GOVT 220 Quiz Federalism

GOVT 220 Quiz Federalism

  1. William H. Riker concluded that the main effect of federalism since the Civil War was that it supported which of these?
  2. What is the process of passing on many federal programs to the states called?
  3. What are federal mandates?
  4. Which of the following entities settles conflicts related to power sharing between the states and the national government?
  5. During the 1960s, federal grants to states were increasingly based on what?
  6. Which of the following metaphors best describes cooperative federalism?
  7. Which of the following forms of federalism involves state governments and the national government working together to solve the nation’s problems?
  8. Which of the following is the transfer of government power from the national government to state governments?
  9. The necessary and proper clause of Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution is also known as which one of the following?
  10. How has the Supreme Court ruled regarding mandates?
  11. Which of the following is a requirement in federal legislation that forces state and local governments to comply with certain rules?
  12. The Framers did not include an explicit statement of state powers in the U.S. Constitution. In which amendment was it later added?
  13. What was the first form of grants-in-aid from the national government to the states?
  14. Which of these is a procedure that enables voters to reject a measure adopted by the legislature?
  15. Which of the following best describes police power?
  16. What was the central question in the McCulloch v. Maryland case?
  17. The push toward devolution has resulted in what?
  18. In the last sixty years, the fastest-growing grants to states have been what?
  19. Which of the following gives Congress the power to regulate trade among the states?
  20. When did the grants-in-aid system begin to grow rapidly?
  21. What does the doctrine of nullication refer to?
  22. The advantages of a federal system of government include which of the following?
  23. California’s Governor Gray Davis was replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003 by what method?
  24. Which of the following modern political ideologies has traditionally favored state governments over the federal government?
  25. As it applies to the states, what does the full faith and credit clause mean?
  26. What is one challenge of the devolution revolution for state governments?
  27. Which of the following powers is not given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor reserved to the states?
  28. What does the phrase laboratories of democracy mean?
  29. Much of President Trump’s controversial response to the COVID-19 pandemic was to leave the decisions to the fifty states’ governors. Upon reflection, his reasoning would demonstrate which of the following beliefs?
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