CLCM 510 Research Paper Final
CLCM 510 Research Paper Assignments
The student will prepare a major paper outlining an emerging theology of digital church ministry. The student will research and write this in 5 installments (chapters) across eight modules: weeks of the course integrated with course readings and other required course materials. The final version should run between 12-15 double-spaced pages in 12-point font conforming perfectly to Turabian style utilizing at least 10 relevant scholarly sources in addition to the required texts and the Bible. The student will write each chapter in conversation with all required readings, videos and other course materials provided for each module: week. Use of these required resources should be evident in the body of the paper through comments, footnotes, and bibliographic citations. Each chapter submitted will be part of the larger paper and should be clearly identified with its own separate heading centered on the page. (CLOs: A, B, D)
Research Paper: Introduction and Overview Assignment
Based upon the required readings and viewings for Module 1: Week 1 as well as other resources the student deems appropriate, he/she will develop a general introduction and overview that sets the groundwork of his/her initial theological reflection for his/her subsequent chapters. The first chapter or section should run between 2-3 pages, double-spaced using 12-point font, following Turabian formatting, and free from errors of grammar and syntax. (CLOs: A, B, D).
Research Paper: Network Theology Assignment
Based upon the required readings and viewings for Module 2: Week 2 and Module 3: Week 3, as well as other resources the student deems appropriate, he/she will develop a network theology of church and kingdom as it pertains to online church as a biblical-theological concept. The second chapter should run between 2-3 pages double-spaced following Turabian formatting and free from errors of grammar and syntax. (CLOs: A, B, D).
Research Paper: The Interconnected Body of Christ Assignment
Based upon the required readings and viewings for Module 4: Week 4 and Module 5: Week 5, as well as other resources the student deems appropriate, he/she will develop further and refine his/her theology of networks and the interconnected nature of church as the Body of Christ. The third chapter should run between 2-3 pages double-spaced following Turabian formatting and free from errors of grammar and syntax. (CLOs: A, B, D).
Research Paper: Digital Spiritual Formation Assignment
Based upon the required readings and viewings for Module 6: Week 6 and Module 7: Week 7, as well as other resources the student deems appropriate, he/she will develop further and refine his/her views of the nature of spiritual formation as it pertains to various forms of online church ministry. The fourth chapter should run between 2-3 pages double-spaced following Turabian formatting and free from errors of grammar and syntax. (CLOs: A, B, D).
Research Paper: Final Edits and Conclusion Assignment
The final module: week of the course is an opportunity for the student to review, edit, and finalize the content, structure, and format of his or her paper before he or she submits it for evaluation. The final edited version should also contain a short final summary or concluding paragraph that encapsulates the content of the paper. By this time, the professor should be able to see all required sources for the student’s paper in the Bibliography. The final version of the paper should run between 8-12 pages, double-spaced, and using a 12-point font type like Times New Roman.