CEFS 502 Quiz 7

CEFS 502 Quiz 7 Late Adulthood

  1. In late adulthood, ______ is required and entails the integration of selection, optimization, and compensation.
  2. The absence of disease or disability does not encompass all dimensions of good health. The ______ defines good health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.”
  3. In the United States, women over age 80 are the largest and oldest population within the late adulthood population.
  4. Most counseling techniques, aids, and programs are designed for use with younger groups, covering a much shorter individual lifespan than that of the older adult.
  5. How people function in the present is usually ______ how they performed in the past.
  6. When counselor and client are able to closely match client’s activities with ______, the client’s life satisfaction most likely will improve.
  7. involves identifying opportunities or domains of activity that are of greatest value or importance.
  8. In recent years, studies have shown a significant decrease in the number of individuals in late adulthood that are staying healthier longer and are functioning well at more advanced ages.
  9. Individuals, during their late adulthood, find that their goals ______, and they invest more energy into personal goal pursuits as competing roles and their demands decline.
  10. is the capacity for new growth and can be strengthened through training.
  11. Severe, progressive memory and intellectual decline is universally experienced toward the end of late adulthood.
  12. Individuals in late adulthood who are more ______ in their goal striving focus on intimacy, affiliation, and contribution to the moral community.
  13. Senility refers to loss of mental and emotional abilities, helplessness, confusion, and disorientation. It is also called dementia.
  14. is the innate capacity of the individual, the relevant environmental characteristics, and the interaction between them.
  15. An important way to help individuals in late adulthood manage anxiety about crises like COVID-19 is to
  16. Intraindividual difference refers to the ways that individuals differ from one another.
  17. In the process of accepting one’s life, older adults who integrate their goals and their goal-related activities, typically experience a sense of
  18. comprises all the mental and physical capabilities that a person can draw on, and includes their ability to think, see, hear, and remember.
  19. Individuals currently in late adulthood experience a higher prevalence of depression and other mental disorders when compared to other cohorts.
  20. Clear communication with individuals in late adulthood must be prioritized. Which of the following is one of Giordano’s (2000) principles for communicating with elderly clients while preserving their self-esteem?
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