BIBL 323 Quiz 3

BIBL 323 Quiz 3 Liberty University

BIBL 323 Quiz Encountering Jesus in the Cana Cycle

  1. Explain the significance of Jesus’ cleansing of the temple (in John 2), including a discussion of the question of whether John and the Synoptics record one or two temple cleansings.
  2. Which list of signs (Morris—ch. 2 or Kostenberger’s—ch. 5) do you agree with? Explain. Do you think there can be more than 7 signs? If so, what would your list look like?
  3. What social and spiritual dynamics underlay Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus?
  4. Discuss 2 ways that Jesus uses experiences in His own ministry (in John’s Gospel) to train his disciples for mission?
  5. Discuss 2 reasons why it is important to emphasize the humanity of Jesus (Morris ch. 3) vs the views of Docetism.

Other sets

  1. Discuss 2 reasons why it is important to emphasize the humanity of Jesus (Morris ch. 3) vs the views of Docetism.
  2. Which list of signs (Morris—ch. 2 or Kostenberger’s—ch. 5) do you agree with? Explain. Do you think there can be more than 7 signs? If so, what would your list look like?
  3. Explain the significance of Jesus’ cleansing of the temple (in John 2), including a discussion of the question of whether John and the Synoptics record one or two temple cleansings.
  4. Discuss 2 ways that Jesus uses experiences in His own ministry (in John’s Gospel) to train his disciples for mission?
  5. What social and spiritual dynamics underlay Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus?

Set 1

  1. Discuss 2 reasons why it is important to emphasize the humanity of Jesus (Morris ch. 3) vs the views of
  2. Explain the significance of Jesus’ cleansing of the temple (in John 2), including a discussion of the question of whether John and the Synoptics record one or two temple cleansings..
  3. What social and spiritual dynamics underlay Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus?
  4. Discuss 2 ways that Jesus uses experiences in His own ministry (in John’s Gospel) to train his disciples for mission?
  5. Which list of signs (Morris—ch. 2 or Kostenberger’s—ch. 5) do you agree with? Explain. Do you think there can be more than 7 signs? If so, what would your list look like?

Set 2

  1. Matching
    1. One of three claims of Christ
    2. One of three acts of Christ
    3. One of four witnesses to Christ
  2. Put the following principles of spiritual operation in order:
  3. Matching
    1. First Year.
    2. Second Year.
    3. Third Year.
  1. What piece of information is not given (to the reader) about Judas in Chapter 6?
  2. The feeding of the five thousand is mentioned in all the gospels, but only John mentions the boy.
  3. The most popular miracle performed by Christ is the resurrection.
  4. Philip brought the lad to Jesus.
  5. The feeding of the 5000 sets up the background to which of Jesus’ “I Am” statements?
  6. Manna was thought to be a characteristic of God the Father.
  7. Andrew failed the test given to him by Jesus.
  8. John 5 mentions two resurrections, and the first one happens at the beginning of the kingdom.
  9. Who remained with Jesus after the Sermon?

Set 3

  1. Matching

One of three claims of Christ

One of three acts of Christ

One of four witnesses to Christ

  1. Put the following principles of spiritual operation in order:






  1. Matching

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

  1. “The feast of the Jews” in John 5 may refer to the second Passover in John.
  2. The feeding of the five thousand is mentioned in all the gospels, but only John mentions the boy.
  3. The primary response of the sermon in John 6 was belief.
  4. How much time has passed between John 5 and 6?
  5. The most popular miracle performed by Christ is the resurrection.
  6. Who was the leader of the second group of four disciples?
  7. Who does Jesus say gave the Israelites the Manna in the wilderness?
  8. Philip brought the lad to Jesus.
  9. Which of the following items does not describe the phrase “My Father”?
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. BIBL 323 Quiz 3 2020
  2. BIBL 323 Quiz 3
  3. BIBL 323 Quiz 3 2017
  4. BIBL 323 Quiz 3 2022
  5. BIBL 323 Quiz 3 2022 Set 3
  6. BIBL 323 Quiz Encountering Jesus
  • Liberty University