on the soul, which of the following terms is emphasized with the use of the will?
17. Which of the following is NOT a counseling implication for dealing with human beings with bodies and souls?
18. The Bible teaches that God uses suffering to benefit our lives in which of the following ways?
19. Using Erickson’s text, match the following with their best definitions or descriptions.
20. Fill in the blanks with the words below. In the correct answer, the first word belongs in the first blank and the second word belongs in the second blank to form a true statement.
God’s ____________ will is a positive demonstration of His good attributes; God’s _________ will is the withdrawal of these attributes.
21. Identify the term which is defined as “a disposition of human beings that leads to a failure to conform to the moral law of God.”
22. Identify the term which is defined as follows: “God has an active will where He positively wills good in the world and a passive will where He allows sinful people to do wicked acts that He could prevent.”
23. Which of the following is NOT included as a manner in which Biblical counselors should direct counselees to confess issues of personal sin?
24. Using Erickson’s text, match each of the following with its best definition or description.
25. Fill in the blank: God designed human beings to be guided by their _________.

PACO 501 Quiz 4 Salvation, Church and Counseling

  1. As discussed by Erickson, which of the following is not a point of agreement concerning the “Lord’s Supper?”
  2. Fill in the blank: The Bible’s teaching leads us to conclude that many problems are physical in nature, many others are ___________ in nature, and each of these affects the other.
  3. Which of the following describes the process of sanctification?
  4. The local church can provide the counseling center with faithful teaching and work with the counseling center under the authority of the church. In what other way(s) can the local church assist?
  5. Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son provides a classic illustration of which of the following?
  6. Fill in the blanks: In relationship to the role of counseling in the local church, the church elders are responsible to __________ and
  7. Lambert urges us to keep counseling centers in what relationship to the local church?
  8. Biblical Images of the Church as discussed by Erickson include: (Select the BEST answer)
  9. Which of the following views purports that, as the minister consecrates the elements of the Lord’s Supper, an actual metaphysical change takes place, in which the substance of the bread and wine are changed into Christ’s flesh and blood?
  10. Fill in the blank: The sovereign and invisible work of God the Holy Spirit transforming us from people who are opposed to Him to people who love Him is called
  11. True or false: Election and salvation are synonymous terms.
  12. The local church as a body comes together to help in the counseling process in which of the following ways
  13. Which of the following should characterize the relationship between the counseling center and the local church?
  14. How might a local church serve to drastically decrease the strain on a counseling ministry and dramatically increase the likelihood that people will seek help even when they cannot afford it?
  15. Fill in the blank: According to Lambert, the foundation for counseling ministry is expressly
  16. The act whereby God makes a legal declaration that His elect are forgiven of sin and possess His own righteousness is called which of the following?
  17. Which of the following is uncharacteristic of the concept of sanctification?
  18. Fill in the blank: The Biblical teaching that God chose from the very beginning of time those people who would ultimately come to faith in Jesus Christ is called
  19. Using Erickson’s text, match the following examples with their respective definitions or
  20. True or false: When we, as Biblical counselors, understand the doctrine of salvation, we understand the primary problem that people have, and we are able to talk about God’s love and His power that releases people from their troubles.
  21. Which of the following statements is false, regarding Biblical counseling?
  22. Which of the following organizations can uniquely provide a consistent level of Christian community, counseling instruction, and loving fellowship as powerful resources for Biblical counseling?
  23. Based on Erickson’s discussion of the church, which of the following does not fit with these descriptions of the church?
  24. True or false: As counselors, we study theology for the sole purpose of possessing theological knowledge.
  25. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of justification?
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. PACO 501 Quiz Bible and God
  2. PACO 501 Quiz Salvation
  3. PACO 501 Quiz Humanity
  4. PACO 501 Quiz Christ and Holy Spirit