BIOL 102 Quiz 1,2,3,4

BIOL 102 Quiz 1 Science and Chemistry of Life

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. A systematic way of obtaining knowledge about the natural world is _
  2. The first step of the scientific method is to ____.
  3. When the body is exposed to dangerously low temperatures, shivering and surface capillary vasoconstriction occur. This is an example of
  4. Which feature of life is the ability to maintain a stable internal state?
  5. A protein combined with cholesterol in the blood is an example of a(n)
  6. Positron emission tomography (PET) utilizes ____ to yield results of a scan.
  7. The bonding of two or more atoms creates a(n) ____.
  8. The most abundant lipids in the body are ____.
  9. The process by which the movement of internal bonds converts one type of organic compound into another is
  10. A lipid is a(n) ____.
  11. Each carbon atom can share pairs of electrons with as many as ____ other atoms.
  12. What level of protein structure is associated with the folding of coils and sheets to form a hollow region through which substances can move into and out of cells?
  13. A nucleotide is composed of at least one sugar, one phosphate group, and _
  14. Animals store carbohydrates in the form of ____.
  15. The building block of large carbohydrates is ____.
  16. Fats that stay liquid at room temperature are ____.
  17. Plants store large amounts of carbohydrates in the form of ____.
  18. During a synthesis reaction, glucose and fructose combine to form
  19. The atomic number denotes the number of ____ in an atom of a particular element.
  20. Which is the correct order of organization in nature, from least inclusive to most inclusive?
  21. A solution with a pH of 7.4 ____.
  22. A compound that contains both carbon and hydrogen is ____.
  23. How do hydrophilic molecules interact with water?
  24. Explain the difference between historical and experimental science
  25. What is a free radical? According to our text, what type of nutrient helps to destroy them?

Other sets

  1. A systematic way of obtaining knowledge about the natural world is ____.
  2. When the body is exposed to dangerously low temperatures, shivering and surface capillary vasoconstriction occur. This is an example of
  3. Which form of organization is classified between cell and organ?
  4. Homeostasis refers to ____.
  5. Atoms or clusters of atoms that are covalently bonded to carbon and influence the behavior of organic compounds are known as
  6. A protein combined with cholesterol in the blood is an example of a(n) ____.
  7. Each carbon atom can share pairs of electrons with as many as ____ other atoms.
  8. Fats that stay liquid at room temperature are ____.
  9. Which carbohydrate, found only in plants, is indigestible by humans?
  10. A protein inside cells that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction is a(n) ____.
  11. Which protein binds and releases oxygen molecules?
  12. A dissolved substance in water is a(n)____.
  13. The atomic number denotes the number of ____ in an atom of a particular element.
  14. Which part of the amino acid helps to determine its chemical properties?
  15. The most abundant lipids in the body are ____.
  16. What level of protein structure is associated with the folding of coils and sheets to form a hollow region through which substances can move into and out of cells?
  17. The blending of two or more kinds of molecules is a(n)____.
  18. Which of the following is composed of a 1:2:1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen to oxygen?
  19. The process by which the movement of internal bonds converts one type of organic compound into another is
  20. What is the process called whereby a researcher can manipulate the conditions under which observations are made?
  21. The type of bond that exists between amino acids in a protein is a(n) ____ bond.
  22. Which statement is true of water?
  23. How do hydrophilic molecules interact with water?
  24. Define homeostasis and explain the concept using the example of how we regulate our body temperature.
  25. What is a free radical? According to our text, what type of nutrient helps to destroy them?

BIOL 102 Quiz 2 Organization of Life

Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. The term substrate is synonymous to the term ____.
  2. What portion of the cell contains microtubules and microlaments?
  3. Which structure produces cell movements?
  4. Which cytoskeletal element anchors the proteins actin and myosin to strengthen the cytosol?
  5. Two solutions A and B are separated by a membrane, which is permeable to water but not salts. Solution A is a 2% NaCl solution, while solution B is a 3% NaCl solution. Which of the following will occur?
  6. The organelle that converts harmful hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen is the
  7. A prokaryotic cell has all of the following EXCEPT ____.
  8. Many coenzymes are which type of molecule?
  9. An organelle found in the nucleus is known as a ____.
  10. The measure of the concentration of solutes in a solution is ____.
  11. A severe sunburn would result in damage to which membrane?
  12. What type of junction allows electrical signals to rapidly spread from cell to cell?
  13. The heart is located in which body cavity?
  14. Which of the following is NOT part of a homeostatic system?
  15. Membranes that occur in paired sheets are classified as ____.
  16. Exocrine glands secrete all of the following EXCEPT ____.
  17. What type of tissue covers body surfaces or lines cavities?
  18. The structure that separates epithelial tissue from the underlying supporting tissue is the
  19. Which system functions to maintain blood volume and composition?
  20. The integument consists of all of the following EXCEPT ____.
  21. Sebaceous glands in the skin produce ____.
  22. The chemical reactions in cells are called ____.
  23. During glycolysis, phosphate groups are transferred to glucose from ATP. This process is called
  24. Motor neurons that carry messages from the spinal cord to muscles in the foot would have long
  25. Which portion of nerve cells receives incoming messages?

Other sets

  1. The term substrate is synonymous to the term ____.
  2. What component of the cell is the site of polypeptide assembly?
  3. In what portion of a eukaryotic cell is the majority of DNA isolated?
  4. The production of ATP in the mitochondria requires ____.
  5. What molecule is the body’s main energy source?
  6. The most abundant cytoskeletal elements are ____.
  7. Which statement is NOT true of diffusion?
  8. Every living organism must have ____.
  9. The organelle that converts harmful hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen is the ____.
  10. An organelle found in the nucleus is known as a ____.
  11. What type of junction allows electrical signals to rapidly spread from cell to cell?
  12. The brain is located in which body cavity?
  13. What type of junction allows electrical signals to rapidly spread from cell to cell?
  14. The brain is located in which body cavity?
  15. What type of junction would be found in organs that are subject to stretching?
  16. Which type of cell protects the skin from UV light damage?
  17. Which system functions to maintain blood volume and composition?
  18. The extracellular fluid is ____.
  19. Mucus is secreted onto membrane surfaces by ____.
  20. Membranes that occur in paired sheets are classified as ____.
  21. Which layer of the integument contains stratified squamous cells?
  22. The extracellular ground substance of the matrix is composed of ____.
  23. Which type of cell produces proteins that form the tough, water-insoluble layer in the skin?
  24. Which portion of the plasma membrane carries out most of the membrane’s specific functions?
  25. A chromosome ____.
  26. What type of tissue consisting of a single layer of cells containing cilia lines the throat and nasal passages?
  27. The cells that the body uses for rapid communication and control are

BIOL 102 Quiz 3 Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. The term append means to ____.
  2. When riding a horse, a jockey squeezes his thighs together to stay on the saddle. This is an example of
  3. Which bone forms the lower sides of cranium and surrounds the ear canal?
  4. What prevents growth plates from calcifying, preserving their ability to grow?
  5. Which skeletal structure is NOT part of the axial skeleton?
  6. Which bone articulates with the coxal bone to form the hip joint?
  7. How many bones are in the fully formed human skeleton?
  8. Decreasing the angle between two bones is ____.
  9. The intervertebral disks are classified as ____.
  10. Which bone of the pectoral girdle fits into the open socket of the scapula?
  11. Which bone helps support the nose?
  12. Which of the following produces muscle tetanus?
  13. What is released into the neuromuscular junction to produce a muscle contraction?
  14. Which protein blocks the interaction sites that produce skeletal muscle contraction?
  15. Which muscle is the largest back muscle?
  16. The basic unit of contraction in a skeletal muscle is ____.
  17. A single contraction of all the muscle fibers in a motor unit is known as
  18. Myotonic muscular dystrophy ____.
  19. Which structure marks the ends of a sarcomere?
  20. What are the five main functions of bone according to our text?
  21. Identify the muscle corresponding to each number (1-6) and briey describe it’s function.
  22. Which bones make up the sole of the foot?
  23. On which bone would you find the most extensive sites for muscle attachments?
  24. The ion required for skeletal muscle contraction is ____.
  25. The state during which muscle cells require more ATP than cellular respiration can provide is known as

Other sets

  1. During the remodeling process, which cells break down the bone matrix?
  2. Each end of a long bone is called ____.
  3. Which part of the upper limbs contains the most bones?
  4. The most common type of joint in the human body is a ____.
  5. The portion of the skeleton that includes bones of the limbs, shoulder and hips is classified as the
  6. Which bone joins the lower end of the humerus to form the elbow joint?
  7. Which bone is found on the “thumb side” of the forearm?
  8. Which bone completely surrounds the foramen magnum?
  9. Joints like the hip and shoulder are classified as ____.
  10. What is found in the channels within the Haversian system?
  11. Which bone helps support the nose?
  12. Which structure reduces friction around tendons?
  13. During a muscle contraction, electrical impulses travel to the interior of the cell through
  14. The force a contracting muscle exerts to move an object is muscle ____.
  15. Which muscles are found in the walls of small blood vessels and airways?
  16. Which muscle assists in pushing movements of the arm?
  17. Which system relies on the contraction of smooth muscle to propel luminal contents?
  18. Which of the following is an inherited disorder in which skeletal muscle fibers break down?
  19. The first metabolic pathway by which ATP is made in an active muscle cell is
  20. Discuss three types of joints according to their structure, not range of motion.
  21. Identify the muscle corresponding to each number (1-6) and briefly describe it’s function.
  22. An elderly woman has a significant loss of bone mass. The most likely diagnosis is
  23. Which bones make up the sole of the foot?
  24. Which muscle extends the leg at the knee?
  25. Rigor mortis occurs when ____.

BIOL 102 Quiz 4 Heart, Blood, and Circulatory System

Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4.

  1. The contraction of the right ventricle moves ____.
  2. Which condition is a major concern for IV drug users?
  3. Blood leaving the left ventricle must pass by which structure before entering the aorta?
  4. The systemic circulation of blood ow begins when blood enters the
  5. What regulates blood ow through a capillary bed?
  6. Movement of skeletal muscles helps propel blood through ____.
  7. A heart rate above 100 beats per minute is known as ____.
  8. The largest vessel in the body is the ____.
  9. The heart condition caused by Lyme disease infection is ____.
  10. In which vessel does the elastic recoil help propel blood when the heart is relaxed?
  11. The jugular veins drain blood from the ____.
  12. A heart attack occurs when cardiac cells receive an inadequate supply of
  13. Blood in the veins looks purplish because ____.
  14. In response to a mismatched blood transfusion the body produces
  15. Which of the following is found in the general circulation?
  16. Erythropoietin release is controlled by ____.
  17. A person with type AB blood has which cell markers?
  18. The most important factor that determines how much oxygen is bound to hemoglobin is
  19. For a normal, healthy individual, what percentage of whole blood is plasma?
  20. The target tissue for erythropoietin is ____.
  21. The general term for disorder associated with decreased oxygen delivery by blood is
  22. When blood pressure rises rapidly the body responds by ____.
  23. During ventricular contraction which valve closes to prevent blood reentering the right atrium?
  24. The mitral valve ____.
  25. Which blood test measures kidney function?

Other sets

  1. Which condition is a major concern for IV drug users?
  2. When LDLs infiltrate a vessel wall, which cells make the situation worse by activating the inflammatory response?
  3. Blood leaving the left ventricle must pass by which structure before entering the aorta?
  4. Excessive amounts of blood lipids increases the risk of ____.
  5. In which vessels does blood flow need to slow down to ensure adequate diffusion of substances from blood to tissue?
  6. In which type of vessel can blood flow be regulated by the nervous system?
  7. Which type of molecule is considered “good cholesterol”?
  8. A heart attack occurs when cardiac cells receive an inadequate supply of ____.
  9. Fluid that leaves the capillaries is returned to the blood by the ____.
  10. Which vessel carries blood from the small intestines to the liver?
  11. Molecules like salts and water move into tissue through ____.
  12. The most important factor that determines how much oxygen is bound to hemoglobin is ____.
  13. Plasma proteins are involved in all of the following functions EXCEPT ____.
  14. The defense response against a mismatched transfusion is called ____.
  15. For a normal, healthy individual, what percentage of whole blood is plasma?
  16. Each hemoglobin molecule can carry how many oxygen molecules?
  17. When the amount of oxygen in the blood falls, the kidneys release ____.
  18. The illegal practice of blood doping relies on ____.
  19. Most of the oxygen found in the blood is ____.
  20. Aspirin helps prevent blood clots by ____.
  21. What regulates blood flow through a capillary bed?
  22. Blood pressure is ____.
  23. The process by which water can be added to or removed from the plasma is ____.
  24. Which blood type is the universal donor?
  25. The heart condition caused by a Streptococcus infection is ____.
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  2. BIOL 102 Quiz 2 2024
  3. BIOL 102 Quiz 3 2024
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  6. BIOL 102 Quiz 2 2022
  7. BIOL 102 Quiz 1 2022
  8. BIOL 102 Quiz 4 2022
  9. BIOL 102 Quiz 3 2022
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  11. BIOL 102 Quiz 2 2023