AVIA 400 Quiz Physiological Aspects

AVIA 400 Quiz: Physiological Aspects

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 — Module 3: Week 3.

  1. When you decelerate in poor visibility conditions or IMC, you may have the illusion of pitching up.
  2. Noise can be defined as any sound that is loud, unpleasant, or unwanted.
  3. acceleration (-GZ) is footward acceleration (or eyeballs up) that you could experience in an inverted turn, inverted loop or when pushing over into a dive.
  4. acceleration occurs when there is a change in the direction of an object, such as occurs during a turn, or during a push into, or a pullout from, a dive.
  5. Sensory illusions involving primarily the semicircular canals are often referred to as _________ illusions.
  6. acceleration (+GZ) is headward acceleration (or eyeballs down) that you could experience in a steep turn, an inside loop or a pull-up from a dive.
  7. Grayout and blackout are caused by ________ hypoxia.
  8. During the first decade of this century alone, almost 1,000 people lost their lives in airline accidents involving SD.
  9. orientation (sometimes called postural or proprioceptive or kinesthetic orientation) involves sensors in our muscles, tendons, skin, and joints that respond only to acceleration (including gravity) and is often referred to as the “seat of the pants” sensations.
  10. Sound wave energy is substantially reduced when passing from a gas (air in outer ear) to a liquid (fluid in inner ear); but the unique mechanical arrangement of the middle ear makes up for this limitation by amplifying the sound energy by as much as 25 dB.
  11. Type III (incapacitating) SD occurs when you are aware of your disorientation and can properly take positive control of your aircraft.
  12. Which is not one of the three primary sensory systems that provide the information you need to correctly orient yourself in space?
  13. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), or nerve deafness, that arises from loud noise/ sounds that damage the tiny nerve fibers (hairs) in the Cochlea can often be treated with medication or surgery.
  14. Airframe noise is partly a function of indicated airspeed (dynamic air pressure) expressed as 1/2ρV2, where ρ (rho) is the density of the air and V is the true airspeed. Therefore, the slower the airspeed and higher the altitude (lower air density), the greater the aerodynamic noise created around the aircraft’s fuselage.
  15. When both speech and noise levels are about the same (SNR = 1), most speech communication is understood because of the context in which the individual words are used.
  16. The movement of the sensory hairs in the otolith membrane is the same when the head is tilted downward or when it is upright during forward linear acceleration.
  17. A normal pilot without using any preventive measures will experience ________ when pulling +6GZ.
  18. Noise can contribute to fatigue.
  19. The head tilt reex is the natural tendency for pilots to automatically and unconsciously align their head with the visible (or perceived) horizon, not with the aircraft’s vertical (or normal) axis. This is also called the
  20. The NTSB determined the deaths of John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife, Carolyn, and her sister, Lauren Bessette, was the result of SD during a descent over water at night.
  21. The frequency range for normal human hearing is between about ________ and ________ Hz.
  22. The ________ bodies, located in the non-auditory portion of inner ear, respond to linear acceleration, while the apparatus, consisting of three semicircular fluid-filled canals, respond to angular acceleration.
  23. Conductive hearing loss (CHL) arises out of complications in the outer and middle ear that cannot be treated with medication or surgery.
  24. The measurement of sound intensity is logarithmic and a rule of thumb for perceived loudness is that it doubles for every 10 dB increase in sound intensity.
  25. The greatest aircraft noise source is ________ noise, which is divided into engine noise and ________ noise.
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  1. AVIA 400 Quiz Physiological Aspects
  • Liberty University