The student will write a Policy Briefing Memo that is a summary of facts pertaining to an issue and includes a suggestedcourse of action. The student will gain the origin of the idea from the Friedman book. The paper will consist of a precise statement or set of instructions intended to informanother individual who may have solicited assistance to study and make recommendations on amatter. For example, an executive assistant may provide a briefing paper to a manager orchairperson for a board meeting.As the term suggests, briefing papers are short and succinct. Usually written in outline format, abriefing paper must be 1–3 pages. The student’s briefing paper must provide a summary of anissue, explain a situation that needs correcting, identify any political, cultural, social, and/or financial implications, and recommenda course of action, including arguments for and against the suggested action. At least 7 connections to a geopolitical framework must be communicated, and 5–6 references to the book must be included. The Policy Briefing Memo must follow current Turabian format.