HLTH 640 Quiz 3 Vitamins, Minerals

HLTH 640 Quiz 3: Vitamins, Minerals, and Water

Module 5: Week 5 Module 6: Week 6.

  1. Food sources from preformed vitamin A (in milk, cereals, cheese, egg yolks, and liver) have better absorption than food sources which are rich in provitamin A (carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes).
  2. John is taking the anticoagulant medication Coumadin so he needs to monitor his vitamin K intake from
  3. John started taking a multivitamin and noticed that his urine was yellow. This is because an excess of ________ was being excreted.
  4. Excesses of water-soluble vitamins are excreted from the body in urine and therefore they rarely accumulate to toxic levels.
  5. When foods are exposed to air, water, UV light, changes in pH, or heat, nutrient content of foods typically
  6. are substances found in foods that are not in a form directly usable by the body, but that can be converted into an active form once they are absorbed; however vitamins found in foods that are already in the active form, called ________ vitamins, do not undergo conversion.
  7. As long as a supplement has the USP label, it is safe to consume any amount of the supplement.
  8. Vitamin A is essential for vision, cell growth and development, reproduction, and a healthy immune system.
  9. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the ________ vitamins, but the B vitamins are the ________ vitamins.
  10. Most water-soluble vitamins are not toxic because excesses are excreted in the
  11. Vision problems and increased infections result from vitamin A
  12. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and this increases the likelihood of toxicity symptoms.
  13. Vitamin K is the “sunshine vitamin” can be made in the body with the help of ultraviolet rays from the sun.
  14. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include
  15. Green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils are rich in vitamin A.
  16. Hypercalcemia, abnormalities in the nervous system, and severe depression may result from
  17. Antioxidants, such as vitamins E and C, and carotenoids, ________ the damaging effects of free radicals, atoms or molecules with an unpaired electron.
  18. Which of the following nutrients are not stored in the body?
  19. No food contains every nutrient, but every food group has specific nutrients.
  20. Vitamin A is stored in the liver until needed and is not easily excreted from the body.
  21. Vitamins provide kilocalories, and are therefore considered to be a source of energy.
  22. Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, and death may result from inadequate intake of
  23. In most cases of macrocytic anemia, the true cause is a B12 deficiency, not a folate deficiency.
  24. functions as part of the phospholipid that makes up cell membranes; it functions in liver metabolism; it participates in nerve transmission; it assists in the transport of lipids as part of the VLDL; and it plays a key role in fetal development.
  25. Fortification of cereal grains has resulted in fewer cases of
  26. Fruits and vegetables which are ________ have been linked to lower rates of cancer of the lung, mouth and esophageal, stomach, and colon.
  27. Who among the following is most likely to experience vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms? A
  28. Consuming too much folic acid from supplements can obscure a vitamin B12 deficiency.
  29. Individuals who are underconsuming B vitamins are likely to feel
  30. Choline is a conditionally essential nutrient that is needed for the integrity of cell membranes, nerve transmission, lipid transport, and liver health.
  31. The B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin B6 act as ________ in the process of breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to ATP.
  32. Inadequate folate intake may result in abnormally large and immature red blood cells which have diminished oxygen-carrying capacity, leading to weakness, irritability and shortness of breath.
  33. Permanent birth defects in which a portion of the spinal cord and its protective membranes protrude from the vertebral column is called
  34. Taking large amounts of vitamin B6 supplements has been linked to reversible nerve damage.
  35. Folate needs vitamin B12 to stop in cell division.
  36. Without the B vitamins, energy production would come to a halt.
  37. This B vitamin is likely to lead to deficiency symptoms in vegans because it is found only in animal foods
  38. Thiamin in lean pork and whole grains is necessary for energy metabolism and plays a role in nerve transmission.
  39. Folate coenzymes accept and donate one-carbon compounds in DNA and amino acid synthesis.
  40. Folic acid is more easily absorbed than folate.
  41. Alcohol may not lead to dehydration because it is a liquid.
  42. Usually, the darker the color of the urine, the more ________ the person is.
  43. Water serves as an acid—base buffer, transports oxygen and fat- soluble nutrients throughout the body.
  44. Because water is a ________ molecule, it attracts other charged molecules and helps maintain acid-base balance in the body.
  45. Water that is formed in the body as a result of metabolic reactions is called
  46. The most abundant substance in the body is
  47. The best way to assess water needs is to wear cotton clothing while exercising and to regularly examine the level of sweat in workout clothes.
  48. Experts recommend that the type of water which Americans should drink and which benefits the environment is
  49. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, for every pound of weight lost during exercise, drink at least ________ cups of water to rehydrate.
  50. Physical activity, diet, gender, air temperature and humidity all determine the ________ of water that an individual should drink.
  51. Jose does not like the taste of water. Which of the following would you recommend?
  52. When Maria has finished urinating, the water in the toilet bowl is clear. What does this indicate about her level of hydration? She is likely to be
  53. To ensure adequate hydration, individuals should drink as much water as possible.
  54. Adults and adolescents have the same daily water needs.
  55. A measured water bottle may help to achieve daily hydration goals.
  56. Hard water contains
  57. Excess water ingestion can result in water intoxication.
  58. Muscle tissue has ________ water than fat tissue.
  59. The thirst mechanism is ________ by increased ECF osmolality, dry mouth, and hypovolemia.
  60. Persons who use anti-hypertensive medication which lead to hypokalemia would benefit from eating foods which are rich in
  61. Animal protein from meat, fish, and poultry enhances zinc absorption; and vitamin D enhances calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium absorption.
  62. Deli meats and canned soups are often high in sodium.
  63. Hypophosphatemia symptoms include: muscle weakness, bone pain, rickets in children, confusion, and, at the extreme, death.
  64. Minerals that are needed in amounts greater than 100 milligrams per day–sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur–are classified as
  65. Cooking legumes that contain phytates, can help increase the bioavailability of its minerals by breaking the bonds between the minerals and the binders.
  66. Calcium and phosphorous are needed for the process of
  67. Which mineral provides shape to proteins and is part of the vitamins thiamin and biotin and the amino acids cysteine and methionine?
  68. Excessive magnesium from foods such as leafy green vegetables, and legumes are not likely to lead to toxicity symptoms.
  69. Hyperkalemia symptoms—nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and tingling in feet and hands–are likely to result from
  70. Individuals who consume diets which are adequate in ________ have optimal muscle function, nerve conduction, fluid and pH balance, bone health, recommended blood and are unlikely to have kidney stones.
  71. The mineral which helps maintain fluid balance, transmits nerve impulses, participates in muscle contraction, and helps transport some nutrients across cell membranes is
  72. The most overconsumed sodium source is
  73. The degree to which a nutrient is absorbed and ultimately available to be used in the body is called its
  74. Inorganic elements that are essential to the nutrition of humans are called
  75. Oxalates in tea can inhibit the body’s absorption of some minerals, deceasing bioavailability.
  76. Minerals are classified as major minerals or as trace minerals depending on the amount found in the body and the amount needed on a weekly basis.
  77. It is not possible to experience mineral toxicity symptoms because the body adjusts mineral absorption and excretion, according to the body’s need for minerals.
  78. The DASH diet is recommended to lower blood pressure because it is rich in
  79. Mineral toxicity symptoms are likely to emerge from
  80. Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in
  81. Zinc is part of the ________ and DNA structure, functions in taste acuity, and helps prevent age-related macular degeneration.
  82. Postmenopausal women and men have the same RDA for iron.
  83. Menke’s disease and Wilson’s disease are
  84. Selenium deficiency is linked to heart damage as in
  85. Manganese deficiency symptoms are widespread.
  86. In children too much fluoride can result in skeletal fluorosis; in adults it can cause fluorosis.
  87. Phytates in legumes and cereals ________ copper and iron.
  88. Iron functions in energy metabolism and is needed for a healthy immune system and brain function.
  89. Foods which contain heme iron are ________ non-heme iron foods.
  90. Which of the following is likely to contain fluoride?
  91. A pregnant women who underconsumes iodine during pregnancy is likely to have a baby who suffers from
  92. Although grains have higher iron contents than other food groups, the iron in proteins is
  93. Chromium may improve insulin function, the metabolism and storage of carbohydrates and fats, and metabolic syndrome and
  94. Fluorosis creates teeth that are extremely resistant to caries but
  95. The bioavailability of trace minerals can be affected by the quality of the mineral in the body and whether the mineral competes with other substances for absorption.
  96. Adding a vitamin C-rich food (citrus, many fresh vegetables) at a meal ________ iron absorption.
  97. Menstruating women need ________men.
  98. Who among the following needs to avoid iron and vitamin C supplements? Persons who have been diagnosed with
  99. Chromium content of foods is related to the chromium content of the soil in which they were grown.
  100. Who among the following persons has the highest need for iron? A female who is
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