THEO 104 Quizzes

THEO 104 Quizzes Liberty(All 8 quizzes)

THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Theology and the Bible

  1. Biblical theology is the study of God from the use of reason and revelation of God from his world.
  2. The word theology come from the words theos meaning ______ and logos, meaning
  3. Orthodoxy is the study of right ________, where orthopraxy is the study of right
  4. The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process.
  5. Soteriology is the study of sin.
  6. General Revelation, also known as Natural Revelation, is available to all and does not require a special event or special individual to receive that revelation.
  7. General revelation is the revelation of God to specific people at specific times.
  8. Salvation does not require the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord, it only suggests it.
  9. General revelation by itself provides enough information for a person to be saved.
  10. _______ is the word that is used to indicate that God is knowable.
  11. The Old Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Hebrew from approximately 1400 BC–400 BC.
  12. There is evidence that the canon of the Old Testament was accepted just 100 years after the final book was written.
  13. The Bible is made up of a total of ________ books.
  14. All of the books except for ________ appear among the copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  15. The word Testament in reference to Scripture means “covenant.”
  16. Which of the following is not one of the three implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  17. In The New Testament, the authors themselves never personally claim to have the help of the Holy Spirit.
  18. The writing of the Bible incorporates the personality of the human author.
  19. The Conceptual Inspiration Theory argues that only certain parts of the Bible are inspired.
  20. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  21. is an example of a thought-for-thought translation of the Bible.
  22. The Bible itself has never really faced extreme persecution.
  23. Illumination has to do with how the Holy Spirit assists readers in understanding how the Bible points to the person and work of Jesus.
  24. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer regarding the interpretation and application of Scripture is known as
  25. There are only a few copies of the scriptures that must be considered and compared to each other. Therefore, textual accuracy is not that difficult to determine.

THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Humanity and Sin

  1. Though we often think about what we want to be when we grow up, we are not nearly as reflective on who we are now.
  2. From what passage of Scripture do humans ascribe their meaning and purpose in life?
  3. The Christian idea of vocation (or calling) is born out of the conceptualization of humanity placed within the world. For example, in Genesis 2:15, Adam was given the responsibility of working in and watching over the sacred space God had given him.
  4. Even though vocations are instituted by God, they are not a relevant platform through which to love others and serve God.
  5. Unlike the rest of the creation account, human creation was not a divine act.
  6. What passage of Scripture discusses the creation of man in the image of God?
  7. What is the goal for humanity in Christian teaching concerning the image of God?
  8. The image of God was lost at the fall.
  9. The concept of the image of God in humanity is a theme that stretches across the entire Old Testament only.
  10. Which of the following is(are) aspects of being made in the image of God?
  11. Which of the following do Christian theologians believe to be true about humanity’s makeup?
  12. The most popular word for sin in the Bible is the word, hamartia, which means to “offend God.”
  13. Which of the following is NOT a reason why humans possess an immaterial aspect?
  14. The Christian is to accept reductionism and focus strongly on the soul, not the body.
  15. Though many people downplay the existence of a soul, the arts, which appeal to areas of life greater than biological impulses, are important parts to every culture.
  16. The New Testament does not arm that the Genesis account of the fall has lasting consequences.
  17. From birth, mankind has a sin condition that can only be resolved through the grace of God.
  18. Which passage in the New Testament arms that the sin of Adam has affected all mankind?
  19. The Bible gives a narrative explaining the beauty and dignity of humanity, but does not address the struggle and ugliness that is all too much a part of the human experience.
  20. According to Romans 6:1-14, human beings are born as slaves to sin.
  21. Sin is anything that removes God from his proper place in our lives.
  22. Which form of sin was specifically common in the Old Testament period?
  23. Some people have claimed that sin is just a Christian teaching to repress an individual’s expression of what they feel is right to do.
  24. Which of the following constitutes sin?
  25. What is temptation?

THEO 104 Quiz: Introduction to the Study of Jesus

  1. Not all of the disciples believed that Jesus was God.
  2. At the most basic level, the term atonement means “to reveal.”
  3. Which apostle presents the clearest picture of Jesus’s claims to deity?
  4. Jesus never outright claimed to be God.
  5. We know that Jesus is God because…
  6. Though Jesus was human, he never got hungry, thirsty, or tired since he was God.
  7. Which belief taught that Jesus was not fully God?
  8. When did the incarnation begin?
  9. Which belief taught that Jesus was a man with the power of God on his life, but not divine.
  10. What is the term used to describe the doctrine that God the Son took on flesh and became a man?
  11. The law of God is a list of preferences that he developed that best suited humanity.
  12. The idea expressed in the term redemption is to “buy back” or “to purchase.”
  13. Jesus never questioned if he had to die on the cross.
  14. Which theory claims that the death of Jesus provides humanity with an example of the great love of God?
  15. God could have just waved a magic wand to make everything better and provide salvation for the world, but he chose to send his Son to die anyway.
  16. Not all scholars actually believe Jesus rose from the dead due to the Minimal Facts Approach.
  17. What event is the defining point of the Christian faith?
  18. The proclamation of the gospel of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection are needed because of the sin of humanity.
  19. Which of the following is NOT one of the facts addressed by the Minimal Facts Approach?
  20. The Minimal Facts Approach offered by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona is an accurate interpretation of the facts concerning Jesus’ resurrection.
  21. The humiliation and exaltation of Christ helps to provide the big- picture view of what the Savior of the world has done for us.
  22. Which of the following is not part of the exaltation of Christ?
  23. Which of the following statements is not true?
  24. The big-picture perspective on the stages of Christ’s work begins with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
  25. The crucifixion of Christ is the low point of the humiliation of Jesus Christ.

THEO 104 Quiz: Introduction to the Study of the Holy Spirit

  1. The Holy Spirit was sent to continue the work of Jesus on earth.
  2. The Holy Spirit is not equal with God the Father and God the Son.
  3. The Athanasian Creed states that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have the same qualities and they are
  4. According to Luke 4, the Holy Spirit was non-existent in the life of Christ.
  5. The Holy Spirit is _________.
  6. Baptism is the idea of new birth or new creation.
  7. The _______ of the believer by the Holy Spirit as part of the family of God refers to God’s completion of the work of salvation.
  8. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is referenced by all of the apostles but Paul.
  9. The importance of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit abides within the believer.
  10. The Holy Spirit is responsible for which of the following?
  11. The Holy Spirit only intercedes on the behalf of some Christians.
  12. The filling of the Holy Spirit as well as the baptism and indwelling of the Holy Spirit are permanent.
  13. The filling of the Holy Spirit is in large part dependent on what?
  14. Sanctication has both a positive and a negative aspect.
  15. The Holy Spirit’s ministry of indwelling and filling consistently evidences itself throughout both the Old and New Testaments.
  16. Cessationists believe the sign gifts were originally intended to authenticate the ministry of the apostles and first Christians, but once the canon of Scripture was established, the sign gifts were no longer necessary.
  17. Which of the following is not one of the passages containing the list of spiritual gifts?
  18. Speaking is a spiritual gift.
  19. Apostles were those specifically appointed by _______ to be a “sent one.”
  20. Which of the following is a specific characteristic of spiritual gifts?
  21. Self-control relates to the disposition of an individual and is seen as meekness or humility.
  22. There are four important differences between the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
  23. The fruit of the Holy Spirit relates to the Christian’s spiritual character and maturity of the Christian life.
  24. Spiritual gifts are given to the individual Christian. The fruit of the Spirit are natural outgrowths of obedience.
  25. The Greek word that is used for “disciples” is mathēteuō, meaning “to make a convert.”

THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Theology and the Bible

  1. Biblical theology is the study of God from the use of reason and revelation of God from his world.
  2. The word theology come from the words theos meaning ______ and logos, meaning
  3. Orthodoxy is the study of right ________, where orthopraxy is the study of right
  4. The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process.
  5. Soteriology is the study of sin.
  6. General Revelation, also known as Natural Revelation, is available to all and does not require a special event or special individual to receive that revelation.
  7. General revelation is the revelation of God to specific people at specific times.
  8. Salvation does not require the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord, it only suggests it.
  9. General revelation by itself provides enough information for a person to be saved.
  10. _______ is the word that is used to indicate that God is knowable.
  11. The Old Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Hebrew from approximately 1400 BC–400 BC.
  12. There is evidence that the canon of the Old Testament was accepted just 100 years after the final book was written.
  13. The Bible is made up of a total of ________ books.
  14. All of the books except for ________ appear among the copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  15. The word Testament in reference to Scripture means “covenant.”
  16. Which of the following is not one of the three implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  17. In The New Testament, the authors themselves never personally claim to have the help of the Holy Spirit.
  18. The writing of the Bible incorporates the personality of the human author.
  19. The Conceptual Inspiration Theory argues that only certain parts of the Bible are inspired.
  20. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  21. is an example of a thought-for-thought translation of the Bible.
  22. The Bible itself has never really faced extreme persecution.
  23. Illumination has to do with how the Holy Spirit assists readers in understanding how the Bible points to the person and work of Jesus.
  24. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer regarding the interpretation and application of Scripture is known as
  25. There are only a few copies of the scriptures that must be considered and compared to each other. Therefore, textual accuracy is not that difficult to determine.

THEO 104 Quiz: Introduction to the Study of Salvation

  1. Because of the sin of mankind, the human race is inherently in opposition to God.
  2. What makes grace so hard to grasp is not that it does not make sense intellectually, but that it does not make sense emotionally.
  3. In __________ chapter 3, Paul recounts his “righteousness” according to his own abilities.
  4. Salvation is something that God __________.
  5. For many people salvation is something they have done.
  6. When was salvation was first conceived in the mind of God?
  7. Which of the following terms fits the definition: “to choose””
  8. The question of election is not whether God elects, but how he does so.
  9. The doctrine of election is not clearly taught in the Bible.
  10. means that God chooses individuals for salvation without considering what the person has done or will do.
  11. Regeneration occurs after conversion.
  12. What is the basis for one’s conversion?
  13. Regeneration is different from conversion because regeneration is a conscious act of repentance toward God and faith in Jesus, and conversion is an unconscious transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit.
  14. Repentance encompasses both turning from sin and towards the Lord.
  15. Which of the following best fits this definition: “Spiritual birth brought forth by the Holy Spirit at conversion”?
  16. The doctrine of Justification is a point of disagreement between whom?
  17. Which of the following is NOT a spiritual discipline?
  18. According to Pentecostals, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a pre- conversion experience where a person experiences the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
  19. _________ means “the satisfaction of God’s Judgement.”
  20. Justification is God crediting a person the righteousness earned by Christ.
  21. No person currently possesses ultimate salvation.
  22. Salvation is primarily a work of human will rather than a work of God.
  23. In the book of 1 John, John makes a clear argument that some leaving the community of faith were not leaving because a loss of salvation, but because they never possessed true salvation.
  24. What passage of Scripture is used by Paul to admonish believers to live a life of holiness and righteousness?
  25. Conversion and calling are not closely intertwined.

THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of the Church

  1. Who was the leader of the Swiss church?
  2. What major religion began to form during the medieval era?
  3. Who launched the protestant reformation in Germany?
  4. It was at the Council of Nicea that the Roman Catholic Church set its doctrines in contrast with the doctrines of the Protestant movement.
  5. John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English and Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press during what major church era?
  6. All participants of the visible church are Christians.
  7. Protestants have distinguished between the visible and the invisible church.
  8. In the New Testament, Baptism is reserved only for individuals who professed faith in the risen Jesus.
  9. Within the New Testament, especially within the letters of Paul, one notices that there were many different churches within each city.
  10. The church has a local and global connotation.
  11. Which of the following is not one of the three basic models of church government?
  12. Acts 14:23 does NOT point in the direction of a plurality of elders as the normative practice in the early church planting movement.
  13. The term elder specifically refers to those leaders in the church who are over the age of 60.
  14. Which of the following is not one of the three main church offices listed in the New Testament?
  15. The term pastor means __________.
  16. What passage of scripture gives insight into the routine activity of the early church?
  17. Service is necessary for a church if they want to follow Christ’s example.
  18. Though prayer is important, it should not be prioritized in the church.
  19. Based on Ephesians 4:11-12, the church exists only to do evangelism.
  20. The early church did not have much fellowship or community.
  21. baptism was a baptism of identification with sinful humanity.
  22. communion allows any Christian to participate in the Lord’s Supper.
  23. The major debate concerning baptism throughout church history is concerning the recipients of baptism and the mode of baptism.
  24. ________ baptism has the strongest support in the New Testament.
  25. Those who embrace paedobaptism justify this practice based upon which Old Testament covenantal practice?

THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of End Times

  1. All religions share at least one thing in common: They each attempt to provide guidance concerning the topic of death.
  2. Although the Bible refers to heaven, there is no description in Scripture of what heaven will actually be like.
  3. Heaven is a real and eternal place.
  4. The Christian’s ultimate hope is not in life after death, but in life after life after death.
  5. death is a condition of one’s heart and life. It is a separation from God.
  6. The early Christians affirmed the physical return of Jesus as central to their message.
  7. Which of the following is not one of the three main passages in the New Testament that give insight into the manner of God’s judgment?
  8. What is the basis for which God will judge?
  9. The second coming of Jesus is not central to an orthodox understand of Christianity.
  10. Hell is the necessary doctrine of a God who is ultimately just.
  11. believes in a literal, one-thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth.
  12. The difference between the theological positions on the tribulation is in the data, not within how the data is interpreted and organized.
  13. It appears that the ____________ position makes the most sense of the biblical data.
  14. The wrath mentioned in Revelation according to the ___-Tribulation position, is not God’s wrath, but the wrath of Satan, the Antichrist, and the wicked against God’s people.
  15. The Mid-Tribulation position embraces the final, visible, glorious return at the end of the great tribulation.
  16. Covenantal theology sees discontinuity among the Testament.
  17. God entered into a covenant with ________ promising to never again flood the entire earth. The sign of this covenant was a rainbow.
  18. God established a covenant with ________ that promised God would make his name great and cause a great nation to come from him.
  19. One of the major issues regarding the relationship of the Testaments is the relationship of Israel in the Old Testament to the church in the New Testament.
  20. Which of the following is NOT one of the major biblical covenants?
  21. In reference to what Christians will do in heaven, Revelation 21-22 appears to imply that eternity will be totally discontinuous from our present existence.
  22. The gates of the New Jerusalem are made out of what?
  23. In God’s final act there is not only a new creation; there is also a new city.
  24. According to Revelation 21:1-7, the sea will not exist in the New Earth.
  25. The new city on the new earth is called the new _________.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. THEO 104 Quiz Study of the Church
  2. THEO 104 Quiz 1 Fall 2020
  3. THEO 104 Quiz 2 Fall 2020
  4. THEO 104 Quiz 3 Fall 2020
  5. THEO 104 Quiz 4 Fall 2020
  6. THEO 104 Quiz 5 Fall 2020
  7. THEO 104 Quiz 6 Fall 2020
  8. THEO 104 Quiz 7 Fall 2020
  9. THEO 104 Quiz 8 Fall 2020
  10. THEO 104 Quiz 2 2021
  11. THEO 104 Quiz 4 2021
  12. THEO 104 Quiz 5 2021
  13. THEO 104 Quiz 6 2021
  14. THEO 104 Quiz 7 2021
  15. THEO 104 Quiz 1 2021
  16. THEO 104 Quiz 8 2021
  17. THEO 104 Quiz 3 2021
  18. THEO 104 Quiz 2 2022
  19. THEO 104 Quiz 3 2022
  20. THEO 104 Quiz 4 2022
  21. THEO 104 Quiz 5 2022
  22. THEO 104 Quiz 6 2022
  23. THEO 104 Quiz 8 2022
  24. THEO 104 Quiz 7 Study of the Church
  25. THEO 104 Intro to Study of God
  26. THEO 104 Quiz Study of Humanity
  27. THEO 104 Quiz Study of Jesus
  28. THEO 104 Quiz Study of Holy Spirit
  29. THEO 104 Quiz Study of Theology
  30. THEO 104 Quiz Study of Salvation
  31. THEO 104 Quiz Study of End of Times
  32. THEO 104 Quiz 1 2023
  33. THEO 104 Quiz 2 2023