GOVT 220 Quiz Elections

GOVT 220 Quiz Elections and Campaigns

  1. Which of these is an example of a positional issue?
  2. What has been the effect of the conventions being held in close proximity to each other?
  3. After party caucuses were replaced by national nominating conventions, who wielded the real power in selecting presidential nominees?
  4. Most demographic groups favor one party or the other by about what percent?
  5. Why do presidential candidates generally see a positive bump in polls after their party’s convention?
  6. The Constitution spells out in detail the workings of which institution that chooses the president?
  7. Soft money is obtained by whom or what?
  8. In the 1980 presidential election, many people voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter as a vote against Carter’s job performance. This is an example of what?
  9. The campaign finance law created in the 1970s was the direct byproduct of what?
  10. An important part of presidential campaigning is activating voters’ latent partisanship. What does this entail?
  11. The federal government provides matching funds, dollar for dollar, for money raised by small donors for what types of elections?
  12. Debates have the most influence on which group?
  13. How can most political ads be described?
  14. Which of the following observations illustrates the concept of surge and decline?
  15. Why are demographic trends in partisan support important for candidates to understand?
  16. In Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, what did the Supreme Court hold?
  17. Which of the following statements best describes super PACs?
  18. Since 1911, the size of the House of Representatives has been fixed at how many members?
  19. Which group, until more recent elections, has been about as loyal to the Democratic Party as African Americans?
  20. Which of the following best describes what is allowed because of the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC?
  21. When a district is drawn in a bizarre or unusual shape to assist or benefit a candidate, it is called what?
  22. Which of the following statements about the role of elections in the enactment of public policy is true?
  23. Approximately what percentage of political ads in 2016 were negative?
  24. Which of the following statements about campaign advertisements is true?
  25. When is the media’s influence greatest on voters?
  26. Since the mid-1960s, the incumbent reelection rate has never dropped below what percent in the Senate?
  27. What differences are there in the support of young voters and African American voters for the Democratic Party?
  28. Originally, how were presidential candidates chosen?
  29. What is unlimited money given to political parties but not used to back candidates directly called?
  30. What is the most important factor in winning the presidency?
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  1. GOVT 220 Quiz Elections and Campaigns
  • Liberty University