EDUC 860 Quiz APA Format

EDUC 860 Quiz APA Format

  1. Active voice should be used in scholarly writing as much as possible to create direct, clear, and concise writing.
  2. The reference below is correctly formatted based on 7th edition APA standards.
    Kearney, & Graczyk, (2014). A response to intervention model to promote school attendance and decrease school absenteeism. Child & Youth Care Forum, 43(1): 1–25. https://doi,org/10.1007/s10566-013-922-1
  3. When writing, eliminate which of the following:
  4. Which of the following in-text citations is formatted correctly?
  5. In scholarly work, which of the following is an example of a primary source?
  6. When a direct quotation consists of more than _______ words, it must be in block quotation format.
  7. should be one of the first steps in the writing process; doing this will help the writer establish logical progression and flow in a paper, article, or other written work.
  8. The reference below is correctly formatted based on 7th edition APA standards.
    Chang, H. N., & Davis, R. (2015). Mapping the early attendance gap: Charting a course for school success. Attendance Works. content/uploads/2017/05/Mapping-the-Early-Attendance-Gap_Final-4.pdf
  9. Most references do not include retrieval dates.
  10. Headings are styling methods of organizing your paper without using an outline format. The rule of thumb is that you must have at least two of each heading level that you use; otherwise, omit that heading level.
  11. In the reference list, always include the city and state of the publisher for any books referenced.
  12. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
  13. When paraphrasing a source for an entire paragraph (and that is the only source included in the paragraph), cite the source at the beginning of the paragraph, and do not add citations for the remainder of the paragraph. Correct!
  14. Most references only include the year of publication (not the month and day).
  15. Which of the following sentences is worded correctly?
  16. The reference below is correctly formatted based on 7th edition APA standards.
    Giardiello, P. (2014). Pioneers in early childhood education: The roots and legacies of Rachel and Margaret McMillan, Maria Montessori and Susan Isaacs. New York: NY, Routledge.
  17. “The author” refers to the person or group responsible for a work, including the author of the book, the director of a film, the principal investigator of a grant, and a podcast host.
  18. Personal communication in scholarly writing includes which of the following?
  19. In scholarly work, an example of a secondary source is ________
  20. In the reference list, use a comma to separate two groups of authors. For example, Centers for Disease Control, & United States Census Bureau.
  21. Database information and/or database URLs are not usually included in the references.
  22. When would you use square brackets in a direct quotation?
  23. When citing multiple sources within in-text citations, how are the sources listed in parentheses?
  24. When citing a source, you need to cite each sentence.
  25. Which of the following citations is correct for demonstrating synthesis of sources?
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  1. EDUC 860 Quiz APA Format
  • Liberty University