PSYC 676 Quiz Comprehensive Final

PSYC 676 Quiz Comprehensive Final

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 — Module 8: Week 8.

  1. Genotype is to _________________ as phenotype is to _______________.
  2. Which of the following characteristics best explains why scientific journals are credible sources for information?
  3. Why is the concept of neuroplasticity important to the field of neuropsychology?
  4. In people and other animals, the cerebral cortex is mapped to represent the spatial organization of the body surface and other aspects of the physical world. This is known as _______________ organization.
  5. Which of the following is NOT one of the major types of papers in psychological science?
  6. The brain’s capacity to recover function after damage/injury is known as:
  7. Neuropsychology uses information from many disciplines. Which discipline is NOT one of those?
  8. A drug that increases the effectiveness of neurotransmission is called a(n) _______; while a drug that decreased the effectiveness of neurotransmission is called a(n)
  9. A researcher observed that research participants who drank alcohol steadily for 20 days showed _____ degrees of intoxication blood alcohol levels due to
  10. Which of the following is a correct match?
  11. Which of the following statements about the “fast” and “slow” stress response pathways is most accurate?
  12. Primary source is to __________ as secondary source is to _________.
  13. Genevieve had a stroke, and she now is displaying deficits in maintaining a constant body temperature and regulating her eating. The site of her damage most likely is the:
  14. According to the incentive-sensitization theory of drug addiction, “wanting” a drug may depend on _____ neurons, whereas “liking” a drug may depend on _____ neurons.
  15. The smallest meaningful units of a word are called _____.
  16. Which of the following represent the 4 core abilities necessary for language production?
  17. In contrast to static brain imaging techniques, dynamic imaging techniques can measure changes in:
  18. Your brain is probably producing _____ waves as you read this sentence.
  19. John suffered a stroke, and now he has trouble understanding the speech of others; and, although his ability to produce speech remains intact, it is mostly incoherent. The best diagnosis for John is:
  20. Which of the following are NOT accurately paired?
  21. All of the following are processes believed to be prerequisites for consciousness EXCEPT:
  22. Which of the following best represents the order of the processes needed for consciousness?
  23. Tim sustained a head injury. As a result, he has difficulty identifying with and having compassion for others as well as understanding their intentions. Which of the following social neural networks is the most likely site of the damage?
  24. Which of the following is NOT one of the main social neural networks discussed in the textbook?
  25. Driving to a well-known location with very little awareness required involves __________; while putting together a complex piece of furniture with focused attention involves
  26. Which failure of visual attention involves failure to detect a second visual target presented within 500 milliseconds of the first one because attention to the first target prevents awareness of the second one?
  27. A useful test for diagnosing Dyslexia in children is:
  28. Case studies of children who were deprived of experience with language sounds and skills in the first seven years of life demonstrate that these children either never develop language, or only develop very rudimentary language skills. This observation evidences the importance of _____________ in development.
  29. Symptoms like avoiding tasks, distractibility, decreased listening, decreased organization, and difficulty finishing assignments as well as fidgeting, running about, talking excessively, and decreased ability in taking turns are characteristic of which of the following developmental disorders?
  30. All of the following are environmental factors that play a role in brain development and neural plasticity EXCEPT:
  31. Deficits in an important metacognitive skill have been implicated in the development of Autism Spectrum Disorder. This critical skill, which involves the ability to understand the thoughts, emotions, motives and intentions of other people, is known as
  32. Keighleigh is 10 months old, and has suffered cortical damage. According to the textbook, an effective intervention that results in the release of neurotrophins and ACh in order to promote dendritic growth release of neurotrophins and ACh in order to promote dendritic growth and recovery of structure and function in Keighleigh’s cerebral cortex is:
  33. Which of the following is a cause of an ischemic vascular disorder that occurs when there is a blockage that prevents blood from getting to a particular part of the brain?
  34. Which of the following is NOT one of the major types of infection discussed in the textbook that can affect the CNS?
  35. Aneurysms are:
  36. After brain injury, the type of therapeutic intervention that is directed toward improving a patient’s daily functioning with tasks like remembering conversations or doctor’s appointments, planning a trip, and managing finances would be:
  37. Which type of therapy for brain injury involves stimulating the production of new neurons in the brain?
  38. Which type of experience-derived plasticity occurs when the brain is primed to be exposed to specific environmental experiences that will cause predictable developmental changes in the brain?
  39. Why is neuropsychological testing particularly useful in cases of closed- head injuries?
  40. Which of the following is NOT one of the common structural abnormalities observed in the brains of people diagnosed with Schizophrenia?
  41. Which of the following is not one of the main types of medications given to treat Bipolar Disorder?
  42. If Juan is showing only positive symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, which of the following symptoms is he NOT showing?
  43. Six months after a fall from a ladder at work in which he hit his head, John is participating in cognitive remediation therapy in order to treat identified deficits in attention, working memory and processing speed. In which stage of neuropsychological assessment is John participating?
  44. Which of the following is a common treatment for anxiety disorders?
  45. When it comes to causation and treatment of depressive mood disorders, SSRI’s like Prozac stimulate both ________ production and new cell growth in the
  46. From the case presentations in Module 8, why was a compensatory approach to treatment focusing on memory support used to help Emma?
  47. Regarding the case presentations in Module 8, which of the following represents the most accurate sequence of patient outcomes from most favorable to least favorable?
  48. From the cases presentations in Module 8, which of the following is NOT accurately paired?
  49. Which of the following tests is used in neuropsychological test batteries to assess general intellectual ability in the children from the Module 8 case presentations?
  50. Regarding the case presentations in Module 8, which patient’s outcome exceeded expectations and best demonstrated the benefit of a multimodal treatment approach?
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  1. PSYC 676 Comprehensive Final