RLGN 104 Quiz 1,2,3,4

RLGN 104 Quiz 1,2,3,4 Liberty University

RLGN 104 Quiz Christian Apologetics

  1. In describing “truth”, Powell states:
  2. When Jesus presented the gospel most people accepted it the first time they heard it.
  3. The word worldview is derived from two German words meaning “world” and “perception.”
  4. According to Dr. Lee Strobel, historical truth is not relevant or important to Christianity.
  5. According to Powell, Christianity can be understood as an “antidote” rather than a lifestyle choice or part of a well-balanced religious view.
  6. When Jesus spoke as “one who had authority”:
  7. Christian faith is simply a personal preference, a function of how one was raised, and a worldview that is only supported by emotional considerations.
  8. Hermeneutics is the method of interpreting the Bible.
  9. When Jesus healed the crazed man who lived in a graveyard near Decapolis the people of the city:
  10. A translation of the Bible is most accurate when translated by one, highly educated, highly qualified individual.
  11. Upon returning to the Decapolis region a second time after healing the crazed man who had been cutting himself with rocks, Jesus:
  12. One of the first tasks of Christian apologetics is to provide information.
  13. Studying worldviews helps us better _______.
  14. Apologetics for some is not discovered or understood until after they make a profession of faith. However, apologetics is important for all Christians to engage the culture.
  15. Preaching “the Word” only refers to the Old Testament since the writing of II Timothy 4:2 was before the New Testament was completed.
  16. According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms.
  17. Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible?
  18. The Greek word for “preach” is a first century word meaning “to proclaim” and implies passion produced by one’s belief.
  19. The church fathers showed that they understood the importance of Jesus’ historicity when they crafted the _______________ Creed
  20. The Christian worldview is verified by appealing to a wide and compelling variety of converging arguments.

Other sets

  1. A translation of the Bible is most accurate when translated by one, highly educated, highly qualified individual.
  2. When Jesus presented the gospel most people accepted it the first time they heard it.
  3. The word worldview is derived from two German words meaning “world” and “perception.”
  4. According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms.
  5. According to Powell, “reason” is not the enemy of “faith”.
  6. Ignatius was the Bishop of what ancient city?
  7. Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible?
  8. The Christian worldview is verified by appealing to a wide and compelling variety of converging arguments.
  9. Studying worldviews helps us better _______.
  10. Christian faith is simply a personal preference, a function of how one was raised, and a worldview that is only supported by emotional considerations.
  11. A Biblical Worldview is a perspective or viewpoint based upon the teachings of the Bible.
  12. When presenting the gospel to people Christians should be:
  13. The Greek word for “preach” is a first century word meaning “to proclaim” and implies passion produced by one’s belief.
  14. When Jesus healed the crazed man who lived in a graveyard near Decapolis the people of the city:
  15. Because of the respect that people had for the Apostle Paul his message of Jesus Christ was accepted by almost everyone who heard him.
  16. When Jesus spoke as “one who had authority”:
  17. According to Powell, Christianity can be understood as an “antidote” rather than a lifestyle choice or part of a well-balanced religious view.
  18. The story of Ignatius is significant in that he was willing to go to his death proclaiming…
  19. Upon returning to the Decapolis region a second time after healing the crazed man who had been cutting himself with rocks, Jesus:
  20. One of the first tasks of Christian apologetics is to provide information.

Other sets

  1. Ignatius was the Bishop of what ancient city?
  2. A Biblical Worldview is a perspective or viewpoint based upon the teachings of the Bible.
  3. The Christian worldview is verified by appealing to a wide and compelling variety of converging arguments.
  4. The church fathers showed that they understood the importance of Jesus’ historicity when they crafted the Creed
  5. When Jesus presented the gospel most people accepted it the “rst time they heard it.
  6. According to Powell, Christianity can be understood as an “antidote” rather than a lifestyle choice or part of a well-balanced religious view.
  7. Christian faith is simply a personal preference, a function of how one was raised, and a worldview that is only supported by emotional considerations.
  8. Apologetics for some is not discovered or understood until after they make a profession of faith. However, apologetics is important for all Christians to engage the culture.
  9. According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms.
  10. According to Dr. Lee Strobel, historical truth is not relevant or important to Christianity.
  11. Studying worldviews helps us better .
  12. The story of Ignatius is significant in that he was willing to go to his death proclaiming…
  13. Hermeneutics is the method of interpreting the Bible.
  14. Preaching “the Word” only refers to the Old Testament since the writing of II Timothy 4:2 was before the New Testament was completed.
  15. A translation of the Bible is most accurate when translated by one, highly educated, highly qualified individual.
  16. Upon returning to the Decapolis region a second time after healing the crazed man who had been cutting himself with rocks, Jesus:
  17. According to Powell, “reason” is not the enemy of “faith”.
  18. In describing “truth”, Powell states:
  19. Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible?
  20. When Jesus healed the crazed man who lived in a graveyard near Decapolis the people of the city:

RLGN 104 Quiz 2 Critical Thinking

  1. The Argument from Design, observes nature, and concludes that it demonstrates randomness rather than intentionality or a plan.
  2. Presenting another person’s argument in a weak, misrepresented, or exaggerated form in order to win the argument is what type of fallacy?
  3. The members of the Trinity do not all have the same eternal qualities.
  4. “Raising an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the primary issue” is which of the following Informal Logical Fallacies:
  5. According to Powell, which of the following point toward belief in a transcendent, personal, intelligent designer?
  6. William Paley’s “Watchmaker” parable is an example of which argument for the existence of God?
  7. Evidence is:
  8. When researching a topic, a critical thinker should avoid investigating the many sides of an issue to avoid confusion. The person should pick a position and find content to support the position.
  9. Using the Begging the Question fallacy is the same as using circular reasoning.
  10. The main point of the cosmological argument for the existence of God is to show that the universe was caused by some agent that was neither part of the universe nor itself was caused.
  11. “Mom, may I have a smart phone?” All of my friends have one” is an example of:
  12. The two primary ways evidence is gathered: data gained from an external source and
  13. The Big Bang cannot explain where matter originated.
  14. Even the most basic biological mechanisms that we know are irreducibly complex
  15. “You can’t trust my opponent. Here she is speaking to you on the values of abstinence and abstinence education. Everyone knows she had a child out of wedlock while a teenager herself” is an example of:
  16. To demonstrate the Design Argument, Powell uses the analogy of a:
  17. When a shooting takes place at a school, arguing that the reason it occurred was because of gun laws alone is what type of fallacy?
  18. Making a judgment on the basis of one or even a few samples is what type of fallacy?
  19. Accepting the opinions of others as one’s own opinion without applying critical thinking skills to that opinion is what type of decision-making?
  20. Muslims and Jews believe in the Trinity the same as Christians.

Other sets

  1. According to the text book, personal experience is not an argument for the existence of God.
  2. The word “cosmos” is a Greek word that refers to:
  3. Which of the following is an argument used to explain the existence of God?
  4. Based on the Old Testament, it is clear that the Bible teaches monotheism. On the other hand, the New Testament is not so clear.
  5. Everyone has a right to an opinion but that does not make every opinion accurate or correct.
  6. The Argument from Design, observes nature, and concludes that it demonstrates randomness rather than intentionality or a plan.
  7. Seeking to discredit people’s arguments by attacking their personal character, origin, associations, etc. rather than their idea is what type of fallacy?
  8. Muslims and Jews believe in the Trinity the same as Christians.
  9. Which of the following is not one of the three important steps involved in Critical Thinking?
  10. “You can’t trust my opponent. Here she is speaking to you on the values of abstinence and abstinence education. Everyone knows she had a child out of wedlock while a teenager herself” is an example of:
  11. “One of the most important aspects of the ___________ argument is that it provides purpose for creation.”
  12. When a shooting takes place at a school, arguing that the reason it occurred was because of gun laws alone is what type of fallacy?
  13. Indecision, not making a decision, is actually a decision in itself.
  14. According to Powell, which of the following point toward belief in a transcendent, personal, intelligent designer?
  15. The Design Argument is formally called the:
  16. The members of the Trinity do not all have the same eternal qualities.
  17. To demonstrate the Design Argument, Powell uses the analogy of a:
  18. The Anthropic Principle makes an argument based on order in the universe that was designed to accommodate life.
  19. _______ is analogy used by the textbook to describe the Trinity.
  20. The Big Bang cannot explain where matter originated.

Other sets

  1. Critical thinking:
  2. An argument that justifies a course of action because “everyone else is doing it” is an example of:
  3. Even the most basic biological mechanisms that we know are irreducibly complex
  4. “Evidence does not exist to prove humans were created by God therefore man was not created by God” is an example of:
  5. The word “cosmos” is a Greek word that refers to:
  6. An argument against an action on the unsupported assertion that it will lead to a much worse condition is what type of Fallacy?
  7. Based on the Old Testament, it is clear that the Bible teaches monotheism. On the other hand, the New Testament is not so clear.
  8. _______ is analogy used by the textbook to describe the Trinity.
  9. “You can’t trust my opponent. Here she is speaking to you on the values of abstinence and abstinence education. Everyone knows she had a child out of wedlock while a teenager herself” is an example of:
  10. God is Holy according to which passage of Scripture.
  11. Selective Perception is arguing a point by selecting and presenting only the evidence that supports one’s current position or opinion.
  12. Making a judgment about an entire group based on the behavior of a few from that group is what type of fallacy?
  13. An argument is an attempt to offer evidence to demonstrate the soundness of an opinion.
  14. “Raising an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the primary issue” is which of the following Informal Logical Fallacies:
  15. The Big Bang cannot explain where matter originated.
  16. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, but not omniscient.
  17. Oversimplifying a complex issue to make it seem that only two options are possible is an example of a False Dilemma Fallacy.
  18. The moral argument suggests that without God, morality is subjective.
  19. To demonstrate the Design Argument, Powell uses the analogy of a:
  20. Accepting the opinions of others as one’s own opinion without applying critical thinking skills to that opinion is what type of decision-making?

RLGN 104 Quiz 3 Biblical Worldview

  1. God’s revealing Himself through nature is known as:
  2. Which of the following is a “good argument,” according to Powell, that all four Gospels were written prior to 70 A.D.? :
  3. All Old Testament scriptures are said to be “God breathed” according to II Timothy 3:16.
  4. A problem for conservative scholars who claim the Bible is the Word of God is that Jesus never said any part of Bible was the Word of God.
  5. The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years.
  6. The New Testament is assumed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. No specific scripture indicates that the Holy Spirit continued to inspire new scripture after the Old Testament.
  7. One of the reasons that the message of the Bible is unique is that the God of the Bible is different than any other god in history.
  8. The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are Naturalism, Pantheism, and Theism.
  9. A person is using circular reasoning when they argue that the Bible is inspired on the basis that it claims to be the inspired Word of God.
  10. According to the textbook, which of the following is not one of the essential doctrines of the Christian worldview?
  11. Sin is real, but does not cause a broken fellowship with God or explain the necessity of Christ.
  12. The following cannot be said of the Bible.
  13. The message of the Bible is unique because
  14. William Ramsay, who was a skeptic about the historical accuracy of the Bible, changed his mind after researching one of the gospel writer’s detail to titles of historical figures. The writer was:
  15. Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
  16. Which of the following did Powell consider a significant discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
  17. The Bible does not explicitly claim to be of divine origin.
  18. Biblical authors were under the direction of the Holy Spirit when they wrote scripture.
  19. When the Old Testament manuscripts were found in the Qumran Caves major differences were found between these documents and the current Old Testament scriptures.
  20. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 is especially important because it is written as a creed and would be dated 1-4 years after the crucifixion.

Other sets

  1. The New Testament is assumed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. No specific scripture indicates that the Holy Spirit continued to inspire new scripture after the Old Testament.
  2. When the Old Testament manuscripts were found in the Qumran Caves major differences were found between these documents and the current Old Testament scriptures.
  3. means that the Bible was written without error and has authority over human reasoning.
  4. The Buddha rejected the Caste system of Hinduism and declared that everyone had an equal opportunity to reach Nirvana.
  5. A person can believe in evolution and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture.
  6. A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making.
  7. Leaving the ground unplowed and unused every seventh year is one example of how the Bible included scientific knowledge before it was known and taught by scientists.
  8. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 is especially important because it is written as a creed and would be dated 1-4 years after the crucifixion.
  9. Developing a biblical worldview means that we must remain faithful to essential biblical teachings and seek the best approach to non-essential issues in ways that show the love of Christ.
  10. Which of the following is a “good argument,” according to Powell, that all four Gospels were written prior to 70 A.D.? :
  11. Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
  12. In reference to non-essential doctrines, people must learn to _______ what the Bible says about a particular issue.
  13. The following can impact a person’s worldview.
  14. The following cannot be said of the Bible.
  15. Christians always agree on which doctrinal issues are essential and which issues are not.
  16. An example of Special Revelation is the creation that humans can see around them.
  17. A belief that Scripture is God’s inspired and perfect revelation is important, but not necessary.
  18. Nearly 25% of the Bible is prophetic in nature and the accuracies of those prophecies lends to the Bible’s credibility.
  19. Sin is real, but does not cause a broken fellowship with God or explain the necessity of Christ.
  20. The Bible is historically accurate, but not scientifically accurate.

Other sets

  1. William Ramsay, who was a skeptic about the historical accuracy of the Bible, changed his mind after researching one of the gospel writer’s detail to titles of historical figures. The writer was:
  2. Leaving the ground unplowed and unused every seventh year is one example of how the Bible included scientific knowledge before it was known and taught by scientists.
  3. Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose.
  4. Biblical authors were under the direction of the Holy Spirit when they wrote scripture.
  5. Peter Singer believes that humans should not be valued over animals.
  6. Islam, Judaism and Christianity are examples of Theistic worldviews.
  7. The message of the Bible is unique because
  8. Which of the following is a “good argument,” according to Powell, that all four Gospels were written prior to 70 A.D.?
  9. In reference to non-essential doctrines, people must learn to _______ what the Bible says about a particular issue.
  10. Justification means to “declare righteous or holy”.
  11. Salvation is the restoration of the whole of God’s good creation.
  12. The following cannot be said of the Bible.
  13. A person is using circular reasoning when they argue that the Bible is inspired on the basis that it claims to be the inspired Word of God.
  14. Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
  15. The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are Naturalism, Pantheism, and Theism.
  16. A biblical worldview is rooted in truth and never changes.
  17. The Bible was written in a social vacuum: therefore, it does not have much to say about how we ought to live our lives.
  18. The following can impact a person’s worldview.
  19. The Bible is historically accurate, but not scientifically accurate.
  20. Which of the following did Powell consider a significant discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

RLGN 104 Quiz 4 Salvation and the Gospel Message

  1. Humans sin because it is their nature to sin.
  2. The Salvation that comes through Jesus Christ delivers people from eternal damnation and from slavery to sin.
  3. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to save humanity from their sins. The resurrection of Christ was not essential for salvation.
  4. According to Hindson in Everyday Biblical Worldview, salvation must include:
  5. According to Hindson, the theology of the Bible represents Jesus as the Son of God who possesses all the attributes of deity.
  6. Jesus only appeared to Mary Magdalene, Mary (mother of Jesus), Salome, and his 12 disciples.
  7. Hamartiology is the study of sin.
  8. The disciples believed in the resurrection to the extent that they gave their lives in support of its truth.
  9. Attempting to earn salvation through good deeds is offensive to God.
  10. An emotional response to the gospel is essential for a person to know that a person has been truly saved.
  11. Everlasting separation from God is the worst consequence for sinners.
  12. Imago Dei is a term used to refer to the
  13. Following the resurrection, Jesus appeared to over _______ people at one time.
  14. The word salvation, which is central to the Christian faith, is primarily in reference to physical salvation.
  15. __________ is the ultimate proof that Jesus is the Son of God.
  16. Sin is
  17. The Greek New Testament uses the word tetelestai which means ________.
  18. Powell seems to indicate that the resurrection and resuscitation are synonymous terms.
  19. Salvation is a free gift that must be accepted by the believer; mankind cannot earn salvation.
  20. The Greek word for “poor” in Matthew 5:3 means “needy” or in need of additional things to add to one’s possessions.

Other sets

  1. Jesus lasted _____ hours on the cross.
  2. Sanctification is the process of spiritual maturity.
  3. Saved from the presence of sin and being in the presence of God is known as:
  4. Salvation comes only by
  5. According to Powell, after establishing that God exists, that the resurrection was an historical event, and other things, what becomes the most important question to settle?
  6. An emotional response to the gospel is essential for a person to know that a person has been truly saved.
  7. According to the Bible, the true gauge of holiness that humans are judged against is the holiness of God.
  8. __________ is the ultimate proof that Jesus is the Son of God.
  9. According to Islam, Jesus never died, but in an unknown way escaped death into heaven.
  10. The Salvation that comes through Jesus Christ delivers people from eternal damnation and from slavery to sin.
  11. Getting someone to pray to receive Christ is evidence that he/she has been saved.
  12. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to save humanity from their sins. The resurrection of Christ was not essential for salvation.
  13. What was the popular Jewish expectation for the coming Messiah?
  14. The Romans were so vile they crucified everyone who broke the law, even Roman citizens.
  15. The Greek word for “poor” in Matthew 5:3 means “needy” or in need of additional things to add to one’s possessions.
  16. The disciples believed in the resurrection to the extent that they gave their lives in support of its truth.
  17. Attempting to earn salvation through good deeds is offensive to God.
  18. Jews associated crucifixion on a cross with the curse of God.
  19. The Bible is the historical source that claimed Jesus rose from the dead.
  20. Following the resurrection, Jesus appeared to over _______ people at one time.

Other sets

  1. Following the resurrection, Jesus appeared to over _______ people at one time.
  2. Attempting to earn salvation through good deeds is offensive to God.
  3. If Jesus was not resurrected from the dead then the entire Christian faith is worthless.
  4. According to Powell, after establishing that God exists, that the resurrection was an historical event, and other things, what becomes the most important question to settle?
  5. Knowing the facts about God is all one needs to know in order to be saved.
  6. Saved from the presence of sin and being in the presence of God is known as:
  7. Salvation is a gift from God that humanity cannot earn through good works.
  8. Sanctification is the process of spiritual maturity.
  9. Powell seems to indicate that the resurrection and resuscitation are synonymous terms.
  10. If the people closest to the event believed that Christ raised from the dead, we should believe it today.
  11. By teaching His followers to pray in His name, Jesus was claiming to be in the position of mediator and reconciler between humans and God.
  12. Salvation involves an act of the will.
  13. What alternate explanation for the resurrection dates from the first century and was actually recorded in the Bible?
  14. Jesus lasted _____ hours on the cross.
  15. According to Hindson, the theology of the Bible represents Jesus as the Son of God who possesses all the attributes of deity.
  16. __________ is the ultimate proof that Jesus is the Son of God.
  17. Salvation comes only by
  18. According to the Bible, the true gauge of holiness that humans are judged against is the holiness of God.
  19. What evidence does Powell provide for countering the legend theory for the resurrection?
  20. The Greek word for “poor” in Matthew 5:3 means “needy” or in need of additional things to add to one’s possessions.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. RLGN 104 Quiz 1
  2. RLGN_104_Quiz_4_Salvation_and_the_Gospel_Message
  3. RLGN_104_Quiz_3_Biblical_Worldview
  4. RLGN 104_Quiz_2_Critical_Thinking
  5. RLGN 104 Quiz_1_Christian_Apologetics
  6. RLGN 104 Quiz 4
  7. RLGN 104 Quiz 3
  8. RLGN 104 Quiz 2